Architects of a New Dawn

We’d like to show the side of the world you don’t normally see on television.

What a speech!!

I congratulate all Americans on this historic day. At times like these I wish I could be part of the American dream, to be motivated and inspired in this way. May America play a leading role in the awakening of a new dawn. I have no doubt that nothing is impossible for an inspired and committed nation.

To your success!

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James maybe Obama as a knight on a white horse is a complete fantasy but just maybe the reality is he will assist the USA in improving and solving some problems. Hard to say just yet. The election did give me hope and so far I am not ready to say my hope for a improved USA is gone yet. I am still hoping and dreaming of things in the USA improving. Is it okay if I keep that dream for a while longer?
Hi Bill,

I think you have made an assumption about my point of view which is not accurate...

here is what I said...

May I invite you into a world beyond Nations, where the dream of liberty, equal rights and justice, is our common legacy. Yes We Can. We are not separate, we are one !"

here is one of your comments, "Like I said earlier, party on! To me, this whole ( Obama ) thing is taking on a very creepy cult-like complection, both in his own rhetoric,and in the rhetoric of his throngs of devotee's, like Marc for instance. Yikes!"

The assumption in your statement is that I am cult-like in my devotion to Obama. I think a more accurate assessment of any cultish tendencies on my part would be that I am devoted to the principles put forth in the declaration of independence.

It seems to me, the word "Yikes" in your comment implies a kind of fear of mindless Obama zombies drinking Obama cool-aide in hopes that everything will be alright. I harbor no such illusions. I did however decide to make the effort to focus my intentions and imaginations in a very specific way this year. I am harboring a mental focus which is directed toward imagining and believing a world of great potential and possibilities exist. I am doing this consciously as an exercise in optimism. You and I could have a discussion in which you would discover that I am quite awake to the duplicity in Obama's promises and what might be considered "realistic".

I sincerely want to live in a world like the one I invited Pierre into. My sincerity flows from a deep belief that it is possible to achieve. One would find it easy to offer logic and analysis to point out that my hopes and beliefs are far from reality, but most would agree they are good hopes. So the question then comes up....How do we give our hopes the best possible chance of success.?

I am feeding the compassionate wolf. This does not mean, I do not know the other wolf is hungry and waiting to be fed, or that there are many many reasons we could hold on to, which, point to our collective inability to achieve this lofty dream.

However, here I am alive, and free to choose the path I follow.

Thus, with this power of choice, I act in a manner which gives this dream life. Life in my heart, life in my mind and life in my soul.

Our history is filled with stories of people who were told that what they dreamed of bringing into the world was impossible, for example building the Golden Gate Bridge. Yet, there it stands.

Thus, do not mistake my choice to pursue a better world, with hope and belief in our ability to succeed, for the blind hope of a sheep, or follower. Nay, you must come to realize, that what I offer as my hope is possible, albeit a difficult road to walk. The first step is this choice to believe it is possible. There are many many next steps to follow, as well as mountains to climb to get there. I see them and I know they represent adversity and challenge, yet I choose this path anyway.

So, I invite you on the journey, the question remains, are you courageous enough to let go of your earthbound attachment to what is realistic? Courageous enough to imagine that we could achieve such possibilities? Courageous enough then to offer yourself in service of finding the practical path to achieving them ? Creative enough to overcome all and any impediments by collective will and imagination.

I would rather walk this path and fail, than to accept failure before I even tried.

The Mind is a Tricky Coyote

Love Marc
Marc......I can see you're a man of peace, and deeply held convictions, not unlike myself. You just choose a different path. One thing I've learned for sure, in my years on the planet. If you go through living your life the way you wish it were, instead of the way it is......reality,like the chickens, will eventually come home to roost and sort you out. I do applaude your optimism though. My real life experiences have irrevocably tempered my views of the world. I'm optimistic as well, because I know that eventually the pendulum will swing back, as it always does in life.

regards, Bill

Marc said:
Hi Bill,

I think you have made an assumption about my point of view which is not accurate...

here is what I said...

