Architects of a New Dawn

We’d like to show the side of the world you don’t normally see on television.

Chakra Girl Radio and the Mayan Calendar/2012

News: Now that I've published my first book, Break/Through, as an e-book on Amazon Kindle (link at the bottom of this email), I'm researching self-publishing options so the rest of you can get a copy!

Also...coming soon: Chakra-Girl dot Com merchandise featuring the Chakra-Girl logo (the one I use on this profile, Facebook and Twitter).

As for tomorrow's show:
Wednesday January 28
9-10:30 a.m. PST / 12-1:30 p.m. EST
Chakra Girl Radio
[reminder: all segments are available for listening 24/7, archived on the same site]

Does it seem like time is speeding up? Well, it is...sort of. The same energy that used to travel through our Universe one billion years at a time (Big Bang and years following) is now traveling through every 360 days. In February of 2011, that same energy will be coming through every 20 days.

If you are having a hard time handling everything right now, well, there's only going to be more coming. As a human race, we are left with only one choice - learn how to take care of ourselves (our Selves) or lose it. By focusing on the possibilities and opportunities, we can use these next couple of years to learn from and then release the past, embracing the changes that our Universe is urging us toward. Let go of fear and prepare to celebrate Your Self!

The purpose of Chakra Girl Radio is to recognize that everything is energy, everything in your life is a reflection of your energy field (i.e. what you put into the world is what comes back to you), and energy acceleration - as documented in the Mayan Calendar - is affecting our Chakra Systems on a personal, intimate level. My intention is to help you navigate through these energy shifts and learn how to manage this acceleration, using it as a tool to uncover and celebrate your purpose.

Hope you can join me!

aka Chakra Girl
To learn more about the Chakra System (part of the human energy field), energy healing, and finding your purpose...

blogging about energy:

talking about energy:

writing about energy (book #1 - memoir):

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