Architects of a New Dawn

We’d like to show the side of the world you don’t normally see on television.

Crones were old bitties, and old hags, and toothless ladies who wear granny panties.

Anyone have:
Any other rumors to add?
Just wondering...


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I've got crackers but no cheese - maybe this'll work

cat red,red cat

hi guys - sorry to be such a dawdler - it's been three months since I saw your pretty faces and I get the urge to come in on my last week of NaNoWriMo (yes you can google it) which is a bad time because it's when I should be CONCENTRATING, but I missed you guys & writing writing writing - you know what they say about all work and no play.....
... and I noticed for some strange reason the number on the 'posts in this thread' has reset itself or something because - (maybe the Universe wants us to re-experience) it's still only 10 posts to go to 333 - isn't that a kick in the head? or thong. How ya doin' Violette? AW?

V: Had this awful urge on day 1 of NaNo to write in & tell you about my 'answer' to slipping bra straps; but I was seriously not certain I could pull the NaNo thing off, so I didn't. [50,000 words in 30 days, don't edit the novel until the following month, so you allow the Muse to come thru & get into the FLOW - we all know about FLOW - but now I'm at the 45,000 mark, so relaxing a bit - probably a bad thing).

Bra straps: only for you Violette: For the last five years I've been wearing my bikini top as a bra. Well, they wear out, so several bikini tops in succession. They tie round the back of the neck, so no straps to slip!!!! I feel comfortable, tho, probably as some would say no earthly reason to wear one anyway, but years of habit - I like to feel supported!!!!!!!!!!

Anyway that's for you instead of cheese.

and who's smoking what?
who changed the numbers back?
couldn't be you, AW, could it? Or does it mean if somebody exits, all their erstwhile posts get eliminated, so we go back to square 3?

xxx M

AkashicWreckage said:
No clue! This place is like a ghost town, ain't it?!
Craziest thing I've seen!
We need to stir things up Violette!

Violette Ruffley said:
Actually babe I'm not smoking anymore but I will raise my glass to you. By the way who brought the olives, cheese and crackers?
Interesting, Marian. I have no clue what happened to the post numbers! Twasn't me!

I'm not smoking now, too much to do, but later maybe, LOL!
Good to see you here!
Up to your old tricks again, eh, Violette? Eh?
I'm learning Canadian, so I'm practicing here---eh, eh!

Violette Ruffley said:
Hi Marion, Ooooooooooooooooooooooooooh this is like Old Home Week. What shall we do for celebration????????????
Crackers are a good start and I have lottsa olives, black and green stuffed with pimento.

What is this rumble about numbers being changed back????????? After the trauma and race to reach 333 - ya mean we never did????????? Whose figment was this????????????? AW Heeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeelp!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

So happy to see I haven't lost my touch for the infamous punctuation marks.!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! That's some kinda serious cat you got there Marion. Yeah I concur, bloody slippen straps.
eh eh -
cAnadian is good AW - VERRRRY FUNNY - but promise you won't do an eh eh msg just to get us past the (new) 333 mark - between the 3 of us, two posts each & we HIT IT.

HIIT IT VIOLETTE - NO POSTS of exclusive haxkalation punkts either !!

I want to know if <3 works - it's a the new emoticon symbol my granddaughter taught me - it means mhua - big kiss <3 <3 <3 to us 3 <3 if it doesn't work on AOAND, it's probably only an email thing - but the sentiment is being expressed <3 (looks like lips anyway)
and V - thanks for the olive - tastes yummy - how's your cracker? little dry, sorry, swig a little plonk, here, and it'll taste better - we may be the only 3 till we hit 333 anyway - might as well make the best of it!

you OK AW? whatya working so hard on?

x <3 M
oh p.s.I have to tell you this rumor:
chinese whispers - don't tell
remember we were talking back then about somebody UNDER Violette in the (healing?) group & I invented/saw Dr Mike OVER me in the Music group . . ? well knock me over with a fethah (feather), he's begun to send me nice chat about why do we in Scotland moan about the weather when it's seasonal; golf; you know, peripheral stuff; also music - he's good on music - and he said -HE POPS his head in once in a while into the Crone group...... so there's always a turn in the highway we don't expect. Haven't seen him on TOP of me in the music group recently, tho, so maybe he's moved. Gets to be a little difficult to tell at this age , anyway.... oops risqué comments not allowed until AFTER 333

oh yes, the cat Violette - not mine - just wanted to send a funny kitty to you because of your feline-free environment - thought you might enjoy x

AkashicWreckage said:
Up to your old tricks again, eh, Violette? Eh?
I'm learning Canadian, so I'm practicing here---eh, eh!

Violette Ruffley said:
Hi Marion, Ooooooooooooooooooooooooooh this is like Old Home Week. What shall we do for celebration????????????
Crackers are a good start and I have lottsa olives, black and green stuffed with pimento.

