Architects of a New Dawn

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Weekly Tidbit: The Power of Thinking Without Thinking

When and why do our instincts betray us? I often talk about listening to our inner wisdom, allowing our guides / angels / unconscious connection to the cosmos provide us with direction. However, our unconscious wisdom "can be thrown off, distracted and disabled. Our instinctive reactions often have to compete with all kinds of other interests, emotions and sentiments" writes Malcolm Gladwell in a very interesting book called blink. He proposes that we all have the abilities to know, to recognize and process data literally in the blink of an eye. He further suggests that such instant knowledge is usually more accurate than rational analysis and investigation.

There have been times in my life that I have had periodic flashes of awareness along the lines of "Pay attention here!.... this could be trouble..... did you see that? this now......" And sometimes I chose to ignore them because I was invested in an outcome or caught up in an emotion. In hindsight, it was reminiscent of "Warning, warning! Danger Will Robinson!" with me being out of earshot because I was busily engaged in my own agenda. The times that I have paid attention and went with that instant knowing have been extraordinarily rewarding. One time that I chose to listen to my intuition instead of the apparent evidence in front of me prevented what could have been a fatal collision.

I am learning to pay better attention to these flashes of knowledge, and to check in with myself to observe if fear or desire or at attachment to an outcome might be compromising my ability to receive and process information that truly is available to me. And to quiet myself if needed, to inhibit the blockage and redirect my open attention to what is before me. The collaborative connection between unconscious processing and conscious insight allows us to know more than we think we know.


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Comment by Lee on March 11, 2009 at 9:02pm
Thank you for the reminder of the wisdom that just is there for all of us to take adavantage of. Not only is this a reminder to me, but a slightly different spin that I feel furthered my understanding of connection and my mind's role in that connection.

I have been over-anylizing today, and despite all of the alanysis I come back to the same place each time. It is the first thought I had when the event that triggered the analysis occured. Your post helped validate the legitimacy of that first thought.

Thank you,


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