May I invite you into a world beyond Nations, where the dream of liberty, equal rights and justice, is our common legacy. Yes We Can. We are not separate, we are one !"

here is one of your comments, "Like I said earlier, party on! To me, this whole ( Obama ) thing is taking on a very creepy cult-like complection, both in his own rhetoric,and in the rhetoric of his throngs of devotee's, like Marc for instance. Yikes!"

The assumption in your statement is that I am cult-like in my devotion to Obama. I think a more accurate assessment of any cultish tendencies on my part would be that I am devoted to the principles put forth in the declaration of independence.

It seems to me, the word "Yikes" in your comment implies a kind of fear of mindless Obama zombies drinking Obama cool-aide in hopes that everything will be alright. I harbor no such illusions. I did however decide to make the effort to focus my intentions and imaginations in a very specific way this year. I am harboring a mental focus which is directed toward imagining and believing a world of great potential and possibilities exist. I am doing this consciously as an exercise in optimism. You and I could have a discussion in which you would discover that I am quite awake to the duplicity in Obama's promises and what might be considered "realistic".

I sincerely want to live in a world like the one I invited Pierre into. My sincerity flows from a deep belief that it is possible to achieve. One would find it easy to offer logic and analysis to point out that my hopes and beliefs are far from reality, but most would agree they are good hopes. So the question then comes up....How do we give our hopes the best possible chance of success.?

I am feeding the compassionate wolf. This does not mean, I do not know the other wolf is hungry and waiting to be fed, or that there are many many reasons we could hold on to, which, point to our collective inability to achieve this lofty dream.

However, here I am alive, and free to choose the path I follow.

Thus, with this power of choice, I act in a manner which gives this dream life. Life in my heart, life in my mind and life in my soul.

Our history is filled with stories of people who were told that what they dreamed of bringing into the world was impossible, for example building the Golden Gate Bridge. Yet, there it stands.

Thus, do not mistake my choice to pursue a better world, with hope and belief in our ability to succeed, for the blind hope of a sheep, or follower. Nay, you must come to realize, that what I offer as my hope is possible, albeit a difficult road to walk. The first step is this choice to believe it is possible. There are many many next steps to follow, as well as mountains to climb to get there. I see them and I know they represent adversity and challenge, yet I choose this path anyway.

So, I invite you on the journey, the question remains, are you courageous enough to let go of your earthbound attachment to what is realistic? Courageous enough to imagine that we could achieve such possibilities? Courageous enough then to offer yourself in service of finding the practical path to achieving them ? Creative enough to overcome all and any impediments by collective will and imagination.

I would rather walk this path and fail, than to accept failure before I even tried.

The Mind is a Tricky Coyote

Love Marc
Dear Marc

I like your previous comment very much. I might have a scew impression of Americans, but I suppose I am lucky then that approx. 95% of the Americans I have met, have this similar viewpoint you just described in your comment. I visited the USA on 3 occasions in the last 10 years, and would love another opportunity to do so. I managed to start a volunteer program for USA wilderness rangers (Forest Service, Park Service, etc.) to my country, South Africa. This idea (dream) of mine was also "shot down" by my supervisor - a real dictator and negative person. He called my idea a "pipe dream". But my experience with committed, inspired, and motivated Americans made it so much easier to feed the compassionate wolf. The pendulum eventually supervisor lost his job. I resigned in December 2006 (out of own choice). I had more than 30 USA volunteers visiting and doing excellent work. Through this, and my USA visits, I made the most wonderful friends and contacts, and an amazing admiration for what Americans can achieve (which I believe is not a pipe dream).
Pierre..........I applaude you for following your dream, and making it come true. That one concept is fuel that drives the American dream, and has done so for 220 odd years. The fact that people from all over the world have come here, and brought their dreams, tallent, perseverence and work ethic, to build this country from the ground up, is the reason it's the great country it is. The list of contributors goes on and on. I am especially proud of my grandfather. He came here from Italy at the age of fifteen and went to work building the railroad. Speaking no English in the begining, he went back to school here, and graduated. He entered the Army at the outbreak of WWI, served his new country honorably, and was wounded in battle. He carried a piece of shrapnel in his body for the rest of his life. After the war, my grandfather attended Pratt, and earned an engeneering degree. His story is one of millions just like it.

