We’d like to show the side of the world you don’t normally see on television.
Our New Life Styles
We have seen in discussion The efforts that is gone in preparing the
new Economic model for New Age. In this discussion let us see
the benefits that we get by adopting this model and the
steps to reach the set goals
1.India Shining
After independence we have made great strides.
Our growth in several fields are phenomenal.
We have hat trick in Moon mission.
We have designed and launched our own satellites
We build and run our nuclear reactors
We generate our own power
We run and maintain our power plants
Our power distribution system covers entire India
We have designed and deployed our own missiles
We have developed our strike air craft
We have built world class roads
We design manufacture and run our trains
We have made great strides in IT sector.
Our professionals are appreciated in all countries
Our industry growth in all sectors is phenomenal
Soon we will be on top of world trade
The credit for this goes to all political leaders ,all secretaries ,
all dreamers and visionaries whose ideas shaped India as exists now
While our progress is great we are lacking on many fronts
Remember there are only 32 million tax payers in India
One third of worlds poor live in India. According to the
new estimates, India had 456 million people living
below the new international poverty line of $1.25 per day.
The number of Indian poor also constitute 33% of the
global poor, which is pegged at1.4 billion people .
India also had 828 million people, or 75.6% of the
population living below $2 a day. Sub-Saharan Africa,
considered the world's poorest region, is better —
it has 72.2% of its population (551m) people below the $2 a day level.
Employment Status
Added to this inefficiency in capitalism we add 15 million
every year to our population. New jobs, are created to the
extent of 10 million by the government. It is a very large figure.
It is more than half of Australia .But then, 5 million or
more are added to the unemployed lot. We fear large scale
modernization in agriculture. Because this will through out
many more agriculture workers onto the streets searching for work.
Look at the distribution of people by 2020. India will have 1300 million
people by then. Those who need schools and colleges will be
490 million. Retired will be 57 million. Those who need employment will be 772 million.
Going by the present statistics capitalism can employ about
507 million. Unemployed will stand at 260 million.
Here again in agriculture sector under capitalism will employ
288 million. By modernization we can reduce the manpower to
153 million at the same time we can double the produce. If we
do this then capitalism employs a meager 372 million.
The unemployed will rise to 395 million.
Flight of Farmers Look at agriculture. In the 1930s, about 25%
of the US population resided on the nation's 6,000,000 small farms
and produced enough food for all of them. In India today we
have 65% population on farms. We still struggle to feed every one .
The real problem behind all this lies in the economic model,
‘capitalism’ that we are using for years.
Look at the number of death of these poor farmers “ More than
17,500 farmers a year killed themselves between 2002 and 2006,
according to experts who have analyzed government statistics.
At least 160,000 farmers have committed suicide since 1997,
experts say.” From Google. Look at our education system.
Our students run pillar to post to get education , to pay their
fees and to manage themselves during education.
After all this is over they run door to door for jobs.
Few are lucky to get immediately but majority of these
educated have to run behind several industries to get some job
Very few live happily in old age. Majority has to depend upon
their children, friends and relatives.
Most of our employed people are under un-organized sector .
They have to pray god every day for their daily bread.
While 32 million could be happy but for the rest about 1100 million
it is a night mare. All this make us believe ”India is bleeding”.
Capitalism has many ills
It cannot solve our problem of unemployment.
It cannot solve large scale inequality.
It cannot remove vagaries of the existing society .
Under capitalism debt trap lay ahead for the government
It cannot bring social justice to 1000 million or more people in India.
If you are not convinced about these statistics look at what is
happening in world over
It will give you an insights of how capitalism works
Inequality is rising due to capitalism
Inequality is nothing new to capitalism. According to a report by the
Washington-based Institute of Policy Studies (IPS), “the combined sales
of the world's top 200 MNCs is now greater than the combined GDP
of all but the world's nine largest national economies. Yet, the total
direct employment generated by these multinationals is a mere
18.8 millions -one-hundredth of one per cent of the global workforce.”
Distribution of People by 2020
India will have 1300 million people by then. Those who need schools
and colleges will be 490 million. Retired will be 57 million.
Those who need employment will be 772 million.
