Architects of a New Dawn

We’d like to show the side of the world you don’t normally see on television.

A long time ago before there were oceans on Earth... a dolphin was brought down from the stars in a rainbow colored ship...and left inside a cave in the most desolate desert on Earth. After wondering for years "Where is the water?" in quiet seclusion, she realized she was the water and immediately the Earth's oceans gushed forth out of the cave.
Her family, the pilots of the rainbow colored ship telepathically knew the Earth was now suited for aquatic life. They brought all kinds of different water creatures to Earth to live. All the beings who took their new home in the Ocean Of The Dolphin would make a sacred pilgrimage to the cave...where each of them in time would realize that they too could become anything they wanted...and thanks to the Earth's first dolphin, we have a home to learn this.

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Comment by Jeanne on October 18, 2009 at 8:23am
Are you saying... its all within, if we could only see?


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