Architects of a New Dawn

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Clint Shepherd's Comments

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At 11:31pm on June 30, 2009, Chris Anderson/Onefeather said…
Clint! How about some YES? Not reggae but life affirming.
Have a super 4th Little Buddha :D
At 6:47am on June 21, 2009, Silja Saareoks-Kaldre said…
What's new in your life? I wish you much joy and happiness!
At 11:31am on June 15, 2009, narciso favores escala said…
At 1:30pm on June 14, 2009, Cindy Combs said…

Aloha Clint, I was led to this community by my friend Stephan Ross. I am enjoying your interviews and looks like you and your friends have alot of fun!
Me Ke Aloha Pumehana,
Cindy Combs
At 8:42am on June 6, 2009, Frizzey Greif said…
have a nice weekend
my music & guitarfriend !

At 12:04pm on May 28, 2009, Susan Ann Ice said…
~*~ Hey Sweet Clint,

Have you called Shanti yet? She's @ the Amma gathering 2day! But the retreat on Fri. & Sat. she would have to be accompanied by an adult....
She will be there again on Sunday with her Dad. Are you & your parents going on Sat. so you can do some interviews with our kind of Peace & Love People? ~~~> to see Shanti in person! ~:-)

I see that you have also been too busy to be on AOAND as much also...
I hope to have the time to spend more time soon making more friends & giving Rick more creative consulting as I was doing B4 I got soooo busy.

I'm giving my Dad's little dog a hair cut 2day.

~*~ Peace, Love, & Light, Suzy ~*~
At 11:21am on May 26, 2009, Susan Ann Ice said…
~*~ Hey Clint of the Westwood!,

Shanti is actually about to land or had landed in Seattle, WA right NOW!
Her Dad is @ wk. & will be soon done w/ his am meetings & will be going to pick her up @ the baggage claim area soon!

Did you talk w/ your folks about going to Seattle for the FREE Ammachi programs? I wrote a little segment on the "Holy people who are doing something for Humanity about her that you can ck. out & back a little in my comments area I wrote some about the Amma scene to Benior you can ck. in his or my comments area about my plans to see her in NYC & Wash. D.C. in July.
Sweetie! This would be a FANTABULOUS opportunity to get 100's of interviews with folks going to see her that You & Shanti could do together!
& Her Dad knows devotees who run the Amma Center in Seattle or it might be Puyallup who could probably actually get you the chance to personally interview Ammachi !!!!!! She would be soooooo pround of you & your video interview mission to inspire folks to get off their butts & do something for other folks & the planet! Anyway, Amma will have public programs on Thurs 5/28th & Sun. 5/31st in Seattle! & cozy retreat days on Fri 5/29th & Sat 5/30th in Puyallup. So please have them call me so I can explaine how cool it would be for you to go & do 100's of interviews w/beautiful spiritual & hip folks together w/ Shanti. & most probably w/ Ammachi which you could then add to the ever growing list of famous people section of your video interview collection!!!!

It would be a nice family weekend to go for x4 days or what ever parts ya'll could attend!!!!!!!!!!

~*~ Peace, Love & Light!!!!, Soul Aunt Suz the Muze ~*~
At 11:27am on May 19, 2009, Silja Saareoks-Kaldre said…

</<p style="text-align: left;">

That is nice! We have the two dogs, some chicken, one goose and a duck. There are thousands of wild birds, but I can't count them. Love and peace for you.
At 6:04am on May 19, 2009, Silja Saareoks-Kaldre said…

You know, this cat just came to live with us, about two weeks ago. My favorite one, Kurri also came by itself, I guess it was the year 2002. Oh, by the way we have the 9 cats now.
At 11:11pm on May 18, 2009, Tom Kirsch said…
Yup, it it a PRS Custom 10 Top
You can hear it on some of our songs on our new album: Requiem for a Dog
Thanks for asking.
At 12:20pm on May 18, 2009, Silja Saareoks-Kaldre said…

Hi Clint, I'm wishing you the best for today and for the whole week! Hope that you're doing great.
At 11:49am on May 17, 2009, Brian von Ahsen said…
Hi Clint... thanks for the wecome. I learned of this place by being invited by my good friend Cindy Combs

At 6:44pm on May 14, 2009, Shanti Chiappetta said…
a poem that i wrote for you ^_^

Your eyes sparkle like a moonlite sky.
the place i like to look above to and sigh.

