Architects of a New Dawn

We’d like to show the side of the world you don’t normally see on television.

11th Hour Action: A Response to Leonardo DiCaprio

A response to the 11th Hour Action Video by Leonardo DiCaprios Foundation.

Partial Text:
Humanity is in the 11th hour, we must begin to take innovative comprehensive action... across the board starting right NOW. Your video on Global Warming makes a good start, calling for cleaner energy production methods, and more education. Realistically, more is needed.

For education to be effective, complimentary programs that address all sectors of our socio-economic lifestyle simultaneously will be needed.

These include poverty, education, human rights, food security, health care, and an economic system that balances our enivronmental needs. New clean energy is not enough, we must also use processes that sequester our pre-existing Co2 in the atmosphere from industrial age factories, transportation devices, and burning of forests.

NEW integrated models for Agro-forestry, life services. and sustainable food security practices are needed; models that integrate water, heat, farming, and local affordability.

To make things affordable without over-using local natural resources, the emerging poor in particular will need access to knowledge markets as a means of creating wealth leveraging new Information Age potentials. This will require an equal human rights forum, where all can begin earning into the global digital economy; even those without credit cards, a bank account, or even an address.

Creating an equal playing field will require everyone be given a free web presence where they can social network themselves;earn ad revenu, publish for profit., sell others videos, music, art, even share affiliate products by acting as marketers for corporations like Amazon;
This is now a real possibility due to the the World Wide Web.

Due to growing global access through cell phones.... and One Laptop Per Child computers..., the only thing emerging markets are missing is an account to receive earnings into, and a common currency that they can exchange for goods..., services, or other currencies.

As the poor replace their income with knowledge products and services instead of money derived from cutting down local trees, mining, or other manufacturing; they will need a means for importing their virtual earnings into their local communities.

By leveraging Information Age technologies through Community Access Points, Children and adults will be able to earn while they learn, getting paid for their attention by sharing in ad revenue, the creation of their own products, consulting, or marketing efforts.

Localized community currency systems such as a SCALE are already designed to bridge the virtual world, with localized communities in a manner that honors the geographic, cultural, and environmental needs of any group of people, anywhere on the planet.

Peace Portal & associated partners in the Free Digital Universe charity fund raiser have devised an integrated practical plan to achieve these potential in a way that also supports charities that bring sustainable development to places of need.

We do this by Identifying, and then integrationg holistic solutions into projects, these projects financied by partners in the charity Fund Raiser.

Our projects are designed to meet the 11th hour goals, Millenium Development Goals, clean the atmosphere, and more.

  • Currently 5/5 stars.

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