Architects of a New Dawn

We’d like to show the side of the world you don’t normally see on television.

Be..totally aware of the treasure within ~

THINK only thoughts that heal
PERCEIVE clearly with sacredness
BE mighty with humility
DO the impossible consistently ~

ACHIEVE the most memorable significant meaningful ~

and Friends...Is EachOne of Us ~~

in my is Not...up to Carlos or Richard..or it...

We......"You" the Architects of a New Dawn..

and....It..Is..Up To.."Us"~

~"We" have been gifted/ Here...

We are Architects of a New Dawn. Inspired by Carlos Santana, we are in the midst of creating a global network and uplifting media channel, a meeting place for all conscious individuals working together for a new dream of life. One where every voice is recognized, heard and loved.

To inspire, uplift, engage, and transform the global community through music and positive media content. To help bring about a world where we choose peace over conflict and love over fear.
In its current budding phase, expect many changes as AOAND transforms from a simple website of sharing ideas, to a tool of collective consciousness of manifestations, connectivity and transformation.

Feedback is key to our providing what we are seeking as a new global network. Thank you for your participation and ideas as we co-create a new dream, finding ourselves synchronized in our quest for peace, balance and harmony.
said..years ago..and still..Up To..Us ~
So...Believe/Achieve~Accept Your True Destiny~Be~Who~You~Are~
You...get the Opportunity to personally Express YourSelf here..
and..personally..i think..that's a Big deal...
actually...could Be..Something...
WonderFull ~:)

anyway....We are currently working together to..
Architects of a New Dawn
With Our~Companion page:
Focusing On..
& musicians ~:) 
Music..the universal language~~~
and many other In Focus~InSync InSights...from Our Friends :) around the world ~
and..that..includes "You"~Here..on Architects of a New Dawn~
"We" have a group:
and.."You" Are Invited ~
post what 'feels' In~Flow~~
what we are specifically...looking for @ the moment..
are Your positive uplifting insightfull & In Sync ~ etc. that You have posted formally..or New ~
let us say..All postings (InSync} are welcome...yet..the above, are what we are currently seeking of a New Dawn ~ Architects of A New Dawn whichever..applicable ~
well..that's a nutshell...
Let's take it...Step By Step ~
and last...but certainly..not least :)
Let me say Thank "You" to Our Friends on Our New over 100 and You did it..Yourselves :)

Now....We All...Know a little more of...what's..going on...
Hope You like it...
Hope You Join Us ~
if you're not a right here:
and...if You wish...add me as Your friend ~:)

In Lak'ech Ala K'in

~You've Got An Open Invitation~

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Comment by Lorenzo Abbiati on July 12, 2013 at 1:08pm

people like Carlos can do much for mankind....

he's able to "survive his success".

the book for distruction is easy to be written....many artists did it.

He himself is writing the book of costruction, and notwithstanding this he still has umility.

He's a great human being......i just want to say that if he would have the time to, he would hugh each and everyone of us but his stronger hug is his music.........

one mission for us architects would be to spread his music everywhere without having nothing in return but the pleasure to have helped him in his mission to touch sensible people's hearth.

Carlos is God's light . you jb, Richard have to help us ordinary members of AOAND to spread the light of Carlos.....

we poor ordinary people care so much in building our small fortress......we should take the time to listen to each other . i see with sorrow that (ok let's consider with love our imperfections) many people here do frontal lessons hoping to reach for success and for being not invisible (i do it too)

People here should be less inhibited and take the time to listen other's opinions and discuss more and make friendship with other members.

one week ago i was at Carlos' concert in piazzola sul brenta (and i'm going to reply my presence in Milan on 26 july).

people was struggling to take videos and some other fans from behind just were criticizing for cameras shading their sight from 2009 i went to Brescia. and a guy just took two places in the first raw just to film and pushed me to the second row (i just let it go and thought: he hadn't understand Carlos message to be kind to one another)

I am currently attending vocals lessons and have just been enrolled in an engineering company......

I don't have message for Carlos if excluding my deepest gratitude and my prayer to him to go on composing originl and immortal songs like "europa" and creating magic moods like in piazzola sul brenta last friday........but please jb and Richard help us to find our light not with illusions but with "silver dreams and golden realities"

for example I was also upset in seeing Richard project not at all realized in creating a CD featuring members original music.....I have some "X factor"  but too many times I am too unconstant to be reliable in music....many other musicians are too technical and not enough passionate. dig in this project!!!!!!


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