Architects of a New Dawn

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During the ten days, I kept hearing "Tommba" over and over from the brilliant Goenka. I asked what he was saying over and over, and I was told that it was his pronounciation of "Dhamma">
The Buddha himself taught Dhamma (the path, the way, the truth). (from"Introduction to Vipassana Meditation")

So Goenka was saying "stay on the path" over and over. The first couple of days, Goenka was saying "take the first step, even if you think it is a ten thousand mile journey, you still have to take the first step."

Any other definitions, explanations.

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Dhamma is the Pali word for dharma... a word that is complex.

We talk about the flow of dhamma and dhamma partners... and the way of dhamma... though dhamma is the way.

It is a long journey... but what better journey to take?
Reminds me of when HubB and I returned from a course... a bit over-saturated with dhamma... and I asked if he continues to sit with determination during our at home sits...
he said... "what else? ...sit with chaos?"

good answer...
Something funny that another vipassana friend said was... "Anapana makes good grunimite..."

...I liked it so much... I made him a shirt with that on it. Of course 'grunimite' is not a word... and when I finally asked about it... its actually part of a couple words.

Oh, well... no one else has a shirt like his. LOL
Jeanne said:
Something funny that another vipassana friend said was... "Anapana makes good grunimite..."

...I liked it so much... I made him a shirt with that on it. Of course 'grunimite' is not a word... and when I finally asked about it... its actually part of a couple words.

Oh, well... no one else has a shirt like his. LOL
"Grunimite" yes when I heard that "word". which was often, I would think of "dynamite" - what are the two words, and what do they mean together like that? muchametta, ron
"We talk about the flow of dhamma and dhamma partners... and the way of dhamma... though dhamma is the way.

It is a long journey... but what better journey to take?
Reminds me of when HubB and I returned from a course... a bit over-saturated with dhamma... and I asked if he continues to sit with determination during our at home sits...
he said... "what else? ...sit with chaos?"

Jeanne, you could write a book about your and your husbands' Vipassana experiences - your jewels of descriptive expressions are very helpful. thank you, ron
I was afraid you would ask that... I don't remember what the answer is.

Once you've done three 10-day courses, you can do sattipattanas... and then you learn more Pali... and better understand what Goenka is talking about.

In all the years I've been learning spanish... I fall apart in the presence of a native speaker. ...but I persist.

And Pali... I suspect it will be a lifelong learning mission... with it going in one ear and out the other... but I persist.LOL

Ron Alexander said:
Jeanne said:
Something funny that another vipassana friend said was... "Anapana makes good grunimite..."

...I liked it so much... I made him a shirt with that on it. Of course 'grunimite' is not a word... and when I finally asked about it... its actually part of a couple words.

Oh, well... no one else has a shirt like his. LOL
"Grunimite" yes when I heard that "word". which was often, I would think of "dynamite" - what are the two words, and what do they mean together like that? muchametta, ron



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