Everything in life happens for a reason Pierre. Your supervisor probably lost his job because he couldn't balance his responsibilities with his obligation to support his tallented staff. He didn't deserve that job. Hopefully he was replaced with someone with more vision, and so the pendulum does indeed swing once it reaches it's apex.

My late wife beleived strongly in volunteerism. She did so here at one of our state parks. I think it was one of the most rewarding experiences of her life. When she died, I had a tree planted there in her name. I hope that when visitors to the park read the plaque at its base, they might also be so inspired.

I mentioned earlier, that my favorite American president was Theodore Roosevelt. He started the National Park Service here in our country. He was an amazing figure, and the epitome of the American spirit. Read about him. There should be more leaders like him. I wish there were one in the Whitehouse today.

regards, Bill

Pierre said:
Dear Marc

I like your previous comment very much. I might have a scew impression of Americans, but I suppose I am lucky then that approx. 95% of the Americans I have met, have this similar viewpoint you just described in your comment. I visited the USA on 3 occasions in the last 10 years, and would love another opportunity to do so. I managed to start a volunteer program for USA wilderness rangers (Forest Service, Park Service, etc.) to my country, South Africa. This idea (dream) of mine was also "shot down" by my supervisor - a real dictator and negative person. He called my idea a "pipe dream". But my experience with committed, inspired, and motivated Americans made it so much easier to feed the compassionate wolf. The pendulum eventually supervisor lost his job. I resigned in December 2006 (out of own choice). I had more than 30 USA volunteers visiting and doing excellent work. Through this, and my USA visits, I made the most wonderful friends and contacts, and an amazing admiration for what Americans can achieve (which I believe is not a pipe dream).
Nice talking with you Bill
One day at a time...

we'll find a way !!!!
Thanks Marc.

Marc said:
Nice talking with you Bill
One day at a time...

we'll find a way !!!!
Hi! Marc
Great input. You and Marinspin have done a wonderful job of dodging the insults and getting straight back to the heart of the matter. My brother met Obama in the 90's. They were both offered scholarships at Harvard Law but, my brother chose Cornell. He did some legal work in Chicago and was very impressed by Obama and the encouragement he was receiving to run for president. I was for Hillary so I'm enjoying the political goings on without much emotional attachment. I simply wish the best for all Americans and I know that with new, hard working, achievement minded people in government things are going to turn around for us quickly. The world once again has a partner in the presidency not a protagonist. I'm amazed by the assumptions conservatives make about liberals. Both have the same desire to protect and serve this country. I think this desire alone is proof no one WANTS war except those who profit from war. When I pray for compassion for our enemies I do so knowing full well the danger in them. I also pray for compassion for Dubya. He intended this war in Iraq from the moment he ran for president. To those wonderful men writing here who have such a desire and have worked hard to protect us, Thank You. We need you. You have love in your hearts, not war on the brain. We need to end this pointless conquest in Iraq and get back to keeping all the world safe in our arms. Peace isn't just a pretty saying. It is the end to war. It is my name.
Love, Erin (Peace)
Hi Erin.......I guess maybe I was a little blunt. Then again, that's the only way I can say it sometimes....and yes both Marinspin and Marc did a superior job of dodging my insults. But, I am honest. and will happily admit my mistakes,when or if I make them, and will give my full attention to conclusive proof, anyone has to support their positions with regard to some of these "interesting" assumptions that you hold to with such tenacity. How's that for a run-on sentence?

It's a complicated world we live in Erin, and I don't think anyone really has all the answers. Not me, not you, not Barak one!Again, I base my positions on actual facts, events, and my own personal experiences, not on what I heard on Pacifica radio, NPR, the New York Times, some wacky college professor, or anything my brother, or anyboby else told me.

