Architects of a New Dawn

We’d like to show the side of the world you don’t normally see on television.

Richard Lukens's Comments

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At 11:18am on April 29, 2009, marstraveler said…
hi Richard, thanks for the fast reply to my request. it is not a profile banner, but a profile information portal that ask questions about you, your location, your likes, your favorite movies, etc., that goes between latest activities, and the text file before the add pictures port. i have had several people who wanted to know something about me before they joined my profile page. you can go to my site listed below and see what i mean.
At 9:38am on April 29, 2009, Clint Shepherd said…
Hello Mr. Lukens,
I was wondering if we could post some kind of Invitation for all Architects to join together to extend our LOVE & PRAYERS for the people of Mexico. I think we can make a difference if we show how much we LOVE & CARE for them.
At 12:30pm on April 28, 2009, Erin Michelle said…
Hi! Richard
I hope you'll consider featuring Spirit Walker's poem "Celebration of Passing". It's powerful and very positive. And I hope you're having a fabulous day!
Love, Erin
At 11:54am on April 28, 2009, marstraveler said…
hi Richard, marstraveler here, i have a request for a profile information block on our profile pages, would you please look into this.
At 9:38pm on April 26, 2009, Susan Ann Ice said…
~*~ Hey Rick! ~:-)

WOW! I actually had a friend help me put a pix of an old photo of me for now in my pix spot!... so ya'll would have a face to relate to! La, la ,la! ~:-)
My hair is MUCH curlier now! It actually falls into ringlets... just wash & go!
...never dyed & never permed even @ my well seasoned age of almost 48 in less than x2 months!
The best way 2 get an idea of my thoughts, feelings & visionary / musing ideas
are to PLEASE review all my strings of comment interactions from the begining... especially starting with my several (in the flesh) long term life best friends & extended family, Shanti, Clint & Darius M. ...& ALSO the comment I sent Carlos Santana in response to his Welcome video, shortly after I joined AOAND in March...till I can have more time & technical assistance to add info, pix & videos etc.on my site.
Then if you have any ?'s or comments about those... or anything else ...
please feel free to write any time! & if you would like to talk on the phone!...
just send me a real email so I can send you my #'s by my email more securely. Well my tea has steeped & I need to go finshing raking up the grass clippings... ( well...actually it's more like real hay.. cuz it was 2 - 4 feet high! )to go put in the cow pasture @ the end of my street... INSTEAD of in the garbage land fill! My mower died & I did most of it w/ my weed eater! OY!
& a twig flew into my right eye hours ago! It's ok but it still hurts... so, be resting , eating & going to bed soon after I finish raking.
Yes, the weather has been beautiful here & very enjoyable!
I'm a nature lover girl 4 sure!
I hope to type & talk to you soon to see if you like any of my ideas for Clint's project, AOAND, my Summer plans!! etc.
Oh yeah, it would be helpful if when we type a website link it would do the highlight thingy & become clickable to go there @ a touch instead of opening a window & typing it all in! The EZer the better for folks to follow through on links folks are sharing. What say you?... Since you're a computor genius & ya'll have a handful of others.. somone must know the code writting to do that... or whatever it's called.
Sorry I'm so lame about computers! hahaha!
but I'm really brillient about the things I have aptitudes in!
Be patient! ...the Universe isn't finished with me yet! ~:-)
~*~ Peace, Love, & Light, Suzy ~*~
At 11:20pm on April 25, 2009, Shanti Chiappetta said…
i'll make sure to get them to you as soon as possible ^_^
At 8:45pm on April 25, 2009, Shanti Chiappetta said…
hey......ummm..i guess i could through a few out but i have just been so busy lately sir...but i will try to come up with some great things for yall ^_^
At 8:15pm on April 25, 2009, Susan Ann Ice said…
~*~ Dear Rick , Carlos Santana, & AOAND Facilitators, & fellow members!!

This is Shanti's mom, Susan Ann Ice of Alcoa,TN, sending you a note of extreme & heart n soul felt & filled gratitude!
As the mother of Shanti , I am so honored you've taken an interest in my daughter Shanti!

The youth of today surprize & amaze us at every turn!
They desperately need the Mentoring of Conscious Adults to guide & inspire them as they grow & learn to answer THEIR Divine Calling!

Shanti has been to handfuls of Ecclectic services / gatherings even starting when she was in my womb!
When we went with her older sister Tara Mari Ice-Wright, & her Dad / "Baba" - Graydon Chiappetta at the request of his SRF friend ~ to come see Ammachi ( & ) for the 1st time - driving to NYC from Reston,VA - in the Summer of the exact time when our beloved Amma came out on the stage, she started jumpping around in my belly!
I guess she was excited to feel her beautiful Sacred presence!

There are Many stories of both of my girls doing very cool & spiritually mature things which often amazed our many extended friends & spiritual families through the years!
Tara's Dad, Wayne Wright of Reston,VA, ("Uncle Wayne" to Shanti)
is already on AOAND.
I spoke with him earlier about your interest in Shanti & encouraged him to do more networking on AOAND, & to please get my other beautiful & talented daughter Tara, now 17, to join ASAP as well !

I will now call Shanti to have her look at the note you sent her !
As well as the one I sent her ... giving her as an example ...some of the ideas I have for AOAND to inspire her to be creative ... come up with some ideas & reply back to ya'll herself !

I've also been intending to contact Brian Griffin, the very sweet, hip, & amazingly talented Youth Director @ TVUUC = Teneessee Valley Unitarian Universalist Church in Knoxville, TN ( where the shockingly fatal & tramatic Sunday morning shooting was last Summer! ) as well as the sweet, hip, & peacefully inspiring TVUUC pastor ,Chris Bruice to encourage the TVUUC Youth & members to join our AOAND site.

