Beach Buddy asked "Are you not going to eat your cake?"
I looked at him, and said "Why do you ask that? Is it because you really didn't get the kind of cake I like?"
No answer.
So, I rephrased my question.
"Could you save me a trip into the kitchen and just tell me? I'm too tired to try to play this game with you!"
Then he snaps at me, "How long do you want to wait for the answer? Why can't you simply use your abilities to figure it out for yourself?"
When I'm boxed into a corner like this, I have no choice but to see if I can intuit the answer.
It drives me crazy when he does this to me, and it's usually when I'm tired, or otherwise distracted, that he pulls this kind of crap on me.
I threw out my first bit of intuitive information, "Is it chocolate with white butter cream icing?" I asked hopefully.
He said "You are only half right. Come on now, stretch yourself, I know you can use your well developed perceptive abilities to get the answer without me having to tell you!"
I continued to probe, "Is it vanilla with chocolate icing?" which was not going to cut it with me, I'd rather go without than eat that.
He said, "This is easy stuff and shouldn't be this hard for you, it should be a piece of cake!" His challenging continued.
"You have figured out harder stuff before, just focus!"
I thought about that and wondered if it was really true.
Had I figured out harder stuff, just by using my intuitive abilities?
Or, did I have Divine Assistance?
Oh, there had been plenty of times that I had shocked even myself.
I can never get him out early enough on a Saturday morning to get to the beach so we have a fighting chance of getting a parking space.
I'd end up by having to summon the Parking Space Angels to deliver us a parking spot within 5 minutes of getting to the beach.
I didn't like using the angels for something frivolous like this, but he usually left me no choice.
And, I certainly dislike having to circle the parking lot for a half hour or an hour which has happened other times when I didn't want to bug the angels to invoke assistance.
But with a slow poke like him, I was often forced to do so.
That wasn't me, bringing the perfect parking spot to our reality, it was the Angels.
Beach Buddy was really getting on my last nerve, lately.
He thinks I can just tap in and get answers----answers to everything, even answers to his questions.
I've tried explaining to him that it's just not that simple.
There are some questions that we're just supposed to figure it out, and not ask that every single thing be handed to us.
Way back, about 4 years ago, a few months after we had first met, I'd get text messages from him that said, "Pull 3 angel cards for me."
Or, "Would you please pull some Mayan Oracle cards for me?"
I'd scurry over to where I had my cards, take a few deep breaths, center myself and fan the cards out.
Then, I'd lay my right hand a few inches above the cards and wait to feel the tingling in the center of my palm, which would alert me to the card I should pick.
I'd pick the cards, then turn them over to see what the message would be for him.
Like a fool, I'd then try to text the message to him, which could take quite a long time to do.
One night when he did this to me, asking me to figure out what a certain animal, bird or bug meant so he would know the message contained in that for him, I smartened up and put his phone number on my buddy list on AOL, put the name of the animal, bird or bug into google and then scoured the hits to see what it meant.
Finally, I found what I was looking for and copied and pasted it into the IM window and sent it all to his phone in an instant message.
I think it ended up by being about 30 consecutive text messages in length on his end.
He never again asked me to do that, he learned his lesson.
I've been working on trying to help him tap into his own intuitive abilities for years now.
And, sometimes it feels like it's been lifetimes trying to help him with this!
We've come to the conclusion that we have already been together in many lifetimes.
We already know we've been married in other lives, so we're both thrilled that we don't have to venture there this time around.
This stunning realization hit us both, at precisely the same instant, one evening about a year ago.
We were heading over to visit a friend of mine and had gotten a bit lost trying to find where she lived.
This amazing woman, Rita, is an incredibly gifted medium, although she doubts her abilities at every turn.
She wanted me to give her a tarot reading, so I was excited about that.
We finally found her house, a cute house that she shares with her husband.
We pull up in front, get out of the car, and begin to walk up the path to her front door.
I ring the doorbell and just as I do that, Beach Buddy says to me, "Do you remember..."
"Yes, his name is Ken." I answered before he had a chance to finish his sentence.
Suddenly, there was like this surreal electrical charge to the air, as I looked at him and he looked at me, both of us completely shocked.
He whispered to me, "You're answering my questions before I even ask them!"
I whispered back, "This is crazy, how did I know what you were going to ask?"
