Architects of a New Dawn

We’d like to show the side of the world you don’t normally see on television.

CLASS ONE: The ROOT RED CHAKRA - Healing, Balancing, Ascending. Bring peace, joy, abundance and divine harmony into your daily life and relationships.

CLASS ONE: The ROOT RED CHAKRA - Healing, Balancing, Ascending. Bring peace, joy, abundance and divine harmony into your daily life and relationships.

First class in a series of 8 classes - each one focusing on a chakra (energy center) in the human energy system.

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This class is an interactive application and self study course to help you really understand how and why the chakras - or human energy centers - are so important in daily life.

You can attend live by telecast and/or by audio replay.

Each registrant will receive an audio replay, email reminders of the chakra empowerment exercises for the month, plus subsidiary support resources.

Each of the 8 classes will focus on one of these chakras.

You will come to understand what the human energy centers or chakras are, why they are important, and how to clean them up and balance them so your life and health can proceed much more smoothly with increasing abundance and prosperity as energetic blocks are dissolved.

The energy of the course will actually help heal deep-seated issued and assist you in moving forward in many aspects of your daily life and relationships.

Here are some symptoms of non-balance in the 1st root Red chakra, located near the base of the spine.

Do you feel tired, lack, negativity towards others, hateful feelings? Are you impatient? Feel alone? Spacey? Ungrounded?

Balancing this root red chakra can lead to increasing feelings of strength and being in truth. You can feel powerful in thought, action, and deeds. You develop strong self discipline. Abundance and security come naturally to you. You learn to live in integrity, truth to your own self.

Are you tired of feeling dragged around by unseen unknown forces?
The energies of the root chakra effect all these areas. And more.

In the 1st class on the Root Chakra, we will be seeing how the positives and negatives of our fathers and mothers, and mates effect us in our daily life.

We will see what patterns we learned in childhood and see what themes play over and over and over again in our lives.

Who has tried to control you? When have you given away your power? Do you do nothing because you fear failing? Do you blame others? Do you hide out? Dumb down? Hide your true skills and success potential? Limit your possibilities? Let fear rule your life?

Do you use illness to get things from other - unconsciously? Do you see others using illness to get things from others? Or controlling them?

What beliefs keep you limited?

Where is the red energy of fear and lack stuck in your body?

What do your relationships show you about your issues? What are your power struggles? Do you manipulate others? Do you manipulate?

Who do you resent? Why?

What triggers depression?

When are you able to be in win-win in relationships?

Do you have fear of survival? Scarcity? Loosing things? Loosing everything? Crashing with the economy? Loosing your home?

In CLASS ONE on the red root chakra we will examine these issues. You will have the opportunity to examine and record your own issues and those of your relationships.

Through guided work on the root red chakra, you can experience the healing and balancing of restoring the pristine energetic balance here.

This program is overlighted by Archangel Michael, the Angels of Forgiveness, plus your own spirit guides, masters and angels.

We will do a guided meditation with the Angels of Forgiveness, and you will receive a free ebook version of the forgiveness booklet with a simple, powerful, and effective forgiveness meditation that you can use anytime.

First class is LIVE TELECONFERENCE on TuesdayA Sept 28, 2010
7:30 - 9:30 PM Eastern time.


Audio Replays will be emailed after each class for review and further study. These 8 audios will be a timeless assist on your journey to joy, peace, and happiness in everyday life and success in all your relationships.
To help you master your human energy system, you will receive an online form to fill out (voluntary) for each class recording your answers - so you can track your progress and see where you have come from and where you progressing, and which areas of your life are ripe for uplifting now.

Our class will be uplifting and energizing - as older heavy energies are brought into the light and transmuted into the higher frequencies of love and happiness.

This is a transformative energetic healing class. Your participation and interaction with the exercises will move you forward through many stuck places and issues in your life.

Email support is also included between classes.

You will receive short email reminders to keep you ontrack and focused on the ongoing focus of each chakra for each month.


The class will also have guided meditations for healing and energizing the red root chakra, and releasing through forgiveness. Forgiveness is the letting go of old energies that no longer serve you.


Learn more at

You may enroll now, and receive the audio recordings of the previous classes to use them when and as you need them.

These recordings will be timeless assists to help you balance your life and live more smoothly.

Those needing a sliding scale, or using a donation system or payment system due to a financial condition may make a donation on the donation box at

Bio of Class Teacher Pat Crosby


RecommendedTextbook is
"Scripting Your Destiny" by Ronna Herman
Available at

Please forward this invitation to others you think might be interested in this type of learning.

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