The St. Paschal Friary Demolition (Peabody Estate)
By Barek Halfhand
The decision to conclude the Peabody Estate installments as one of my recurrent locations ironically coincided with the County F.P.’s announcement that commencement of the St. Paschal Friary demolition had already begun despite the steadfast efforts of historical preservationists and the ambitious seeming renovation designs proposed by local real estate developers that included plans for everything from assisted living to moderately priced condos to studio apartments to low income housing (much to the chagrin to neighboring affluent subdivision residents) to an office building/speciality shops/restaurant-bar banquette facility combination...sadly the burgeoning annual cost of maintaining the 100,000 square foot structure that was rapidly falling into disrepair and the unresolvable zoning disputes and assorted ensuing lawsuits finally sounded the death knell for the this unique, notoriously haunted old building...the asbestos removal, dismantling and complete cleanup is projected to cost over $700,000 USD ...
In addition to the hundreds of photos and HD videos I made chronicling the progressive stages of deconstruction from multiple trips over the last month or so upon learning the fate of this landmark behemoth, as fate would have it I was probably the last to ever photograph the inside of this legendary, historic icon of haunted Chicago-land lore and relic of Catholicism... the inclusion of a hard-hat and breathing apparatus to that of my usual (intentionally) small list of trip accouterments, some creative wrangling and maybe the sheer efficacy of the Jedi mind trick I employed granted me a brief but unfettered access to the inside of this gargantuan, Gothic mansion and the lingering curiosities still harbored the past only strained, fleeting glimpses through streaked windows opaqued by dust or partially obscured by haphazard board-up efforts hinted at the ornate, hand crafted wood workings of the ceilings, latticework theme walls, shelving units and book cases of the great halls not to mention the twin maple hardwood staircases that lead to the stone terraced circular balconies above the main entrance reception area and beyond ...even those limited peeks inside were almost completely restricted by last fall’s plywood security fortification project that even further shrouded the building in mystery and speculation ...rumor has it that a certain phantasm with a penchant for fear generation was scaring hikers on the nearby paths and wooded grounds by glowering at them from within and this is why some of the third story (unbroken) windows are covered ...I did not hasten my time inside but in the same respect I did not want to risk revocation of the access I was granted under the pretense of being “In and out” so I didn’t push the envelope too far but I did in fact get some amazing shots that were well beyond my expectations ...the presence there is tangible even from the outside but as I made my way though a pitch black stretch of basement hallway with only the back light LED from my cell phone as illumination the sense of that presence intensified (heaven forbid I ever bring a flashlight)...
The upper level of each wing had wide open (and irresistible to someone like me) roof access terrace doors that provided a welcomed open air reprieve from the musty, dank catacombs within and as I peered over the crenelated wall to the ocean of blue sky above the fall tinted trees lining Mayslake and the crisp, sun stippled autumn landscape below, the notion of relinquishing this plot of land to nature seemed to be lessen this affront to the preservation of a historical landmark by way of it’s unceremonious destruction ...
Construction of the current (condemned) building began in 1952 after the original structure built on a plot of land to the east of the Mayslake Manor (Peabody Estate) was purchased by the Sacred Heart Order in 1924 shortly after the death of Illinois coal magnate and family patriarch; Francis Stuyvesant Peabody died on south side of the property ... Mr Peabody apparently perished as the result of a heart attack while participating in a fox hunt atop one of his faithful steeds that is buried on the grounds near the mansion along with several other of his prized and beloved thoroughbreds...the property itself was once home to one of the few remaining mixed Native American Tribe villages in the northern region of Illinois prior to the 1825 enactment and subsequent later enforcement of President Jackson's “Indian Removal Act and many feel this is contributory to the inordinate amount of supernatural activity reported at this site throughout the there is the added component of Mr Peabody’s death near the site as well as the fact that the facility served as a retirement home for aging monks when this branch of the practicing Franciscan order relocated towards the end of it’s tenure housing this religious institution ...
There has been much theory and conjecture regarding construction/ remodeling/demolition and elevated levels of supernatural activity, while much of this is proffered hypothetically and although some present their aphoristic views as axiomatic doctrine, few disagree that a correlation exists...whether these projects “awaken” dormant yet sentient entities or if it simply triggers a residual looping “play-back” at this juncture remains a matter of personal belief...I have lauded my own theories on this in the past drawing comparisons to analog sound waves imprinting on vinyl records and psychical impression imbued in certain rock or stone used in building materials and the vibration of the construction work releasing a “playback”...conversely the vibrational harmonics thought to facilitate and invoke spiritual commune may also inadvertently attract, reinvigorate, agitate or infuse with energy a non corporeal entity anchored, grounded or “attached” to a location undergoing remodel or demolition etc. ...
Reviewing The sheer volume of video footage I captured during this first phase alone shall prove to be a daunting task and one of tedium but I will be composing 2-3 You-Tube videos and adding them shortly as the atmosphere I encountered inside will be undoubtedly be of particular interest to those of you that are adept at interpreting the radiant energetic signatures that many contend emanate from photos and own “intuition” was instilling a sense of extreme discomfiture that seemed to be the most acute near the upper floor study where the bizarre books are on display ...whether this was indicative of a spiritual presence or if it was the adverse effect of exposure to black mold, friable asbestos or any other number of possible airborne carcinogenic agents is a matter of opinion open to discussion (I didn’t wear the mask) sure to check back for update photos for phase 2 ....
Here are the (compressed to 1MB )base photos, some have been sharpened or color enhanced ....b