Since I've been recently Musing sweet Clint Sheppard, he mentioned his desire & hope for more conscious kids to be soon joining the AOAND site.
I will send out another email about AOAND to my numerous conscious contacts in hopes that they have the opportunity to ck iAOAND out ...
since it's totally up ALL of their Spiritual Pathways!

BTW : I'm also a photographer , & I'm just getting back into videography.
Rick! Your work is amazing & I'm so honored for you to be Shanti's new AOAND friend & for me to be your new AOAND friend as well.

This opportunity for conscious connections has been a Saving Grace for me,
as that my Daddy just died due to "Medical Mistakes" , & I've recently also been going through a positive but very challanging major life transition since New Years Eve.
I'm eager to get my life in order again to refocus my time & energy to continue with my life's Divine Callings: musing, holistic healing , ecclectic do gooder /
ie: missionary , intuitive consulting , creative consulting , networking, promoting, booking , creative photography & art , & pro-active professional advocate services! etc.

My many gifts are NOT inclusive of advanced computer skills!
so my websites are under construction!
Ya'll are welcome to also email me :
I would like to share some conscious emails I've accquired over the years!
I would be overjoyed to give Ya'll my ph. #'s to have phone communication ... as that my typing & computer skills are extremely basic! & this takes me many hours to communicate this way!
Of course, Both my girls are much better than I with their compter tech. skills!

Thank you so very much dear ,Rick, Carlos Santana & all your wonderful
co-creating colleagues at AOAND for creating & embarking on this divine destiny = AOAND ~~~> Conscious networking / meeting & "think tanking"
space for the actuation & the unconditionally loving support for we :
"Spiritually Oriented Visionaries,Philanthropists, Missionaries, & Kindred Spirit Soul Cluster Mates"! etc. to finally UNITE on a grand scale as today's adults! ~~~> therefore collectively co-creating an unquellable Spiritual & Intellectual Conscious rEvolution ... enabling Peaceful co-existance with a more evolved World Community / Humanity, & to assist OUR amimal friends, & OUR Beloved Planet Earth in desperate need of love, respect & healing ... just in the nick of time to activate the " IF we evolve enough Clause" to hopefully bypass emminate catastrophy !... if we as a World Community don't evolve enough rapidly enough!

With Unconditional Love, Peace, Compassion & Respect!,
Many Sacred Blessings to ya'll!!

Let's please keep in touch!
I would be very excited to have the opportunity to & certainly would love to share more visionary ideas with Ya'll & be of service to you in any way needed! ~:-)

~*~ Peace, Love, & Light to All !, Susan Ann Ice / Guru Kaur Khalsa ~*~
At 2:12am on April 21, 2009, LLOYD said…
Hi Rick,..'good to hear from you, & 'nice changes to your page .

Thanks for your response to my latest song,..'please' read the latest 'blogg',...
...they are 'one',& the same,..& perhaps they will trigger something in you?

'Good luck with your meeting etc .

Warm wishes from Lloyd *
At 7:38pm on April 20, 2009, Arielle & Brian said…
Right back at ya Rick--we'll play in your guys sandbox anytime anyplace--what ever you folks are doing we will say "yes" with an open heart and curious mind--let's have some fun!!!!
bri & arielle
At 5:03pm on April 20, 2009, Jill deVos said…
Yeppers! Finally! Swimming is a good idea!!!
At 10:12pm on April 19, 2009, Mike Balitao said…
sure man ill help ya get into twitter just let me know if ya need help with anything like how to reply to a person or how to make your updates private or other stuff you can dowload your twitter on your phone too or if ya have ipod touch you can dowload twitterific or twitterfon
At 8:23pm on April 19, 2009, Mike Balitao said…
hey richard i have a twitter profile and i follow ya
At 6:17pm on April 19, 2009, Melissa Heckman said…
Hi Richard.

If you are interested, I will be teaching a spiritually-based integrative life coaching class at CorStone on May 30th 9-3:00. (the class combines gentle yoga, meditation, art, journaling and discussion). Bring a friend if you like. Check out CorStone.Org for upcoming announcements. Optionally, if you would like to recieve my monthly newsletter just email me at Melissa@LanikaiBlue.Com. Thank you! Make it a GREAT day. And who knows, I may see you strolling Kailua Beach some day! I will be there in June.
At 4:45pm on April 15, 2009, Taylor-Dean Wilson said…
Hello Richard, Thank you for the welcome! I will start filling out my profile.. so stayed tuned! Great profile on here by the way. Talk to you soon... :0)
At 7:02pm on April 14, 2009, Kokomon Clottey said…
Hello Rick,
I need your help. I'll get your number from Aeeshah. Thank you.
Kokomon Clottey
At 4:33pm on April 12, 2009, Wolf Eisenhuth said…
Hi Richards,
I had problems sending you the photos.
I'll try again later.
At 11:02am on April 12, 2009, Wolf Eisenhuth said…
Hi Richard, give some life signs.
I sent you a message about NOU BArris ATeneu and our DVD of the theater play, MAybe you 'd be interested in promoting or helping to present the play to the world.
At 6:30am on April 12, 2009, Sylvia said…

Hi Richard,
I haven't heard more from you. How are you, hope you have a great easter party.
What will you do 1st of May 2012? It is Global Love Day and you are I know you like to participate.
please jooin now at or

See you there. :o)
With unconditional Love
At 5:28am on April 12, 2009, LLOYD said…
Hello bud,....thanks for your compliments re the photos,'s really beautiful here today,..& my neighbour is playing a mixture of Jim Reeves, & Dean Martin, there's an original easter ,ha,ha.
I'm enjoying our friendship Richard,.....your cymbally the best !

Shine,...Lloyd *


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