Architects of a New Dawn

We’d like to show the side of the world you don’t normally see on television.

I'd be interested to know if any of the Crones out there feel that they're part of the vanguard of humanity helping to effect the 2012 shift. Would you be prepared to share what you're doing, experiencing, observing etc?

Because we have to use words to communicate in this instance, I would term myself a Lightworker. I've spent many years alone (but not lonely!) following my own intuitive path and now I'm ready to come out of the cave and talk to like-minded people. I do read all the relevant magazines, channelings, books etc but I have a yearning to discuss with other crones.

This just struck me as sounding like a Lonely Hearts Ad.............perhaps it is?

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Hello Melanie

O'H I am so relieved that you closed your eyes and transported your spirit to that most defyning timeless moment. Yes it is about our new beautiful planet earth having rebirth of consciousness and to help all that we can.

You have described this experience perfectly. God Bless your vision.

I accept the madness as a gift. Otherwise I would be madder.

What a wonderful circle of friendship we have wove. Thank you from the whole of my heart for responding with such sincere love and acceptance for who I am for we are all one. Should you think differently about artists is also a good thing although your description is pretty darn accurate. I have been called flaky many times. It use to hurt, now I don't mind it at all. I never really understood what that meant anyway, I thought it meant I was fat from eating too much pastry.

Your message is beautiful and very healing indeed. Thank you for being my friend Melanie and for your beautiful words.


Melanie Worman said:
I've just read through your postings Imelda and I'm humbled. You are one of the precious few who can dream us through the shift into our new Paradise. When I was young I never understood the purpose of artists/lovers/dreamers. I saw them as impractical people who escaped (or skirted around) the real issues while I was on the streets with my political campaigning actually 'doing' something. How wrong I was.

I looked at your painting and closed my eyes as you directed. I felt the heat of the flames and with it came a universal fear of fire as the unstoppable destroyer. And then a burnt and barren landscape and more fear and hopelessness. And then the rebirth, new and numerous living plants, pushing up through the earth to repopulate the barren landscape, an abundance of life never before seen. The shadow emotions slowly began to evaporate and were replaced by hope along with joy, abundance, beauty, gratitude, well being and LIFE ANEW. Your phoenix is such an important symbol and I know of two phoenix crop circles which have appeared in the UKs West Country this year.

I send you deep blessings and gratitude Imedla for sharing your story. I will contradict the others by saying that you are slightly mad......but so am I.....and so are most of us here. Madness is the new sanity of the new earth, the sane souls are still asleep. Thank you for touching me and keep on dreaming and painting. May Africa benefit from your LOVE.
I believe that the (female) artist/lover/dreamer has now come into balance with the (male) practical political campaigner and you are needed now more than ever. If you don't mind, I would like to call you a 'floaty' person (I dislike flaky also) because it conjures up a vision of a magical soul who can float between the dimensions with ease and grace.

The story of your birth was wonderous and I am proud to share with you an Irish heritage (just wait and see if the others start climbing onto the Irish ancestral bandwagon)
My kids, and others, simply roll their eyes at me, whenever I do something flaky---little do they know what I know!
They both know that there's no predicting what might come out of my mouth, or what I might do---
It's all payback for when they were young and unpredictable---I probably won't run naked down the street or climb out the front window naked---unless they test me...

Violette Ruffley said:
My daughter. our crone Kathleen, calls me quirky.
Imelda, your art is absolutely beyond words! I would absolutely LOVE to see your works in person! Thank you so much for sharing it with us!
Do you work in oils or acrylics?

Imelda Maguire said:


with my hands and color abounds.

Whatever way I can motivate a collective response to join in this mass healing to begin, I must do.

Whew!!! Honest to God I am amazed that this is all coming out. I have been working on a painting of that experience with the flight of the Phoenix rising, but quite honestly it is very challenging to try and capture the vastness and proportions of that journey into the cosmos. In fact at this stage of the work it is almost comical.

When I have more time to return to the easel I will perfect this expression in proper... for now I have posted it here so you might all understand a little better of what was going on. I warn you it is rough indeed but if you think of the story and close your eyes after you look at this very rough sketch perhaps you might be able to shed some light.

Thank God you are all here.

You called, Madame?
Windmill Hill,Avebury,Wiltshire,August 6

actually I know - or I think I know what you are trying to post... the video on YouTube which says the early August formations predict world awakening for 8 November 2010 - is that the one? i.e. a year earlier than Maya predictions... Don't think this thingie does video links - but we gotta wait till our revered leaders wake up & say for sure... hope this works.
And, Annie, it's you that's now reading my mind - I've been following the crop formations on another site & just sent a pic of the latest design to Dr Mike [yes, the one who's 'over' me in the Music group/room] asking for his opinion. Along comes Annie & bob's your uncle, or auntie to be more pc on this discussion... shall look into where to post the video & get back to you'all.

