Architects of a New Dawn

We’d like to show the side of the world you don’t normally see on television.

Creative team member Bonnie Zimmermann welcomes you to Architects of a New Dawn

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Comment by Shelly Bright on November 4, 2009 at 1:17am
simple and the truth i haven't been on this site much but its value shines to me like a becan

love light energy

Comment by Deborah J. Boyd on November 3, 2009 at 12:39pm
Great intro. Theme is looking beyond the window. I wonder if we can build a set of eye glasses that can show the spirit of the object as well as the material view.The plants have spirits, it is rare to find people who speak the language of the plant. Our plants give us air to breath and some give us food to eat. I am sad that parts of our earth are without trees. Trees help to bring rain. particles of dust rest on the leaf and a wind carries the dust into the air to invite the rain to fall. Most conflict is caused by fear combined with illiterate or uneducated populations that make decisions based on myth and impulse.
Love & Peace, Deborah
Comment by thom danfield on August 24, 2009 at 1:26am
hello again, ms. bonnie.
having just viewed and commented on your recommendation, the video 'Declan Galbraith - Tell Me Why--A Children's Tribute,' i wanted to thank you for the thoughtfulness and the spiritual addition to my day. i hope my comment on Robert Standing Eagle Marshall's video page approaches resonance from any one of a myriad of possible directions.
thom d.
Comment by George Bader on August 10, 2009 at 8:54pm

Beloved Bonnie,
i am honored to be part of Architects of a New Dawn and also very happy to become your friend. i just finished watching your video and feel much resonance with my way of locking at things.
i have lived in India for 8 years now and i realize more and more that there is only one humanity. if people are different it is only because of believe systems. the internet has brought many of us together who are now seeing beyond and are ready for unity.
I am with you
Comment by Teresa Hernandez on July 14, 2009 at 10:00pm
Hi Bonnie. I am new to your site as of 7-13-09. I am a peace activist teacher for 29 years. Believe it or not I have taught every grade preschool to elementary to middle school then high school ,adult school and University too. I haven't been blessed to travel much but I have met students and families from 6 continents of the world. I currently teach Kindergarten in the bay area. I was a school administrator for awhile. I wanted to re -connect with my inner child and view life from their eyes. Yes it is an amazing world of blue skies, rainbows, butterflies, lady bugs , hummingbirds , polar bears etc. I have been transformed in the last 2 years to value our planet and all who coexist here. I have an urgency to spread the message of the MIND Shift + the Peace SHIFT to as many people as possible via multimedia, and personal volunteer work. I love this blessed cyber heaven site! It is a real Peace Portal . Thanks Teresa Twitter @ x_go
Comment by Jeremy Hood-Daniel on July 13, 2009 at 9:03pm
Nice one Bonnie, I am in total agreement. To wake up before the dawn and watch the sun make its appearance, see and hear the birds wake up, and stretch, and make their welcome to the new day; and see the life come to life, is something everyone should take the time to experience, whether they live in the city or the country; I guarantee this will change their perception of God's wonderful creation.
God bless you, Peace and love from Jamaica
Comment by CAROLE BI on July 9, 2009 at 4:35am
hi bonnie i totally agree with you its about time we all realised that one is all and all is one love carole
Comment by Deborah J. Boyd on June 21, 2009 at 10:12am
You are a very good Architect. Thank you for the work that you are doing for future generations.
I have a mission to establish Peace on Earth by 2027. Andrew said he will help me and we will do it by 2020.
It is amazing how many people overlook that tiny but important word: "by". The faster people break their addiction to war, greed, hate, & destruction the faster we can make it so.
Love, Deborah
Comment by missmagikal on May 10, 2009 at 4:16pm
Thankyou Beautiful Lady for all that you do to raise the Vibration (:**:) Namaste.
Comment by Imelda Maguire on May 5, 2009 at 5:40pm
Hello Bonnie, it is a pleasure to meet you.
I am truly enjoying your creativity and sharing of Love, Light and Peace.
God Bless


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