Architects of a New Dawn

We’d like to show the side of the world you don’t normally see on television.

The Maiden's Sphere

The morning winds gently awakened the white peacock.
She gently shook the sleep away.
As tiny raindrops fell, she pondered what she dreamed.
If indeed the blue-eyed plume was closer than it seemed.

The beauty of the waterfalls, the diamond dust so clear.
Peacock Lagoon was richly blessed, the Maiden's Sphere was near.
The colours of the rainbow led the way.
The BEAUtiful Life Spheres, flowed freely ~

The Maiden's gaze bedazzeled her,
The white peacock danced her love.
Suddenly the blue-eyed plume appeared from above.
He watched her gentle dancing,

He spread his blue-eyed plumes for her,
He echoed out his love to her.
And then he climbed a tree.
Oh My, she thought, Whatever shall I say !

So she joined him in the tree,
her fear had slipped away.
For seeking out the Maiden's Sphere,
would be another Day ~

~LOVE Song~

music by Boris Potskov

~EnJOY the Journey, Seize the DAY~

written by Elizabeth SkyRaven

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