Annie said:
Well now I'm very embarassed because I tried I really tried to get the video posted here but could not figure it out. It was Aug 6th crop circle............hey Marion your good do want to give it a go or anybody else? You tube. Well it was a nice thought anyway.
Love the crop circle Marian. I haven't got a clue how to post video links Annie. Wake up Jeanne, your expertise is required!

trying this Mel & Annie

Melanie Worman said:
Love the crop circle Marian. I haven't got a clue how to post video links Annie. Wake up Jeanne, your expertise is required!
Well done Marian, you saved the day! I've been crop circle hunting in previous years with varying results, I'm less than an hours drive away from most of them but I don't have a car and I've always wanted to fly over but the purse strings don't stretch. The crop circle HQ is called SILENT CIRCLE and is based at The White Horse Inn, Compton Bassett, Wiltshire, which means you can have a pint of cider Violette while you're crop circle hunting. Check them out online Annie.

I went to Stonehenge a few years back but the stones have been fenced around so you can't touch them. I got as near as I could and plonked myself down to meditate. When I opened my eyes, there were groups of Japanese tourists photographing ME, not the Stones. I ask you!

The standing stones which encompass the village of Avebury (near Compton Bassett) are far better. You can walk around the village hugging the stones as you go. Great!
oh Melanie - how wonderful for you - to be in that 'magnetically-enhanced area & to be able to hug stones. I was also a stone in a previous existence... we have a few here in NE Scotland!

Melanie Worman said:
Well done Marian, you saved the day! I've been crop circle hunting in previous years with varying results, I'm less than an hours drive away from most of them but I don't have a car and I've always wanted to fly over but the purse strings don't stretch. The crop circle HQ is called SILENT CIRCLE and is based at The White Horse Inn, Compton Bassett, Wiltshire, which means you can have a pint of cider Violette while you're crop circle hunting. Check them out online Annie.
I went to Stonehenge a few years back but the stones have been fenced around so you can't touch them. I got as near as I could and plonked myself down to meditate. When I opened my eyes, there were groups of Japanese tourists photographing ME, not the Stones. I ask you!
The standing stones which encompass the village of Avebury (near Compton Bassett) are far better. You can walk around the village hugging the stones as you go. Great!

thank you Mel for directions to SILENT CIRCLE - does it have a web address?

Annie: the other video I was hoping to find is , I see, related to a different crop circle formation (also August, maybe 3rd?) but, as I wrote something on it at the time, & included the video in the text maybe you would be interested in my blog - sort of my way of trying to convert the rest of the world by writing... my thing - from within the energy bubble we as a group, were experiencing. I was moved to write & post this blog on crop circles & consciousness at the time. Hope you don't think I'm blowing my own trumpet. You girls were a source of inspiration for me. Bless you all.
And thanks us (you, too, out there, Aka Wreck, using vision from your Third {{{{{{EYE}}}}} postion in the Universe).
Bless me.
Bless us.
Bless you.
x Marian
Marian: "I was also a stone in a previous existence". I just love that, may I quote you?

Websites are useless, but have a look. and
I'm sorry to leave you all right after finding the crop circ links, but I had a blog I had to do - it's RAMADAN tonight if the crescent moon shows; tomorrow if it doesn't. Not that that's relevant to anything, but I had an urge to get my blog finished...before the moon appeared...
Violette Ruffley said:
this is not that impossible ladies. We can put it in a circle of our own, our dream circle, our Iwannas, whatever works. Gregg Bradons book on the Lost Mode of Prayer is a 3 step process.
1 - The idea ................................................... We want to do a tour of these energy vortices 2 - The visualiztion ......................................... We picture meeting as a group, the flight over, Melanie meeting us at her home and then touring the wonderful sites with Melanie. the energy.
3 - The prayer of gratitude ............................... We give our prayer of gratitude that we are actually ... Seeing, feeling the wonder of what we are witnessing.

FeelitSeeitBelieveit - & give thanks. I love you, Violette and Gregg Braden in that order.
Have to say though, how about we try it as an astral trip? we may have a better chance of a pint of Melanie's excellent cider and a hot air balloon drop into Avebury if we feel it see it believe it in our dreams... I'm no great shakes at astral travel, but we could dream a communal dream, I bet. This group is so close to being ONE, an intention is all we need - that and a prayer to the time-zone captain to obliterate the differences...I'm still operating on some other galaxy - since the energy doorway, haven't had a wink of sleep before midnight. Gotta go & try now. G'night sweet princesses - sweet visualizations x Marian
p.s Annie shall have to check up on the Cunninghams - don't have any to my knowledge, but you never know... ... and the 'other' thing - don't do anything you don't feel is true to yourself... was trying to put myself in your shoes...
Marian Youngblood said:
...I was also a stone in a previous existence...

I was a mushroom...



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