Architects of a New Dawn

We’d like to show the side of the world you don’t normally see on television.

Crones were old bitties, and old hags, and toothless ladies who wear granny panties.

Anyone have:
Any other rumors to add?
Just wondering...


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Violette ruminates: "Ya gotta admit that was one fine ass. I envy it and am putting in my order now for the next bod around. "

Yes, it was one fine ass, Violette---it looks exactly like my ass.
In fact, I posed for that picture----

About 30 years ago, and I'm surprised that it's still making the rounds on the internet---

Two more to go Crones, after this posting and we will be at the magical---the marvelous---
the oft under-appreciated 333!
I hope that Violette makes some outrageous comment for the 333 Event of the Century!

Blessing and Angel love, light and all that rot!
OMG! I almost feel like I had an orgasm!
Thank you Violette!
I am laughing so hard right now!

I feel the energy cascading over me!
The portal is open!

Violette Ruffley said:
Why didn't you tell me, these discussion all look alike!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Oh my word! Violette, I instructed you to come to this discussion---
I did everything in my power and if I could have hijacked your name, I would have and I would have made the 333rd posting!
I half thought about creating a new account here: RioletteVuffley---
And I was gonna just post a bunch of !!!!! and ????---

Violette Ruffley said:
Story of my life, people telling me where to go. But not directing me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Well I recken it's navel contemplation time. Hey Ron did you go back into hiding???????????????????????
I thought it was a well planned and finely executed thing to make me go crazy chasing after you!
You know you did it on purpose, Violette---
I'm onto your Aquarian games!
Once again, you HAVE managed to out toe me in this toe to toe combat thingamabob!
Love you,
(ya bitch)

Violette Ruffley said:
I'm sure there are many members that have patiently/impatiently been waiting to make some important contributions.

You may be an Akashic Wreak but I feel like an auto wreak that has held up traffic for hours.

All you had to do was tell me I was in the wrong lane and had to go back to Rumor. I confuse easily.
I like that number too, Violette. I had an amazing experience with 4:44 back in 2003 right before Christmas. I suppose I'll have to write about that experience soon. I had NO clue about the significance of 444 at the time---and didn't realize how auspicious it was until almost 2 years later, when I began to experience some weird stuff around 11/11/05. Beginning about a week before 11/11/05 I began to wake up during the night at precisely 1:11 every night. I had wild dreams throughout those nights. I enjoyed it, but I began to grow very tired waking up each night at that time, because I had to get up every morning at about 4:30am. It finally eased up on 11/18/05 and I began to get back to normal.
I began to read about numbers and stumbled upon 444 right after that...
Blew my mind!

Violette Ruffley said:
Oh well it's over and we can pass the honor on to someone that approximates the qualities of an angel, as we approach 444. I adore that number and get so excited when it appears anywhere.
I'm channeling a message for you right now, Violette---
The Top Echelons of The Hunky Ascended Masters are telling me, to tell you:

"Dear One, Violette---please report to your wing chair over by the window and begin to contemplate Gregg Braden---
You know he's the man, he's got all that hair going for him, and that cute chin....drop the bucket and visualize Mr. won't be sorry you did!
Over and out---10 - 4 Akashic, end of message."

That ought to keep Violette busy until I get back from work!

Violette Ruffley said:
Now you can go to work, I'm tired of my navel, so I'm not sure what is next. Maybe more work on my bucket list.
I second the Gregg Braden suggestion, Violette

and why is it that the bucket keeps coming up in conversation if you ...'can.t remember' which discussion. I strongly suggest (along with Aka Wreck's Ascended Masters & the 333 mind-body-spirit - brigade to dump i.e. FORGET the bucket.
And since we are in astral spheres, all of us, now, I should like to paraphrase an Irish blessing - for V (bucketless) & the rest of us:

May the orbit rise before us
May the solar wind be at our backs
....and until we meet again
May the good Lord hold us in the hollow of His Hand.
love you all x Marian
I couldn't post before now, could I - you see I can't count, so better stay out than be shut out (for chipping in at the crucial moment). Glad that's out. x M

AkashicWreckage said:
I'm channeling a message for you right now, Violette---
The Top Echelons of The Hunky Ascended Masters are telling me, to tell you:

"Dear One, Violette---please report to your wing chair over by the window and begin to contemplate Gregg Braden---
You know he's the man, he's got all that hair going for him, and that cute chin....drop the bucket and visualize Mr. won't be sorry you did!
Over and out---10 - 4 Akashic, end of message."

That ought to keep Violette busy until I get back from work!

Violette Ruffley said:
Now you can go to work, I'm tired of my navel, so I'm not sure what is next. Maybe more work on my bucket list.
Ok, now what?

Where is everybody!
Did we enter a new phase with the moons of Jupiter and did that open some kind of crack in the moons of Titan or somthing?

Where is everybody?????

Annie said:
Hey I'm baaack but just briefly as duty calls. I have been foraging in the wood again for all. I needed to return to my crones home to rest. On my way back here I sat on a stone & ate a mushroom. I daydreamed of a good looking bum & thought it might be Ron Tocknells. But then I snapped out of it. Yes sweet dearest Violette an auspicious moment indeed. Didn't I say 333 would be good??? 3,6,9,12, add 12 =3. Keep adding up from 12 by 3s & see what happens. have morphed into the bonified crone. You should be featured as the crone of the month. Yahoo. WeHaaaaa.I love you all.
I never thought I'd see the day when I was the only one posting in this thread!
Has anyone see the lady quoted below lately??????????????
I want to smoke what she's smokin'!

Violette Ruffley said:
I'll stay and hold your hand actually I can't cause I got my hands full of bags of thongs. I'm planning to pack them up and ship them out to the CIA, FBI and any other black ops operators. They are the newest bump in the road. Be very cautious and keep looking in the Google ads, they sneak in an ad on a roll-over basis!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
No clue! This place is like a ghost town, ain't it?!
Craziest thing I've seen!
We need to stir things up Violette!

Violette Ruffley said:
Actually babe I'm not smoking anymore but I will raise my glass to you. By the way who brought the olives, cheese and crackers?



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