You have hands that have a certain touch.
they play guitar and my have my heart in its cluch.

Your voice is like magic in my ears.
almost so gorgeous it could bring tears.

Your hair is such a pretty golden blonde.
its so breath taking,...above and beyond .

You will one day save the world with something so great.
That would be your dreams that will destroy hate.
At 1:30pm on May 13, 2009, Frizzey Greif said…
Hey Clint
Thanks for the comment
Paula (Goldtop) is my Girlfriend
(it is my Frank Zappa Soul)

here are some children of my family
"Let the music play"
good vibes
At 11:31am on May 13, 2009, Susan Ann Ice said…
~*~ WOW! Sweetie! We were sending eachother a msg @ the same time!
You on AOAND email & me on comments!
Toooo Quantiumly cosmic , Dude!
Actually this happens to me ALL the time ... I'll be having a conversation with someone in my mind & then they'll call me & I'll know it's them etc. !!!

So yeah... I answered your questions as you were asking them!!! Cool ! Huh!
At 10:24am on May 13, 2009, Susan Ann Ice said…
~*~ Hey Clint of the Westwood,

LOVED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! the video you sent! Jah Luv, Mon!
Plz ck out the msg I just sent Frizzey! ... asking him 2 help Sweet Lloyd!
Both would be great canidates for ur video project! Plz. contact both ASAP!
& Lloyd really needs ur help w/ posting an interview w/ YOU on his & your sites to help him promote his song about his sweet daughter Eve, who died of Asthma! PLEEEASE! Get on it , Dude!

Shanti will be flying out to WA very soon! So, I'll let you know when...
your family should go to Seattle,WA to see our Guru Ammachi
( & She'll be there for x4 days May 28th - 31st! It's FREE! & Shanti will be going w/ her Dad / AKA: Baba !
It would be a great chance to spend some time w/ them ASAP! & an AWSOME chance to do ALOT of interviews together of 1000's of devotees & even maybe Amma about the Humanitarian work they do Worldwide 365 daze a year! So, talk to your folks about! They can call me & call Baba to have REAL contact w/ us to find out more info. & why it would be a VERY important thing for you to do!

G2G4 now!
~*~ Peace, Love, & Light, Soul Aunt Suzy ~*~

At 11:22am on May 11, 2009, Walter Earl said…
Hello.. Clint ..I will.. and I thank you very much
At 7:48am on May 9, 2009, Susan Ann Ice said…
Dear Sweet Clint of the Westwood!,

Sorry to drop off for awhile... I've been doing catch-up on yard work to the point of about 70 hrs of hard labor to the point of exgaustion & illness!
Still thinking of you continuously & glad you & Shanti have stayed in touch & are having fun communicating! ~:-)
I believe in you project! Could you do a skype interview with Lloyd about his Daughter Eve & his song Eve'rything he could use some support & promotions for enlightening folks of the dangers of losing a lovedone to Asthma! Please contact him to set up an interview to be posed on your site! ... tell him "Suz the Muze" sent you!...
~*~ Peace, Love, & Light!, Soul Aunt Suzy ~*~
At 6:35pm on May 5, 2009, Richard Lukens said…
Hi Clint... Oh yes... I saw this before but got busy and forgot to reply to you... can you post a group or blog that I could feature... or if you write something we could do a blast mail to the whole community... but it would have to be a pretty good message...

Thanks for the idea,

At 11:01pm on May 4, 2009, Richard Lukens said…
Hi Clint... your page looks nice these days... glad to see you are still so active on the site... what's up with you these days?



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