Architects of a New Dawn

We’d like to show the side of the world you don’t normally see on television.

Peacekeeper's Founder, Jody R. Weiss, Talks about Her Experience in Surviving Domestic Violence and Transforming the Experience into Compassion and Activism

I want you to know that I am a survivor of domestic violence; not physical violence but emotional violence… what I call “micro-wounding.” Micro-wounding are those small wounds to the psyche. The silencing, demeaning, ridiculing, belittling of what is important to you, stepping on your dreams, the behavior that attempts to make you smaller or keep you down – micro-wounding is an epidemic in our society. It exists in the halls of corporate America and in our homes. Children micro-wound as part of their everyday language because micro-wounding is now part of our normal vernacular.

I want you to know that I still haven’t quite recovered from that experience of domestic violence. I am trying but my core trust, a sweet innocence, has died.

That is why Peacekeeper Cause-Metics, the first cosmetics company to give donations to women in urgent human rights situations, is weaving social justice throughout its mission. They are not just another company seeking profits to make founders and investors rich. They are a platform for women to share their stories about what real love is, what real peace looks like, what it means to truly collaborate and how not to engage with abusive people in our lives.

Their tongue-in-cheek slogan borrowed from the incomparable Maryanne Williamson is “we don’t break for jerks.” As students of what real love looks like, they propose finding and holding the compassion for those wounded people, moving forward, and surrounding themselves with men and women who will lift them up.

Peacekeeping, therefore, is about looking deeper and finding compassion. It is about creating a clear idea of how we want to be treated and accepting no less.

The thing about wounds is that they are a type of initiation. "Oh" I say, "I survived even this. I am a wounded healer now the same way we all are.” That is why it is so important for us to share our experiences about how we moved past victimhood into empowerment. PeaceKeeper calls this "sister-talk"; helping each other learn about red flags and moving past relationships unless they serve us a life filled with self-love, love from others, and love for the world.

Love…love without an agenda. Love, sweet love. That is what real Peacekeeping is about. Please blog with PeaceKeeper about what real love is to you. Let's figure this out together. If we don't, who will? Visit us at

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