I'm trying real hard to be as polite as possible, so take it easy on me Erin Okay? After all, at the end of the day, I am a peace-loving, government stay the f#@k out of my business, no eggshell walkin' New York realist!

regards, Bill

Erin Michelle said:
Hi! Marc
Great input. You and Marinspin have done a wonderful job of dodging the insults and getting straight back to the heart of the matter. My brother met Obama in the 90's. They were both offered scholarships at Harvard Law but, my brother chose Cornell. He did some legal work in Chicago and was very impressed by Obama and the encouragement he was receiving to run for president. I was for Hillary so I'm enjoying the political goings on without much emotional attachment. I simply wish the best for all Americans and I know that with new, hard working, achievement minded people in government things are going to turn around for us quickly. The world once again has a partner in the presidency not a protagonist. I'm amazed by the assumptions conservatives make about liberals. Both have the same desire to protect and serve this country. I think this desire alone is proof no one WANTS war except those who profit from war. When I pray for compassion for our enemies I do so knowing full well the danger in them. I also pray for compassion for Dubya. He intended this war in Iraq from the moment he ran for president. To those wonderful men writing here who have such a desire and have worked hard to protect us, Thank You. We need you. You have love in your hearts, not war on the brain. We need to end this pointless conquest in Iraq and get back to keeping all the world safe in our arms. Peace isn't just a pretty saying. It is the end to war. It is my name.
Love, Erin (Peace)
I got tingles when I heard the man speak. My twin 10 year old kids asked to light a candle the night before--it was Martin Luther King's Birthday Holiday and the eve of the inauguration and they sat before the candle in the dark and prayed aloud for both of these great men. They asked god to bless them and to grant wisdom to our new President and to help the people of the country. They asked for the war to be over soon. They asked for the soldiers to be able to come home safe and sound. They prayed for peace. I prayed that President Obama live out his life to make his dreams become realities. Please help him survive! Please let this amazing man and terrific role model make his mark as a living President, and grant that he gets all the time he needs to see his plans through to fruition. He is a brave and honorable person of stunning vision. I congratulate the American people for their courage to elect such a fine person to his position. Now we need to keep him safe long enough for him to do what he has set out to do.

My fifth grade children wrote letters to the President. My son wrote: "You should use more words and less weapons." I like that sentiment very much. My daughter wrote: "Support green companies!" Amen!
Hi Bill
My Daddy is from Brooklyn. When I was a kid and anyone tried to con me, he'd look me in the eye and say "if you buy that I still have a piece of that Brooklyn Bridge I could sell you." He taught me to read at three. And he taught me to make fabulous NY style pizza and 7:00 is the only civilized hour for dinner. Best Wishes!
Love, Erin

bill galante said:
Hi Erin.......I guess maybe I was a little blunt. Then again, that's the only way I can say it sometimes....and yes both Marinspin and Marc did a superior job of dodging my insults. But, I am honest. and will happily admit my mistakes,when or if I make them, and will give my full attention to conclusive proof, anyone has to support their positions with regard to some of these "interesting" assumptions that you hold to with such tenacity. How's that for a run-on sentence?

It's a complicated world we live in Erin, and I don't think anyone really has all the answers. Not me, not you, not Barak one!Again, I base my positions on actual facts, events, and my own personal experiences, not on what I heard on Pacifica radio, NPR, the New York Times, some wacky college professor, or anything my brother, or anyboby else told me.