He snickers and says, "We must have been married and I think you always did that to me before! You always finished my sentences!"
I replied, "You're right! Freaky!"
With that, the door opened and we had a great time with Rita and her husband.
On the way back home that night, we discussed what had happened.
We've been almost too comfortable with each other from the time we met.
And, we know that we have been brought together in this life time---for some kind of cockamamie reason.
Certainly, his constant challenging me, with idiocy like intuiting what kind of cake was in the fridge, couldn't possibly be leading us anywhere.
So, I looked over at him, sitting there eating his own cake, and I stared him down.
He looked back at me, intent on not giving me any hints, nor budging from the couch to go get the cake for me.
"Come on, " I whined, "I can't believe you're doing this to me. I don't need this kind of shi(f)t right now, I'm tired and I just want to eat my cake and go to bed."
He continued to lick his fork, and then scrape it along the plate that had held his cake.
Very irritating habit...
And, he ignored me.
So, I did what I had to do. I asked the Dessert Angels to tell me what kind of cake was in the fridge for me.
Their answer came immediately, loud and clear.
I distinctly heard in my head, "Dear One, it's half and half cake. One layer is chocolate, the other is vanilla. There are 4 different layers and there is white butter cream icing."
One angel whispered, "AkashicWreckage, why do you struggle so? We are always here for you!"
I felt some sort of peace come over me, and I looked over at him and said, "It's half and half cake, not my favorite, but it will do."
With that, I got up, walked into the kitchen, opened the fridge door and took out my cake, got a fork and went back to the couch in the living room.
I was halfway through eating it when he said, "Have you ever eaten that cake and just picked out certain layers to eat, like just the chocolate?"
Once again, I felt his challenge in that simple question---
And yet, when I ask him questions, he takes forever to answer them, that's IF he answers them.
Or, he'll answer a different question, not the question I asked him.
And, as I pondered all of this, through the lens of various things that have come up over the past year and some odd months for both of us, I wondered---
Seriously, how could this all be happening?
I complete his sentences---
He cooks.
I always save as much of the chocolate part of my cakes as possible, for him, because I never have enough room for all of the cake---
And he is a chocolate maniac---
He cleans a mean bathroom and mops the porch---
Here we are, finishing each other sentences, asking each other questions, pushing and nagging each other to grow already---
And, not really able to figure out why, except there's a connection that goes back lifetimes---
Get the freak outta my head already!
I'm really getting sick and tired of all this shi(ft)t!
I hope he reads this, so he knows how I really feel!
I get up from the couch, lick my fork and put the remainder of my cake on the table in front of him.
He's trying not to look too eager to delve into my cake.
I ignore him.
At least we have regular cake tonight.
Sometimes, when he's in the midst of a total chocolate meltdown, he buys the cheapo boxed cake.
He meticulously cuts the cake in the middle of the layer, and puts the half that has the icing on it, on a plate and eats it that way.
I used to see bits and pieces of cake in the sink, pieces that missed the drain and the garbage disposal.
I couldn't fathom what that was about, until I asked him one night, "Why is there so much cake in the sink? I don't get it! What part are you throwing out?"
He starts to give me a look---you know---the kind of look that says, "Come on! You know what I'm doing!"
So, sick of playing these games with him, I return his look with a look of my own, that says, "Cut the crap! Tell me what the cake is doing in the sink, buddy!"
I'm sure he used to win games like this, so I quickly follow up that fierce look with another look--
A look that captures where I come from, a New Yawk kind of look---
A---"Don't mess with me, just answer my question now!" look, plastered across my innocent face.
He blinks, looks away, and then looks back at me---determination written all over his innocent face.
Beach Buddy takes a deep breath and says, out loud, "I only like the part with the icing, the top part of the cake."
Stunned into silence, my mind reels when I hear this bit of news.
I hate the part of those kinds of cake with the icing. The icing is just too much for me and distracts my tongue from the flavor of the cake.
I don't know what to say at this point, so I blurt out the truth, "I only like the part without the icing, the bottom."
The two of us, once again, come to the same surprising point---
We're a wild, weird match---and for some very odd reason---
Right now, we are sharing this path, which is either----
Mystical Miracles-----
Metaphysical Mayhem...
Or----more likely, it's Mercury Retrograde---
Messing with our minds....
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