Architects of a New Dawn

We’d like to show the side of the world you don’t normally see on television.

Sunhee Park
  • 51, Female
  • New York, NY
  • United States
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Sunhee Park's Blog

Psychics that walk the Talk (not the PLANK

We all know that Cleo is not going to be on the spiritual plane anytime soon. There are still so many people that do not believe that people really do have a gift of ESP, Clairvoyance, Psychometry and on and on; since they are jaded; from all of the con artists, gypsies, and frauds that cast spells and ask for more money in advance. Well, If I had to pay a $3,000 dollar phone bill, I would be pretty pissed off too! I used to call psychics alot one year, and 9 out of 10 of them really…

Posted on May 24, 2009 at 3:30pm

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At 10:15am on May 7, 2010, Mothercrow said…

Excerpt from message I received 5/6/10

[…It is I – Paul – giving you my words to heal your soul – I say again – You need not worry of these things of this Earth as this will all fall away and be for not. Your entire life is as it should be - you need only think about today – not of what you will do and how you will save your world for the years to come.

What about 2012 ? Can you tell me what will occur at this time?

I’d like to say that all is cast in stone but at this time it is really up to the masses to decide how the Earth will be affected by the coming shift.

What is the coming shift?

The Shift is a shift in consciousness alone – which in turn will change the way you see your world – The Earth in itself will remain whole – it is the way in which you might perceive this world that is in question.

Therefore my daughter, you must not fret this day or any other day – you are well cared for and watched over …]

Visualize Peace
May We Always Walk A Sacred Path
Mama Crow
At 4:34am on March 31, 2010, The Ancient One said…
Thinking Positively

If you want to get somewhere, you have to know where you want to go and how to get there. Then never, never, never give up.

The secret of life isn't what happens to you, but what you do with what happens to you.

Help other people to cope with their problems and your own will be easier to cope with.

Never use the word impossible seriously again. Toss it into the verbal wastebasket.

Self-trust is the first secret of success. So believe in and trust yourself.

Stand up to your obstacles and do something about them. You will find that they haven't half the strength you think they have.

Joy increases as you give it, and diminishes as you try to keep it for yourself. In giving it, you will accumulate a deposit of joy greater than you ever believed possible.

How you think about a problem is more important than the problem itself - so always think positively.

Go at life with abandon; give it all you've got. And life will give all it has to you.

- Norman Vincent Peale
At 10:52pm on July 31, 2009, CanadianPrincess said…
Thank you for your kind words. I was born in Canada and moved to the States when I was in elementary school. I moved from Philadelphia to Cocoa Beach Florida and attended F.S.U. in Tallahassee. I then went to graduate school in conjunction with Univ. Of London. Later, I moved to California and met my husband in Santa Barbara and we moved to the San Francisco Bay area. We both are retired school teachers and have raised two beautiful daughters. Your show is so unique. I love your "art to healing" motto. I understand the psychic experience really well in terms of intuitive healing and moving energy. Thank-you for sharing yourselves withe world--God knows we all need healing. In Peace, CP
At 9:00pm on July 15, 2009, Felia de Luna said…
Thank you for the add Sunhee, it is wonderful to meet you!
~*~ felia
At 10:14am on July 8, 2009, Maria - Theresia Fröhlich said…
Photobucket Image Hosting

Thank's for the invitation my friend!
At 9:49am on June 15, 2009, Elisabetta Errani Emaldi said…
At 9:35pm on May 23, 2009, Jose Campos said…

Thanks for adding me as a friend.

Blessed BE in Love and Light!
At 5:36am on May 23, 2009, The Ancient One said…
The Sunflowers
by: Mary Oliver

Come with me
into the field of sunflowers.
Their faces are burnished disks,
their dry spines

creak like ship masts,
their green leaves,
so heavy and many,
fill all day with the sticky

sugars of the sun.
Come with me
to visit the sunflowers,
they are shy

but want to be friends;
they have wonderful stories
of when they were young -
the important weather,

the wandering crows.
Don't be afraid
to ask them questions!
Their bright faces,

which follow the sun,
will listen, and all
those rows of seeds -
each one a new life!

hope for a deeper acquaintance;
each of them, though it stands
in a crowd of many,
like a separate universe,

is lonely, the long work
of turning their lives
into a celebration
is not easy. Come

and let us talk with those modest faces,
the simple garments of leaves,
the coarse roots in the earth
so uprightly burning.
At 3:02pm on April 30, 2009, Richard Lukens said…
Hi Sunhee... great to see you here... just saw you were on-line and wanted to say hi.... I really like your ning site.... it is actually one of the more fun places to visit... good energy....

At 6:39pm on April 11, 2009, Lynn Fishman R.N. said…
I am very happy to have made your acquaintance. I love all of the things that you are doing.
I too, was adopted, although, this was a national adoption. Yet, on some level all adoptees must face similar issues.
Having spiritual awareness for me, has meant that I look at my adopted parents as my gifts from Spirit. We came together in a round-about -way.

I have to go now, but I will write to you again as soon as I can.

Best Regards from Canada,





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