I'm trying real hard to be as polite as possible, so take it easy on me Erin Okay? After all, at the end of the day, I am a peace-loving, government stay the f#@k out of my business, no eggshell walkin' New York realist!

regards, Bill

Erin Michelle said:
Hi! Marc
Great input. You and Marinspin have done a wonderful job of dodging the insults and getting straight back to the heart of the matter. My brother met Obama in the 90's. They were both offered scholarships at Harvard Law but, my brother chose Cornell. He did some legal work in Chicago and was very impressed by Obama and the encouragement he was receiving to run for president. I was for Hillary so I'm enjoying the political goings on without much emotional attachment. I simply wish the best for all Americans and I know that with new, hard working, achievement minded people in government things are going to turn around for us quickly. The world once again has a partner in the presidency not a protagonist. I'm amazed by the assumptions conservatives make about liberals. Both have the same desire to protect and serve this country. I think this desire alone is proof no one WANTS war except those who profit from war. When I pray for compassion for our enemies I do so knowing full well the danger in them. I also pray for compassion for Dubya. He intended this war in Iraq from the moment he ran for president. To those wonderful men writing here who have such a desire and have worked hard to protect us, Thank You. We need you. You have love in your hearts, not war on the brain. We need to end this pointless conquest in Iraq and get back to keeping all the world safe in our arms. Peace isn't just a pretty saying. It is the end to war. It is my name.
Love, Erin (Peace)
Erin.....I started life in Brooklyn, and lived there till the age of three. When I was kid at school, just about everyone I knew came from Brooklyn too. We refered to it affectionately as the"old country". I was actually surprised when I met someone that came from someplace else.

Your dad sounds like a good man, and fun to be around. My dad taught me well too. It took becoming a father myself, to truely understand all the things he used to say, and there were many....but the one thing that sticks with me to this day is this....., he'd say "To thine own self be true". That one phrase has guided my conscience all my life.....Bill

Erin Michelle said:
Hi Bill
My Daddy is from Brooklyn. When I was a kid and anyone tried to con me, he'd look me in the eye and say "if you buy that I still have a piece of that Brooklyn Bridge I could sell you." He taught me to read at three. And he taught me to make fabulous NY style pizza and 7:00 is the only civilized hour for dinner. Best Wishes!
Love, Erin

bill galante said:
Hi Erin.......I guess maybe I was a little blunt. Then again, that's the only way I can say it sometimes....and yes both Marinspin and Marc did a superior job of dodging my insults. But, I am honest. and will happily admit my mistakes,when or if I make them, and will give my full attention to conclusive proof, anyone has to support their positions with regard to some of these "interesting" assumptions that you hold to with such tenacity. How's that for a run-on sentence?

It's a complicated world we live in Erin, and I don't think anyone really has all the answers. Not me, not you, not Barak one!Again, I base my positions on actual facts, events, and my own personal experiences, not on what I heard on Pacifica radio, NPR, the New York Times, some wacky college professor, or anything my brother, or anyboby else told me.

I'm trying real hard to be as polite as possible, so take it easy on me Erin Okay? After all, at the end of the day, I am a peace-loving, government stay the f#@k out of my business, no eggshell walkin' New York realist!

regards, Bill

Erin Michelle said:
Hi! Marc
Great input. You and Marinspin have done a wonderful job of dodging the insults and getting straight back to the heart of the matter. My brother met Obama in the 90's. They were both offered scholarships at Harvard Law but, my brother chose Cornell. He did some legal work in Chicago and was very impressed by Obama and the encouragement he was receiving to run for president. I was for Hillary so I'm enjoying the political goings on without much emotional attachment. I simply wish the best for all Americans and I know that with new, hard working, achievement minded people in government things are going to turn around for us quickly. The world once again has a partner in the presidency not a protagonist. I'm amazed by the assumptions conservatives make about liberals. Both have the same desire to protect and serve this country. I think this desire alone is proof no one WANTS war except those who profit from war. When I pray for compassion for our enemies I do so knowing full well the danger in them. I also pray for compassion for Dubya. He intended this war in Iraq from the moment he ran for president. To those wonderful men writing here who have such a desire and have worked hard to protect us, Thank You. We need you. You have love in your hearts, not war on the brain. We need to end this pointless conquest in Iraq and get back to keeping all the world safe in our arms. Peace isn't just a pretty saying. It is the end to war. It is my name.
Love, Erin (Peace)

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