Going by the present statistics capitalism can employ about
507 million. Unemployed will stand at 260 million.
Here again in agriculture capitalism will employ 288 million.
By modernization we can reduce the manpower to 153 million
at the same time we can double the produce.
If we do this then capitalism employs a meager 372 million.
The unemployed will rise to 395 million.
Since capitalism is not solving our problems can we turn to communism ?
Look at your own children When you boss over them they retort
They rebel They fight They do not like it
If it so how can a grown up man can tolerate this model
Even in communist countries the drift It has already made a beginning
Communism fallen in Russia China slowly changing over to
capitalistic methods in running its industries Then how can any
one say let us take to communism
Our Tardy Political Atmosphere
Over and above all these problems we have another problem.
We are following democracy. We elect our own leaders.
Unfortunately very few of these elected leaders work for the betterment of the people.
“Politics has become big business…. The returns in
‘political businesses’ are higher than the pay back in any other business’
“The analysis of the re-contesting candidates for the last
Lok Saba elections revealed that the average asset value increase of all these
MP’s was 287 percent, equal to Rs2.75 crore for each MP.
The maximum asset increase was 9,137percent.’
Statistics from ‘Election Watch’ indicates that 150 MPs in the current
parliament have criminal records… There are 72 MPs with serious criminal charges.
“He (Madhu Koda ) was first elected to the Jharkhand Legislature in 2005.
He was chief minister for just about two years , from 2006 to 2008.
The Enforcement directorate has alleged that he has laundered money
estimated to be about Rs4000 crores”
Corruption in government offices
You want any thing from government there are people who will try
to take advantage of this to collect some bribe. The common mans
owes and disgust increasing every day. And still they have no
option to escape from these clutches of these government staff.
Capitalism has not done good to many people living in India .
No one likes authoritarian rule of communism. Even children do not like nagging parents.
Co-operative movement has made a beginning almost along with capitalism
Therefore we can say we have reached the end of the road in our attempt to make India great.
World over the search is going on to find an alternative to capitalism
Most of the economic models that are proposed in USA and else
where are very good, but have not crossed the level of dreams and visions.
This new model for new age is based on three simple concepts that we
use and are fully aware . The new economic model is the fusion of three simple concepts
i. capitalism as we are using now
ii. co-operative effort which are all aware of it
iii Post dated cheques which we issue to purchase the goods .
This fusion releases economic nuclear power in India that changes our living styles.
New life style of lower income group
They have monthly salary
They have house of their own
They have transport
They have two wheelers
They have money for food
They go to hotels
They have medical facilities
They have tourism facilities
They have leaves like every government employee
The have old age pension
They pay tax and live a happy life
Their children go to schools
They go on tour 10 days in a year
They have old age pension enough to meet their requirement
They enjoy life
They have TV
They have Internet
They have mobile phone
They are covered under insurance
Their life is totally organized
There are no ups and downs
Accident insurance
Death insurance
Vehicle insurance
Easy Buy will be your new distribution centers .
You have water connection in your house
You have electricity in your house
You have gas
You have parks
There are only seven steps to reach the goal
Step1: Employ All who want work
Step2: Work out salary structure
Step3: Work out goods and services they get
Step4: Assess the total demand and produce
Step5: Work out a method to pay their salaries
Step6: Stream line goods distribution method
Step7: Work out time frames to supply items
1: Capitalism employs in reality only 372 million by 2020.
Unemployed will be 395 million. In spite of tall claims by its supporters ,
this is the most inefficient system for employing people.
Under “Reverse Principle” we are employing 767 million. There are no unemployed.
2:When we employ all under Reverse Principle the demand at the lower
income group should go up by 25% logically. To cater for this demand
we have doubled the man power in industries, water, power, etc.
Therefore we can assume they will produce goods to meet the expected
demand due to increase in work force.
3: Under construction there were only 23 million under capitalism.
This figure rose to a staggering 252 million under Reverse Principle.
They will build houses for all, old age hostels, tourist hotels, schools ,
colleges, industries, parks, roads , water harvesting, energy , etc.
Their jobs are end less. All will be working full time and building these requirements .
