We are seeing and increasing number of groups form to hold meditations for the healing of the earth.,. I belong to one as well. I remember the joy and passion we felt as we began to plan our direction.
Healing the earth , who could argue with that? How noble .Isn't it.?
And what does this mean exactly ?...to heal the planet.?
It's a bigger step up than I imagined. Did I know that all the practices, prior to with spiritual discipline, mantras, satsang,spiritual discourse , wise teachers , and meditation were simply preparation for the meditaton of walking my talk in everything I do? For that is what Planetary Healing has presented itself to mean to me.
Inviting people to join us, is saying ,
I for one, am calling self to be accountable for what I transmit to the the earth thru my thoughts and feelings to the earth's environment. I for one, am extending my meditation time beyond the moments when I sit and focus. I am extending my goal for meditation to include everything I do.
Did I know that the regular recycling, the mindfulness to use paper instead of plastic , etc, the practice of clearing my emotional and psychological "garbage" , some say" cleaning up my poop " is part of a walking meditation ? I am not sure I looked at it that way..
And yet, we are in meditation in all we do choosing what we shall focus on , whether it is with eyes closed in positions of stillness, walking with focus and direction, however we join the dance of life , no matter the where or how , once we have awakened , we know our direction is the HOME in our hearts.
How do we heal anything if we are sending attack thougths and feelings at each other? Or projecting our unresolved issues onto another? We go along knowing we have these negtive feeligns hoping that tthe "spiritual " stuff we do will count or outweigh the "garbage".
As we come to love the wounded bits enough to allow them to present themselves to us to be held , accepted , and transformend by us., we can bring more and more of ourselves HOME..
Each bit we bring home , becomes another spark of love radiating out from our beings. One less bit of fear. Until one day we our love fire consumes our fear as it m ay arise.
The more I clear or clean up my poop, the closer I feel to the earth. The more love I feel from her.
LIfe is easier. Things work out.
The book "Messages in Water" presents so simply the effects of our thoughts and feelings on the earth. If the message of this research resonates with us , we understand it all comes down to the presence we hold every minuet of the day. Does this have to be arduos and heavy burdened?
Watching the openness of young children to learning a new way to be will give u an answer on this.
The Violet Flame Mediation is a great daily one for assisting self and the earth to clear of feelings that no longer serve us. And There are regular practices one can do for Energy Hygiene. We take a shower and clean our bodies. What do we do for our emotional and mental bodies?
What we transform in ourselves, we transform for the earth. From where I sit, that is a bargain.
Yes, we can all do our part to heal the earth. More than we know. It truly is in our hands.
warm regards,
LInda Lawson