Architects of a New Dawn

We’d like to show the side of the world you don’t normally see on television.

Richard Lukens's Comments

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At 5:06pm on January 4, 2009, Lori said…
Hi, Richard! Thank you for the warm welcome! I wish you a year ahead filled with peace and love.

At 3:52pm on January 4, 2009, Triaka Smith said…
Aloha Richard! I am a lifelong radio/tv newscaster and commentator hoping to bring to fruition The "World Cooperative" CONSTITUTION of UNITED DIVERSITY

In the Spirit of Aloha,
At 1:16pm on January 4, 2009, Mimi Shapiro said…
Hi Rick, thanks for the welcome! am happy to be a part of something that will hopefully work for change! seems this is the perfect time! and glad to be in a bigger loop for change!
At 12:20pm on January 4, 2009, Brenda MacIntyre said…
Rick, thank you for your warm and welcoming comments. I learned about this site from someone on Twitter. And I'm very glad I clicked the link to get here.

Love, Light & Harmony,
Brenda, Medicine Song Woman
At 12:13pm on January 4, 2009, Nancy Roof said…
A representative of Carlos contacted us to use one of our videos (I don't see it on the website however). I am founder of Kosmos Journal: which is for global citizens creating a compassionate and sustainable global civilization from a deep and inclusive consciousness.
At 12:06pm on January 4, 2009, Sven Hosford said…
A friend who is very active in consciousness raising sent me an email. I publish the Holistic magazine for Pittsburgh, Point of Light, so I'm on a bunch of people's short list of people to keep in the loop.

Great concept!
At 10:53am on January 4, 2009, Brenda MacIntyre said…
Rick, thanks so much for the comment and welcome to the site. Loving the vibe here. It's in alignment with all that is happening for us now.

Love, Light & Gratitude,
Brenda MacIntyre, Medicine Song Woman
At 10:35am on January 4, 2009, Sue Frogg said…
Well Rick, I don't have any suggestions at the moment but I will share some synchronicities with you. Your website came through to me the morning after I was promised a significant 'sign' by my guides. I also am in communication with a man in South America who heads up 3 international communication organisations and has been a communication adviser to his recent governments - he has a vision of a new world much like yours - coincidence? And there are other things bubbling which I won't bore you with, but I would like to say that if I can be of any service to you while I am travelling in L Am, let me know. You have my best thoughts and wishes for your wonderful venture. Peace. SUE
At 8:37am on January 4, 2009, Brenda McMorrow - Music for Opening the Heart said…
Hi Richard,
What an amazing concept you and your fellow Architects are sharing with the world. Thank you!!
At 2:42am on January 4, 2009, Sue Frogg said…
Thanks Rick,

I got the intro from World Peace. I'm originally from London but have lived the last 18 years in south west France near Tarbes. Shortly I will be going to South America for an adventure(!) and possibly a long term stay.
At 1:35am on January 4, 2009, Kinichi Motoi said…
Hi Richard
I was introduced by Phil.
At 12:20am on January 4, 2009, ken becker said…
Can you give me an idea how to link content from my other site???

thanks RIck!

At 12:05am on January 4, 2009, ken becker said…
Can I link the other Ning site's content that I am a member of here?

At 12:04am on January 4, 2009, ken becker said…
Hey Rick! I'm near Ashland, OR and have been producing community gatherings, fundraisers, to film screenings (the new 1 Giant Leap film - like DJ Dragonfly in Fairfax) & djing barefoot, freestyle dancejams (like DanceSpirit in Fairfax) since '91. I love inspired music and video. My humble site is called: I lived in Marin for 7 years, '84-91 and I love creating/conspiring to cause, spirited uprisings! All the best. Ken
At 9:56pm on January 3, 2009, Amara Rose said…
Hi Rick!
You beat me to the punch ... I was going to email you tomorrow, once I crafted a compelling introduction to the vision I've been nurturing since 2000. If I'd had a little more faith in Spirit's LOUD and humorous message last year ~ Santana's tour being called Live Your Light, which is the name of my website! ~ I would have contacted him then. I was laughing at myself last night.

The alignment is clearly off the charts in 2009 because it's absolutely our collective moment; we can all feel it! I would love to send you The Yinification Tour ideas and talk by phone if that's possible. Many thanks to you, Carlos, Jerry Jampolsky & Diane (whose work kindled my journey decades ago) and the rest of the Architects for manifesting this brilliant hub.

At 9:23pm on January 3, 2009, Brian Webster said…
I just found the delete button. Congratulations to who ever built this thing. It's cool and it works.
At 9:20pm on January 3, 2009, Nancy Red Star said…
Hi Richard~ Yes, I noticed ~*~ I will try again...Thanks
At 9:19pm on January 3, 2009, Brian Webster said…
Yes I'm glad to be here with you and many other talented creatives. How do I take the video down to repost it. Where is the delete button?
At 8:35pm on January 3, 2009, Sue Kinney said…
A friend of mine, Chad Steele, from the organization that I volunteer for, Colorado Youth at Risk invited me. This is amazing! Wow!
At 7:53pm on January 3, 2009, cjsabec said…
I would love to be involved in the launch. Let me know what you are thinking.


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