4: We pay each one Rs9000 at the lowest end. With this salary
they get housing, transport, and all the day to day requirements.
They even get money for tourism and old age pension after retirement.
They get their ration etc through “Easy Buy” supply chains
which are organized on the lines of Subhiksha.
5: When the newly employed go to market with this money they
may not get many things to start with . Many goods like two wheelers,
TV, telephones may not be there. They are therefore put under
q- and they have to wait till these goods are produced.
6: Ration shops are in bad taste as far as distribution of goods are concerned.
They will be replaced by “Easy Buy “ shops.
It is they who will distribute these goods to the low income group.
7: All those who want to work are employed.
Therefore there is no unemployed any where in India.
8: For the lowest workers the salary is fixed as per the existing norms.
But then the price of the goods are on the lines of cooperative lives.
There are no advertisements costs. There are no middle men. There are no taxes.
9:Cooperative movement gets stream lined by the Reverse Currency.
Any group can start an industry by drawing the Reverse Currency.
They can pay the salaries through Reverse Currency.
Banks stream line the release of funds and therefore contain inflation etc.
Every thing move without any friction.
10.As of now there are only 32 million tax payers in India .
It is they who want to pay higher price for better quality.
This capitalistic fabric is not disturbed. Capitalism will be there for these 32 million.
By 2020 this figure may go up to 70 million and may go up further because of increased prosperity.
11:Every village plans their requirement and build them.
They draw funds required from reverse currency and build, parks roads in their village, shops complexes and other requirement. Government interference does not exist.
That is how we have the Swaraj of Mahathma Gandhi.
12: By the use of Reverse currency we employ all those who want work all the time.
Therefore the infrastructure gets a boost. Economy gets multiplied.
Prices comes down. Every one enjoys a better standard of living.
13. By 2020 a total of 490 million children will be going to various schools
of which 50 million will be going to better private schools a
nd colleges by paying as per capitalistic model. 440 million children draw reverse currency and scale new peaks in the ladder of education.
14.Out of the 772 million working people about
70 million will live as if they are under capitalism . The balance 702 million workers too will pay tax at reduced rates and have every thing.
15.Out of the 57 million retired people 3 million will be enjoying
a wonder full retired life, living in hotels, seeing luxurious places
flying from place to place and enjoying the fruits of their life.
The remaining 54 million live in old age hostels move from place
to place once in every three months if they so desire and live a happy retired life.
16.Every year every working person go on tourism for ten days and live in
tourist places at its cost price.
17.Infrastructure gets a boost ,Crime comes down to zero, Corruption will be rooted out.
18. Year after year the economy scales new peaks and new heights
There are no downs. We have peaks to climb and Life will be full of fun.
Under New governance every thing is web based. Every activity is registered
through appropriate webs. You get the required information through
search engines directed towards specified webs. You get all data through webs.
Elections are stream lined. And there are many more such innovations in functioning of the government
Changing over to “Reverse Principle’ has all the merits. It has all the advantages.
But it has only one risk factor . We have to produce 400 million
six square flats for couples.500 million lab tops for children going
to schools.400 million lab tops for workers.400 million computers for
schools and colleges200 million hostel rooms for students .1000 million TV
sets, one each for every one.1000 million mobile phones800 million
battery operated two wheelers for all working people.200 million flats for
tourism one for each couple over and above the increased demand in food,
cloths and consumer items. But then in the process we can make sure
that every body gets some thing or other every year.
9. It is Not a Dream
This is not a dream. More than 200 pages have been written .
l book are published and the same are send to several dreamers and visionaries.
Let us some of the views in this section
This is to acknowledge your letter addressed to the President of India
along with your two publications: -With Best Wishes,
RK Prasad, Private Secretary to The President of India
The Prime Minister sends his best wishes to you for every
success in all your endeavors.
Vikram K. Doraiswami Private secretary to The Prime Minister
It is easy to dismiss scientist Author Keta Meera Sahebu as a dreamer.
His latest book, The Greatest of all Dreams-Vision 2015, seems
like presenting what India could become a decade ahead as a kind of Utopia The Hindu”
It is an interesting narration that matches with the aspirations of the future
on Indian people from all walks of life who enjoy dreaming.
