Architects of a New Dawn

We’d like to show the side of the world you don’t normally see on television.

I'd be interested to know if any of the Crones out there feel that they're part of the vanguard of humanity helping to effect the 2012 shift. Would you be prepared to share what you're doing, experiencing, observing etc?

Because we have to use words to communicate in this instance, I would term myself a Lightworker. I've spent many years alone (but not lonely!) following my own intuitive path and now I'm ready to come out of the cave and talk to like-minded people. I do read all the relevant magazines, channelings, books etc but I have a yearning to discuss with other crones.

This just struck me as sounding like a Lonely Hearts Ad.............perhaps it is?

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"So... my family and friends are in on this... and I'm supposed to forgive them? HA!"

And you're in on it from the other end! It's not a one-way street, necessarily.

My dear lovely, concerned crone sisters,

When I said, "I keep hearing about soul contracts... I'd like to see mine, review it and maybe... revise it. Who do I see?

I dunno... makes me think I signed on for this mission... but didn't know what I was signing... or I got amnesia after I signed. Am I still obligated to meet the contractual agreement then?"

I was being facetious... trying to be humorous... emphasis on trying. If AW had said it, ...said it better... y'all would've laughed - recognized comedy, but when I said... it was tragic. Oh me, oh my...

I learned a few things...
I'm not funny - but I already knew that.
Y'all are sweet souls, ready to support and share
AW is our comic relief crone... and even though I get pulled into her vortex of hilarity and have humor splattered all over me... it's not sticking.
Thanks for thinking of my soul...
Crones rawk!

AkashicWreckage said:
"So... my family and friends are in on this... and I'm supposed to forgive them? HA!"

And you're in on it from the other end! It's not a one-way street, necessarily.

I knew your comment was humorous but I just couldn't resist a reply. From my perspective I'm not just replying to you but to anyone who reads this discussion. You are a funny lady Jeanne, maybe not as funny as AW, but FUNNY! And I did laugh.

Jeanne said:
My dear lovely, concerned crone sisters,

When I said, "I keep hearing about soul contracts... I'd like to see mine, review it and maybe... revise it. Who do I see?

I dunno... makes me think I signed on for this mission... but didn't know what I was signing... or I got amnesia after I signed. Am I still obligated to meet the contractual agreement then?"

I was being facetious... trying to be humorous... emphasis on trying. If AW had said it, ...said it better... y'all would've laughed - recognized comedy, but when I said... it was tragic. Oh me, oh my...

I learned a few things...
I'm not funny - but I already knew that.
Y'all are sweet souls, ready to support and share
AW is our comic relief crone... and even though I get pulled into her vortex of hilarity and have humor splattered all over me... it's not sticking.
Thanks for thinking of my soul...
Crones rawk!

AkashicWreckage said:
"So... my family and friends are in on this... and I'm supposed to forgive them? HA!"

And you're in on it from the other end! It's not a one-way street, necessarily.

Thanx Melanie, for saying I'm funny... I'll keep trying then, ...I need little nudging. Problem is... I think alot of stuff is funny that others don't. I'm often the only person laughing... oh well. ...not everyone gets the cosmic joke.

I'll admit, I did fall asleep last night thinking about soul contract... thinking that the universe is conspiring. Even the micro-organisms in my gut are conspiring... but, Hmm-m-mph, I can conspire too... with probiotics.

Melanie Worman said:
I knew your comment was humorous but I just couldn't resist a reply. From my perspective I'm not just replying to you but to anyone who reads this discussion. You are a funny lady Jeanne, maybe not as funny as AW, but FUNNY! And I did laugh.
Hello Jeanne and anyone else that I might have left hanging in the window with my little nomes. I apologize.

There were two deaths very close to my family. One was the nephew of a very dear friend that I have known since our children were just little and we are all still the best of friends for over 30 years now. My friend's nephew of 21 years threw himself over an overpass in England where he dangled from a rope for over 2 hours while all the drivers under the overpass watched. No one could reach him so they all waited until the paramedics came to cut him down. We have no idea why he did this. Very painful for his family indeed. There was much rallying around to provide comfort during these trying days.

The second death was another very close friend who is also just like family. Young Billy was suffering from sleep apnia having to sleep with the oxygen and breathing mask. He was not feeling too good on Friday morning when he awoke, so he returned to bed and went back on his breathing machine. Eight hours later his Mom and Dad could not figure out why Billy did not show up for work so they went over to his apartment to see if everything was alright. He had fallen back into a very d
Deep sleep. He vomited and drowned. I have been spending every free moment with my two friends who are most broken hearted and are in great need of support during these devestating and trying events.

As for nomes... well... they took me out and into the vastness of the universe to meet their many friends and to travel the vastness of space and stars. My experience into the cosmos was breathtaking LOVE which to this day as I work at my easel my wee friends have left and in place are the very essence and presence of Divine Source our Heavenly Companions and Light Beings that share no words... all is understood, accepted and glorious beyond a hearing expression.

