Architects of a New Dawn

We’d like to show the side of the world you don’t normally see on television.


So, as I walk my new Kindergardener to school each day I notice a lot of litter (pic above is one I found online). I am going to start a project for schools called EarthWalkers. Kids would bring a small garbage bag with them and as they are walking to school they pick up garbage they come across. There would be some sort of points or reward system as incentive. I need to think it through, figure out the details and present it to the school. Hopefully it will catch on and all schools will adopt the program. Any and all ideas/suggestions appreciated. Would like to keep it simple while still re-enforcing the impact it will have on the earth. One problem I foresee is that the kids that ride to school wouldn't be able to participate (reward as class? have those that ride pick up bag of garbage on their own time?). Another is that the kids would have to be able to make it to school on time and not chase down every piece of garbage they see (you know how kids are). I was also thinking that we could have them do this one day per week so as not to overload the school with extra garbage (budget) and then reward classes at the end of month for their efforts. Possibly weigh the garbage to see how much each class picks up? I don't know. Just some thoughts. Anyone?

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Great idea! When we walk the beach checking the turtle nests, we carry trash bags! Lets start a project to carry them everywhere!
I love that thought Ron! I was also thinking that after a while it would just become second nature for people to pick up garbage. That would be so great! Especially if kids make it a habit!
Calling All Angels!

I have been thinking about the situation in Haiti. It concerns me that they will rebuild and have another catastrophe. A simple, cost efficient solution would be yurts. They are pretty inexpensive and are water proof. If I had my way I would be living in one myself. I have lots on my plate right now, but am thinking about starting a Yurts for Haiti drive/campaign. I was wondering if anyone would be interested in helping get this project off the ground? Also, if you would like to help and want more info about yurts and why I believe they are the perfect shelter for the island people just do a search on yurts and read about them. They are awesome and a simple solution for our Haitian brothers and sisters. Please leave a message if you are serious about helping me start this campaign. The Conscious Kindness Movement was started as a way for people to connect through acts of kindness, which is quite simple. I know that this little endeavor will have a lot more to it and anyone with any experience with this sort of thing would be a great help. Thank you all.
One love.



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