Architects of a New Dawn

We’d like to show the side of the world you don’t normally see on television.

Be Green Packaging LLC Presents Its Sustainability Scorecard

What does our tree free, compostable packaging have to do with your healthy lifestyle?...EVERYTHING.

We knew this on a gut feeling level – but scientific proof and ‘the bottom line’ are often easier to track and convey in business conversations. Therefore, in the 3rd Quarter of 2009 we prioritized creating an internal Sustainability Scorecard with the help of a top consultant from the Bren School of Environmental Science and Management at UCSB.

Be Green Packaging created this scorecard with five main objectives in mind:
1. To acknowledge our past and present environmental, social, and economic performance.
2. To set measurable targets and goals for the next five years.
3. To inspire transparency and set a high bar in the sustainable packaging industry.
4. To motivate our team and stakeholders to do their best every day as we can only achieve these goals together.
5. To do an apples to apples environmental comparison of our bulrush fiber packaging vs. (PS) polystyrene.

This document will not become a paperweight. Time is too precious. We recognize at Be Green Packaging that we are all potential contributors to planetary improvements – we promise to do our part and work with those who are committed to doing theirs. We thank our current stakeholders for believing in us and our vision of a world that composts, grows vibrant food, and feeds brilliant minds. Now that is renewable energy!
Thank you for your interest in our efforts and company. After reviewing our scorecard and related data please feel free to contact us with questions, suggestions, and comments:
In our scorecard*, you will find the following documents:

1. Sustainability Scorecard
2. Cradle to Cradle Certificate
3. 2008 Sustainable Business Institute Award
4. Contract for Social Responsibility Standards
5. Code of Conduct-Agreements

*This scorecard has been produced via the Life Cycle Analysis methodology. For science-related questions, please contact
To view full scorecard, please click here.

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