Architects of a New Dawn

We’d like to show the side of the world you don’t normally see on television.

What a speech!!

I congratulate all Americans on this historic day. At times like these I wish I could be part of the American dream, to be motivated and inspired in this way. May America play a leading role in the awakening of a new dawn. I have no doubt that nothing is impossible for an inspired and committed nation.

To your success!

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Bush was in on 9/11. I hope he is having a wonderful day in Texas pulling weeds or doing something finally constructive.
Thanks for wishing us well. We have been a little beaten up lately. "We come in the age's most uncertain hour...(American Tune, Paul Simon) Like he, "I don't know a soul that's not been battered, don't have a friend who feels at ease. Don't know a dream that's not been shattered or driven to it's knees. But it's alright...." We're slowly starting to breath again. I found out that Alice Waters has been trying to get a "victory" garden in the White House back yard since the Clintons. I hope we can convince the Obamas to start a garden. So many Americans are making the move towards producing food in their own communities, I think it would set a wonderful example. So many would discover the joys of gardening. especially children. Alice Waters has been an inspirational leader in this area. The effect on future generations makes the mind wobble!
With Love, Erin
Marinspin.......I'm waiting patiently for the proof! I've heard this rediculous assertion before from people, and no one has yet to furnish conclusive proof, that Goerge Bush was "in on" 9/11. Well??? is that all you got?? I'm waiting!

Marinspin said:
Bush was in on 9/11. I hope he is having a wonderful day in Texas pulling weeds or doing something finally constructive.
Sorry I am not into proving anything to you.

"Bush had NO CHOICE but to respond"

God save us from people who believe what the media spoon feeds them.
Mainspring.......Something told me you you had nothing! Do your homework next time, and stop listening your friends for your opinions.
Marinspin said:
Sorry I am not into proving anything to you.

"Bush had NO CHOICE but to respond"

God save us from people who believe what the media spoon feeds them.
I guess I should be listening to you in your opinion? Sorry I don't agree with much of what you have to say.

I guess if I don't want to engage with you and prove you wrong then I do have nothing. Nothing but common sense.
Marinspin.....I'm just curious about whether or not you truely believe that the president of the United States conspired with who knows how many others, to fly two airplanes into the twin towers, and of course the Pentagon....and Why. Do you believe that president Bush is also behind the attack on the Marine base in Lebanon in the 80's, The 1992 attack on the World Trade Center, the attack on the uss khol in the port of Yemen, how about the beheadings of Nick Breg, and Daniel Pearl. Do you believe Goerge Bush arranged for our embassies to be bombed in Africa. How about the London bus bombings. Maybe he conspired with Tony Blaire, and entire British government.

I was in London trying to get home to the states on August 10th 2006 when all area airports were closed to air travel due to potential terrorist threat. Is this all just smoke and mirrors to you. One giant international con game? For what earthly reason? Help me out here...I'm trying very hard to understand what makes you ( and many others ) believe these things. You speak of common sense. Think for a moment of how many people would have to be involved in this conspiracy you imagine.

in 1993 bomb was placed into the lifevest pocket under a seat aboard a Phillipine Airlines flight. When the device detenated during the flight, it blew the legs off a Japanese businessman...killing him! The bomb also blew a hole in the fuselage, but failed to crash the aircraft. It was able to land. That was considered a "dry run" to test the strength of the bomb. You can read all about this now if you wish, unless you would rather cling to you rediculious conspiracy theory, and your "common sense". Google Ramzi Yusef, and the plot to blow up 11 US airliners simultaniously over the Pacific Ocean, and learn something maybe you didn't know about. It's something I know all about.

I'm sorry for being so blunt. It's just that I'm so sick of Americans tearing down their own country, portraying us as bad guys of the world. I would ask you do use a little common sense, look at the big picture, and ask yourself if you really, and truely believe these things.

Marinspin said:
I guess I should be listening to you in your opinion? Sorry I don't agree with much of what you have to say.

I guess if I don't want to engage with you and prove you wrong then I do have nothing. Nothing but common sense.
Yes I do think Dubya was in on 9/11 and I do not think the guy cared at all about the USA or it's citizens while he was in office. I think he and his cronies were more into filling their own pockets then doing anything to improve the USA. The man lacked total integrity and left this country in debt and in a total mess not to mention numerous people were needlessly killed in Iraq. If you need a hero you can have him.

There was no reason except for pure financial greed for Bush to start a war in Iraq. He claimed that war was over years ago yet it is still going on. I have zero respect for the man and it seems many other Americans were ready to see him leave office. Actually I do not feel he was ever fairly elected in the first place and I am glad the dictatorship is over.

I think your political views are very far from mine and I will probably never agree with you. Feel free to do a poll and find out how many people here believe that Bush needed to save us from evil terrorists or was in on 9/11. I am sure I am not the only person here who is overjoyed to see Bush back in Texas where he belongs.