What is this rumble about numbers being changed back????????? After the trauma and race to reach 333 - ya mean we never did????????? Whose figment was this????????????? AW Heeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeelp!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

So happy to see I haven't lost my touch for the infamous punctuation marks.!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! That's some kinda serious cat you got there Marion. Yeah I concur, bloody slippen straps.
by my count - you just wrote number 329; this reply makes it 330 - if AW would like to come off of planet Niburu and show us her DEAR face as well as post numbers (1 each) 1, 2 or 3, we get there - all on our lonesome!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

there, V: now I know how satisfying it is to do exclamation marks! should have tried that a long tie ago! bless you x M

Violette Ruffley said:
So what number are we at now?
oh yes, just in case someone UP THERE is being judgmental about our frippery & the cosmic number 333, I am adding a little serious prayer to this msg - so we are covered every way we turn - bless us 333

We dedicate all positive words to the enlightenment of all sentient beings in six realms of cyclic existence.
Now it says 331 and this posting should make 332, but this is definitely weird!
I think the numerical numbers are playing tricks on us!

Violette Ruffley said:
So what number are we at now?
We dedicate all positive words to the enlightenment of all sentient beings in six realms of cyclic existence.
Well that leaves me out, I've been hanging out in the 7th realm!

I think we 'done good' as the fella said. Maybe in all this reshuffle, the Universe wanted us to be our spiritual selves as we crossed the number & you DID it, AW. We DID it, V & M & AW!!
absolutely concur: (& repeat) We dedicate all positive words to the enlightenment of all sentient beings in six realms of cyclic existence.
so that way the numbers leading up to AW's 333 & the numbers after have the same prayer & power.
Don't you think we did OK girls?
x M
anyway, I also heard there were twelves layers, so you being on seven is a good place AW; I'm kinda lingering around the fifth dimension myself lol

AkashicWreckage said:
We dedicate all positive words to the enlightenment of all sentient beings in six realms of cyclic existence.
Well that leaves me out, I've been hanging out in the 7th realm! Dang!
Candle Pictures, Images and Photos

Don't sit there in the dark, Violette - I love you WE LOVE YOU - and here - I got you this little candle with its single bright flame - I'll put it here next to your cracker & olive & plonk & the red cat, so you can look at the flame and think of the multiple layers of human & animal & spiritual consciousness and KNOW we are ALL STILL HERE because we have work to do. plus we are all ONE (single flame, single being, single consciousness). We just get sidetracked, that's all.

And speaking of sidetracking - gotta fly - I have another 5000 words to write tonight before I sleep... I think that sounds like a bad rendition of a very nice poem I once heard...
loads of love - thanks for being there x M

Violette Ruffley said:
While you lovely ladies have been floating and hanging around way up there. I think I've been in the basement, a hottie on one of the other sites where I hang out calls me Lady of the Light, but it's so dark here I think someone knocked out my lamp. There are so many delicious hotties out there my blood pressure is soaring.

Thank you AW for this momentous 333 moment. You shall be held in memorial. Oooooooooooooooooh I do miss you!!!!!
So sorry I haven't been back her Marian! Work, work and more work!
But I join in the energy of the vibration!
I feel it!

Marian Youngblood said:

I think we 'done good' as the fella said. Maybe in all this reshuffle, the Universe wanted us to be our spiritual selves as we crossed the number & you DID it, AW. We DID it, V & M & AW!!
absolutely concur: (& repeat) We dedicate all positive words to the enlightenment of all sentient beings in six realms of cyclic existence.
so that way the numbers leading up to AW's 333 & the numbers after have the same prayer & power.
Don't you think we did OK girls?
x M
anyway, I also heard there were twelves layers, so you being on seven is a good place AW; I'm kinda lingering around the fifth dimension myself lol

AkashicWreckage said:
We dedicate all positive words to the enlightenment of all sentient beings in six realms of cyclic existence.
Well that leaves me out, I've been hanging out in the 7th realm! Dang!
I'm glad someone has time for other activities---shall we call what Violette does????
I do miss the comraderie we've all shared here!
Now Violette---where ARE all of those hotties?

Violette Ruffley said:
While you lovely ladies have been floating and hanging around way up there. I think I've been in the basement, a hottie on one of the other sites where I hang out calls me Lady of the Light, but it's so dark here I think someone knocked out my lamp. There are so many delicious hotties out there my blood pressure is soaring.

Thank you AW for this momentous 333 moment. You shall be held in memorial. Oooooooooooooooooh I do miss you!!!!!
Ahhhhh, Marian---did you get the 5000 words completed?
When I get carried away, really carried away---I can do about 4000 in just a couple of hours.
What are you writing?

Marian Youngblood said:
Candle Pictures, Images and Photos

Don't sit there in the dark, Violette - I love you WE LOVE YOU - and here - I got you this little candle with its single bright flame - I'll put it here next to your cracker & olive & plonk & the red cat, so you can look at the flame and think of the multiple layers of human & animal & spiritual consciousness and KNOW we are ALL STILL HERE because we have work to do. plus we are all ONE (single flame, single being, single consciousness). We just get sidetracked, that's all.

And speaking of sidetracking - gotta fly - I have another 5000 words to write tonight before I sleep... I think that sounds like a bad rendition of a very nice poem I once heard...
loads of love - thanks for being there x M

Violette Ruffley said:
While you lovely ladies have been floating and hanging around way up there. I think I've been in the basement, a hottie on one of the other sites where I hang out calls me Lady of the Light, but it's so dark here I think someone knocked out my lamp. There are so many delicious hotties out there my blood pressure is soaring.

Thank you AW for this momentous 333 moment. You shall be held in memorial. Oooooooooooooooooh I do miss you!!!!!



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