Architects of a New Dawn

We’d like to show the side of the world you don’t normally see on television.

Let's talk about the black plastic bags

Full of fallen angels stuffed in a box,

milky remnants shoved in a can,

the jagged edges of painful crossings-

in the end, all debris,

divorce, shame, death,

husband number three,

dropped in the bags.


They smell like rotten persimmons.

Fossilized fingers grasp the fullness.

You drag them behind feeling the strain

across your shoulders, down the back.

At the gate, you yearn to go through

but pinioned in place you can’t move.

Even a magician can’t loosen

those long-frozen fingers,

for without the bags

what weight would you have?

So it comes to this.

Drop the garbage.  By now it’s sludge,

fodder, compost, rich ripe mud,

ready for life to bloom,

produce pollen,

food for hummingbirds, bees,

lighter than specks of dust.

Views: 49

Replies to This Discussion

Excellent - reminds me of Bly's poem about "carrying around heavy bags" - only yours is better. Sally,do I know you from California - Shiven? I am going to your page, and possibly I will remember?
committed to Oneness, ron
Ron Alexander said:
Excellent - reminds me of Bly's poem about "carrying around heavy bags" - only yours is better. Sally,do I know you from California - Shiven? I am going to your page, and possibly I will remember?
committed to Oneness, ron

You have my sea turtle painting - you know me from the poetry group. :) Hope you're doing well!
Dear Sally, I went to your page, immediately after writing below, and sent you a quick "aha" message, while asking you about your brilliant colorful paintings - are they new? And I prize your great sea turtle painting proudly hung in a prominent place in my house. I am looking on line for your fine painting now. to post here.
Ah by the way, I blame my mental lapses on two things: the creative right side of the brain has no memory and info. overload - "the older I get the more beautiful life becomes." Frank Lloyd Wright One Love, ron
Ron Alexander said:
Dear Sally, I went to your page, immediately after writing below, and sent you a quick "aha" message, while asking you about your brilliant colorful paintings - are they new? And I prize your great sea turtle painting proudly hung in a prominent place in my house. I am looking on line for your fine painting now. to post here.
Ah by the way, I blame my mental lapses on two things: the creative right side of the brain has no memory and info. overload - "the older I get the more beautiful life becomes." Frank Lloyd Wright One Love, ron

HAHAHAHA I attribute it to a mind too full, spirit detached.
Thanks so much for the visit and your kind comment Cherie- Yes it does weigh a lot :)

Cherie Blackfeather said:
I like the feeling of the weight and the feeling of the necessity of it and the smell of it (as the awareness of it increases) and the fertility of it as it becomes useful for something new and light and "lighter than specks of dust." wonderful!! thank you.



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