I don't think Bush was open with the American public about having Lyme disease. I think he still has it and has the chronic form. It can cause severe neuro symptoms and he honestly should have left office once he knew he had the disease. Unfortunately he waited until a year later to admit he had it which once again is proof the man has little integrity if any. If you need more information about chronic Lyme disease go to or

or see the film Under Our Skin

Chronic Lyme along with co-infections is not a pretty disease and he was obviously effected by it. His speeches due to poor word retrieval were embarrassing disasters towards the end even if they did give David Letterman plenty of fuel for laughter. I have nothing against anyone struggling with neurological symptoms of Lyme disease I just do not want them running the country. Dubya was not the brightest President even on a good day.

Politically I find your views just plain scary!
"If you tell a big enough lie and tell it frequently enough, it will be believed"

Hi Bill,
In one of your posts, you mentioned, "IF ONLY AMERICANS KNEW".........; please do me a favour and Google: if only americans knew. Ok, I will do you a favour and post a vid in the videos section for you to peruse atyour own leisure.

I will end off by saying that if you leave the Muslims alone, they will leave you alone.

Marinspin........Thanks for finally writing something. However you still left me disappointed. You didn't furnish the proof I need, or even a reason why you believe George Bush masterminded 9/11. According to you, and all your friends on the other side of the line, He couldn't organize a snowball fight. Aren't you giving him way too much credit? Then you drifted of the subject and started rattling on about everything else. You seem remarkably well informed, but I think you're getting your information from bumper stickers.

Based upon the last three presidentil elections, it would appear that the country is devided in half politically, or someone should have won by a landslide. There would be no allegations of anyone stealing the election. That would be way too big of a rabbit to pull out of a hat. It's easier when it's really close. Therefore, it would appear I have plenty of company, and so do you. You're right Mainspring, it is highly unlikely that we would ever agree. But that's okay. The biggest difference between our idealologies is, yours is based on regergetated misinformation your friends told you, or you heard it on CNN, NPR, or the David Letterman show, and mine is based on reality, logic, and personal experience.

I will look into the information you sent about Lyme disease, and try to find evedence of the the president's affliction, and it's subsequent ruining of the country, if you will Google Ramzi Yusef, and read about him. Or maybe you don't believe that he, or any of his lot even exists at all. Hey, maybe we could start a whole new conspiracy theory....What do say?

Marinspin said:
Yes I do think Dubya was in on 9/11 and I do not think the guy cared at all about the USA or it's citizens while he was in office. I think he and his cronies were more into filling their own pockets then doing anything to improve the USA. The man lacked total integrity and left this country in debt and in a total mess not to mention numerous people were needlessly killed in Iraq. If you need a hero you can have him.

There was no reason except for pure financial greed for Bush to start a war in Iraq. He claimed that war was over years ago yet it is still going on. I have zero respect for the man and it seems many other Americans were ready to see him leave office. Actually I do not feel he was ever fairly elected in the first place and I am glad the dictatorship is over.

I think your political views are very far from mine and I will probably never agree with you. Feel free to do a poll and find out how many people here believe that Bush needed to save us from evil terrorists or was in on 9/11. I am sure I am not the only person here who is overjoyed to see Bush back in Texas where he belongs.

I don't think Bush was open with the American public about having Lyme disease. I think he still has it and has the chronic form. It can cause severe neuro symptoms and he honestly should have left office once he knew he had the disease. Unfortunately he waited until a year later to admit he had it which once again is proof the man has little integrity if any. If you need more information about chronic Lyme disease go to or

or see the film Under Our Skin

Chronic Lyme along with co-infections is not a pretty disease and he was obviously effected by it. His speeches due to poor word retrieval were embarrassing disasters towards the end even if they did give David Letterman plenty of fuel for laughter. I have nothing against anyone struggling with neurological symptoms of Lyme disease I just do not want them running the country. Dubya was not the brightest President even on a good day.

Politically I find your views just plain scary!
Imtiaz......I will watch the video. I am, and have always been open to arguments and opposing points of view as long as they are based on reality, and facts, not open-ended unanswered questions.

I will end off by saying: Again!!! I believe that there are probably millions of Muslims....and Christians, and Jews, and Buddists, and so on, that want, and deserve peace, just like you and I. My heart is open to those people. Go back thirty something years, and start studying world events. Don't skip anything!.

Imtiaz Mather said:
"If you tell a big enough lie and tell it frequently enough, it will be believed"

Hi Bill,
In one of your posts, you mentioned, "IF ONLY AMERICANS KNEW".........; please do me a favour and Google: if only americans knew. Ok, I will do you a favour and post a vid in the videos section for you to peruse atyour own leisure.

I will end off by saying that if you leave the Muslims alone, they will leave you alone.

Bill I think this statement says a lot.

"Massimo........Italy is one of many countries that can call themselves "free" today, because American soldiers died there fighting to liberate your people from the Nazis."

Shame on you calling anyone "you people"

It shows a lot of arrogance. This is an international website and forum meant for all people of all countries and this thread was to celebrate our new President not to tell people why they should be worshiping the USA and Bush. I honestly wish the cyber-police would lock you up for egotism and throw the key away.

I can't even bother to read half of what you post. To me you are acting like an ugly American and I guess every forum has one. I just wish this one didn't but lets be inclusive and say welcome Bill. This is a world of dualism and maya so Bill glad you are here just do not expect me to read what much of what you have to say.

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