Architects of a New Dawn

We’d like to show the side of the world you don’t normally see on television.

This is very long. My apologies but I edited it down as far as I could.

I participated in a conference call recently. The invitation was from a group I found on Facebook regarding the “soul.” I wanted to hear what people had to say and perhaps learn a few things. It turned out the call was muted for all participants except for one man who did what I would call a “guided meditation.” He asked listeners to follow certain instructions and suggestions related to relaxation and calming the mind. The suggestions ranged from breathing exercises all the way to imagining one’s self traveling through the universe in their mind. I cannot recall the varied other techniques, but I wanted to say a bit about my own experience as I listened.

I expect there are some who will think I’m being judgmental or critical here. I cannot control anyone’s reaction but that is sincerely not my intention in writing about this. My intention is only one thing; to share what I felt during that call and what I’ve personally discovered, in case even one person benefits from it.

As I listened, I gave it my full attention and was open-minded about what might be offered. When it was over, I felt surprised and a bit saddened for one reason only: because I knew this was not what my heart needed. And because we are all so similar, I also knew it was not what the hearts of others listening and participating needed either. It may have well been what the mind needed, in order to be calmed for a few minutes. It may have been what fulfilled certain concepts or ideas of “peace” people have; but it did not satisfy the heart. I am completely certain of that.

That sounds incredibly pompous, but the heart is such a quiet, patient and often uncared for part of me and others that when I know something is promising it the “food” it needs but offers only “recipes”, I feel very protective, like a warrior, wanting to defend that most fragile and vital part of us that waits to be filled.

I consider myself only fortunate, not evolved or enlightened, that in my experience, there is a simple place within each of us where the real food lies, where my heart instantly recognizes that and is filled and satisfied with what it truly needs. Like a sponge on a beach cannot soak up the sand, the heart can only take in what is intended for it, it can only respond to its true nature. Place that sponge in the water and it can take it all in. Place the heart in that experience within and it just knows, “yes, this is all I’ve ever wanted.”

It’s always a choice of course. Not everyone will be interested in satisfying that hunger. Some enjoy ideas and definitions and that’s none of my business. But for those who are tired of those pangs of the heart wanting to be fed and nourished, there is that simple reality waiting to be felt.

If you already feel that, you are, as you know, very blessed and fortunate. If you don’t yet feel your heart has been given what it seeks, stay hopeful, because it can be done, no matter what your situation.

I never would have believed that for myself, but it’s happened and I’m still in awe every single day that it is so very possible. I needed help and someone gave that to me, showed me where to find that real food; a feast that continues to surprise and amaze me every time I go inside to find it once again.

Best to all

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Comment by Ron Alexander on April 24, 2009 at 9:00am
Thanks you two - Candice and Silja for sharing your deep touching thoughts with beautiful writing!
I always feel inspired after reading what you both write! and I hope you don't mind redundacy- "sweet as honeycomb, soothing to the soul, & healing to the mind/body." Namaste', Ron
Comment by Silja Saareoks-Kaldre on February 22, 2009 at 7:23am
The heart and the deepest feeling inside us is something to rely on. To live in the own heart is more magical than all the miracles outside. Although we notice it the what's outside better as well. (Outside - viewpoint from the soul's heart center to see from within to what is being surrounded. Like the life connected with own feelings. Inside - from the heart center to dig deeper and to see by the inner vision.) What we really need is a trust to how we really feel, rather than to take some knowledge as the ultimate truth. Staying open and to try how it feels, we know if it feels right to us. Sometimes it does not fit at all, is too little or too early to take something. Yet the knowledge first comes as the knowing, then it starts to feel inside and eventually it will work in the daily lives of ours. What we all need, is love. When feeling the unconditional love all the time, it feels blessed and shows that we're open inside. Open to notice our own feelings, to gibe and to receive it from others. I think that you're so right to trust what your inner feeling says.
Love and blessings for you

We can feel it where something came from and that's where it goes.


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