Coining a holistic approach which takes the best of Capitalism,
Communism and Spiritualism the author feels that India is in the right
shape to lead the world. This week Marathahalli
Nara Chandrababu Naidu:Leader of Opposition,A.P. Legislative Asembly:
Apart from the excellent treatment of the topics, the enclosed write up is a great help to people like me.
The foreword by Dr .N.Chaturvedi is an eye opener and indicative
of his rich experience. The introduction by Prof Seshagiri Rao itself is an experience in learning.
N.R.Narayana Murthy,Chairman of the Board, Infosys
I wish you success in your endeavour
Nandan M.Nilekani,Chief Executive Officer, Infosys,
The book makes an interesting reading! It is not only your dream
it is every Indian’s dream! I enjoyed reading the book and wish
to see India where you have dreamed it to be!
N.Srinivasan,Addl Private Secreatary to Finance Minister,
I am directed by the Hon’ble Minister to convey his thanks for the gesture
Dr D.M.Namjundappa:My Congratulations for innovative books under reference.
Spin India.org
India Needs New Breed of Leaders
To day India needs a new set of leaders. Not slogan mongers.
We want people who can work out and uplift India to grater heights
We are now looking for a new breed of leaders who can feel the
pulse of India and work for its glory.
Spin-India .org is an organized effort. It is forum for every
Indian to work for a new India. It is not a political organization!
Books on these topics published by Shri Shri Publishers
1. Quantum Jump to a Resurgent India
1/8demy ,Pages 16, Price: Rs10/$1
2. The World Where Gandhi Lives
1/8demy, Pages xxxii+136, Price: Rs99/$10
.3. India In My Dreams
1/8demy ,Pages xxiv+186, Price: Rs240/$24
4. The Coming Fourth Revolution
1/4demy , Pages 24, Price: Rs10/$1
5. The Hi-Tech Civilizations
1/4demy , Pages 24, Price: Rs10/$1
6. Planning For the Great Transition
1/4demy ,Pages 36, Price: Rs20/$2
7. A New Model for New Age
1/4demy , Pages 24, Price: Rs5/$0.5
8. Journey to Infinity With a Unified Vision
1/8demy ,Pages 96, Price: Rs20/$2
9 The Heavens Beyond
1/8demy , Pages 112, Price: Rs20/$2
10. Secrets of Your Coming Birth
1/8demy , Pages 122, Price: Rs20/$2
11. A Dream World
1/8 demy , Pages 40, Price: Rs5/$0.5
12. Spin India
¼ demy ,Pages 32, Price: Rs20/$2
13. Guide To Knowledge Society
1/8 demy , Pages 20, Price: Rs10/$1
14. Our Journey To Knowledge Society
1/8 demy , Pages xvi+188 , Price: Rs150/$15
15. Our Road To New Life Styles
CD, PDF ,more than 300 slides, Rs50/$5
The web
gives all aspects of knowledge society in a simpler manner.
All these economic thoughts and political ideologies are derived from Philosophy of the unified vision. These details are given in the web
Keta Meera Sahebu born on 15 November 1942 in Hindu family. His father Keta Narayana Murthy and Mother Keta Achiyamma were God fearing and no more. He married Chitti Narayanamma in the year 1965.
She is there, by the side of the author in all his activities .
She loves children Sridhar and Sridevi, affectionate towards daughter in law Sheela
and loving grand children Shaswat and Shreshta The author was Additional Director in DRDO for 35 years .
After retirement he was Prof and HOD in MVJCE for three years and working as a Professor in SVCE for the past four years .The author was trying to bring in a quantum jump in India and change the life styles of every one.
very interesting topic there's so much to say......
capitalism and comunism are loosers......love is the answer....too ridiculous answers.
we have to be activists . we should organize a meeting showing all our competences and needs and guarantee life and health education to everyone......but this would go against natural selection the most adaptive has to live and reproduce,,,,,oh what a mess......still talk here on this topic with you....
For any thing to get
effort is required
even to set destiny
or even to modify destiny
we must act
even god will help those who try to help them selves
keta meera sahebu
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