We’d like to show the side of the world you don’t normally see on television.
You'rethe strange business. You have the energy of the sun
in you, but you keep knotting it up at the base of your spine.
You're some weird kind of gold that wants to stay melted in
the furnace, so you won't have to become coins."
~ Rumi
While many of us realize this pivotal moment we're living heralds a return to unity among all peoples and all life on Earth, visionary author Moira Timms takes the shift a step further, painting a lucid picture of how wealth and wholeness are one. As we remember and reclaim our wholeness/holiness, we elevate the concept of abundance to a "whole" new level.
In Beyond Prophecies and Predictions: Everyone's Guide to the Coming Changes, Timms describes our emerging "true wealth" consciousness this way: "The mind analyzes — the heart synthesizes. The turning point is where the heart is awakening. The United States motto (inscribed on the banner in the beak of the eagle found on the Great Seal, on the back of a one dollar bill), reminds us that America was founded on the principle of 'E Pluribus Unum' — 'Out of the Many, One.'"
Further, the inscription beneath the Great Pyramid (also part of the Great Seal) says, "Novus Ordo Seclorum" — which translates, appropriately, as "A New Order of the Ages". Isn't this amusing? The answer is in money, but it's not about who can become the richest at others' expense. READ THE REST!
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