There has been many trials of enduring others who think I am mad. Today I accept that I am mad. Why?? Because I AM.
That is the most that I can dream for and that is exactly who I am... just a lover and a dreamer.

It is very difficult to say so much with just this tiny wee box. I guess it is a good thing lest we would run off with our mouth.

Imelda Maguire said:
I have been spending every free moment with my two friends who are most broken hearted and are in great need of support during these devestating and trying events. Imelda, There are no words adequate to express sympathy for such a loss. Your presence, being there... a circle of comfort, silent and reassuring... only time can bring any relief. I pray for your continuing strength to be there for them.

The nomes reminded me of a longtime friend's imaginary childhood friend. He was only imaginary to others, not her. Do you include the nomes in your art work?

Today I learned of a woman who plays harp at a hospice... she sees people die, and she sees out-of-body entities assist the dying person as she plays on. Playing harp at the hospice has caused her to rethink her place in the universe.
Not to be disagreeable, but I don't think you mad. Your words are intelligent, compassionate, out-of-the-ordinary and filled with love. Most extraordinary in the world as we know it...
"I learned a few things...
I'm not funny - but I already knew that.
Y'all are sweet souls, ready to support and share
AW is our comic relief crone... and even though I get pulled into her vortex of hilarity and have humor splattered all over me... it's not sticking.
Thanks for thinking of my soul...
Crones rawk!"

Oy vey! I just saw this! You are funny!
But seriously, I was going to ask you how much Libra you have in your chart---not for the humor part---but revising the contracts part.

There were/are many times that I wish the contract were signed in invisible ink!
Or, better yet~~~postpone the contract until my next life---
There's the ticket.
My heart and love goes out to you, and to the families who have lost loved ones in your life.
Hello Everyone

Oh, Violette, you are a wonderul being. Indeed I do feel your arms around me. Healing, loving and accepting of all that the world manifests before us. You are wise indeed.

Your words about death are exact. The brightest challenge is at that point when one suffers their perception of life ended is trying to find the words that will carry them to the doorstep of healing without using words or phrases that interfere with their familiar concepts that have been brought forward from witnessing others grieve who could not discover the real departure to be a celebration of Life and Love.

I notice that the hardest work is watching the expressions that leave my mind and then enter the arena of others minimal experiences. Sometimes when I am so emotionally distraught by their pain, words leave my mouth to describe the beautiful journey that the departed from earth are embarking. The departed never leave here, they just leave time as we know it. Their essence remains because their is still so much work that has to be done for their complete evolvement. Therefore just as quickly as the death so there is another rebirth. This is our contract with the Divine. This is our life as human.

words again....
Truly the computer is the greatest gift here. Well I suppose my story will continue upside down. ~giggles~

Thank you so much Violette for your heart.

Well some of my first works did include a lot of little characters. Since, my dreams seem to have been a very important expression to share with others. Perhaps not as a body of work in the sense of every so many canvases but more as every monumental period of time. I will try to explain... I had a dream with I was about 25. Through a deep meditation on the Kundaline', the awakening self, I had a vision of the lost city of Atlantis. I was there when it sunk deep into the ocean... woops words again.

Imelda Maguire said:
Hello Everyone

Oh, Violette, you are a wonderul being. Indeed I do feel your arms around me. Healing, loving and accepting of all that the world manifests before us. You are wise indeed.

Your words about death are exact. The brightest challenge is at that point when one suffers their perception of life ended is trying to find the words that will carry them to the doorstep of healing without using words or phrases that interfere with their familiar concepts that have been brought forward from witnessing others grieve who could not discover the real departure to be a celebration of Life and Love.

I notice that the hardest work is watching the expressions that leave my mind and then enter the arena of others minimal experiences. Sometimes when I am so emotionally distraught by their pain, words leave my mouth to describe the beautiful journey that the departed from earth are embarking. The departed never leave here, they just leave time as we know it. Their essence remains because their is still so much work that has to be done for their complete evolvement. Therefore just as quickly as the death so there is another rebirth. This is our contract with the Divine. This is our life as human.

words again....
Sorry, I am not sure as to whether to hit reply or come to the top.

The journey in the dream or vision I captured on canvas immediately after. You can imagine the critiques from family and friends way back in the seventies about such an explaination for the piece. Every work delivers to someone a very special message. I have no idea what that might be to someone else but intuitively when I feel that there is profound recognition to another, I give them the piece. The piece my Egypt is the pyramid in front of the full moon. My nephew cried when he saw it back then, he was only 5 maybe 6 at that time. This year I decided to have a retrospective of my works that I still am able to record and this piece came out from my nephew. At the time when I worked it, It was just a dream. Now it is very prophetic indeed. As is many of the works.

Since, I have been on many journeys of dealing with the 'madness' through which have come the flowers. In particular the last ten years. So many blessings, so many wonderful events that came from mental hell began to manifest on the canvas ... sorry words again. I am so long winded



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