We’d like to show the side of the world you don’t normally see on television.
Well, it is DONE already, the Earth will go on. But the way of living is what has to change and what is being changed already. The illusion of the separation will go, that's all. There will be enough people that will be able to change the what causes the nature cataclysms. The ways have given already how to make a change, how to raise children in the way that they will have and never loose the full consciousness. The people are already waking each other up from sleepy state of consciousness, the fact is it cannot be stopped.
I wonder just how long people will go on with believing in this Nostradamus dream, while we all see that is not what our choice is. The humans could be collectively route the movement of the planets too, if they would be able to get one idea altogether. If the people will stop lying about the past, that these people were less developed than we are now... People were for example able to change the Earth gravity and things like that. Want proof, pyramids. This Nibiru thing is not scary at all. What is scary is the way we take the Earth in pieces, although we know it cannot go on like this, we should do something to have the water and air in the future, too. Not mentioning the number of the people who are starving to death each day... By losing the one person, the one species, the ... we also loose the part of our own, literally! We are eternal beings, not just bodies, we live in, but these bodies we have are the big parts of the whole Universe, when connected our own consciousness. They are now, too, but it is hard to notice and when we do notice, then it is hard to believe why we keep living like machines (like computer without an electricity:-).
What I do suggest is to imagine the own future in the way that it would be connected to our highest (more wide, more deep also) ideas of who we really are. Try to get the connection with the feeling of the Universal harmony in the way it used to be and in the way it will be in the future and bring the feeling to our present moment. When having this feeling all the time, it is already a change. When we are being changed for further development all the time, we also see much more clear what is needed to be done now. What we think, feel and do now, IT IS our future presence. We all have the choice.
The fact that the human civilization has been lost many times from this planet before does not mean it happens this time. What is different? We all have it this time, just needed to get rid of the sleepy state in all over the World.
So blessings for you, the Earth will go on, I've seen it.
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