Architects of a New Dawn

We’d like to show the side of the world you don’t normally see on television.

Shards of Clarity (Waterfall Tears Give Way to Inner Strength)



Shards of Clarity (Waterfall Tears Give Way to Inner Strength)


Tread gently, as you journey to the sacred mountain

Lay down on the beating earth and sigh

offer to the Lady Gaia your loving energy

water Earth with the tears you cry...

Fear not waves of emotion that stir your soul

each one is a lesson

and a cure for humanity

listen to the whispered wisdom

as the midnight wind whistles through the trees


Water ebbs and flow as the moon is singing

lend your voice in prayer, let it rise

share your truth with the Universe

shining bright from honest eyes...


Tread gently, as you journey to the sacred mountain

the destination will wait patiently for all

walk brave, never fearing your compassion

you are strong enough to rise from every fall


Lay down on the beating earth and sigh

nourish the land with the tears you cry...

waterfall tears give way to inner strength-

- as you journey to the sacred mountain

place your step with reverence.


Poetry & Art Written & Created by SharonleeGoodhand©26 April, 2015


Inspired By---

Drum your footsteps to the sacred mountain

Lay down on the bleeding earth and sigh

Tread Gently On The Earth - a song by Carolyn Hillyer

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