Architects of a New Dawn

We’d like to show the side of the world you don’t normally see on television.

I am currently writing this from my vacation in Switzerland, my home country. I have left my family at home in the States and have placed myself in a different environment around people who are in total balance most of their time. This is such a healing experience that I cannot do anything by be in my center as well. No daily stresses to pull me out of that state and no calls of "MOOOOM" to interrupt the flow of joy. I have since almost been bombarded with requests to practice and help people with their issues (I am a homepathic practitioner) and it has become clear that once I live every moment of every day balanced and in joy, my true energy comes forth and people around me reflect this back to me instantly. The creation of one's energy is again in one's own power. I have worked my calling while in this state easily and effortlessly and have already earned back the expense of the airplane ticket which was a big gift i had given myself.

Do chime in and try to express some of your experiences in that regard so that we can bounce off of each other and compare notes !

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Dear Claudia, I practice Vipassana meditation (Buddha's Path) and the goal is equanimity - not transcendent out of body experiences (though they happen sometimes). Equanimity is balance, calmness, peace, centeredness, and, to me, the Middle Path! One hour in AM and One hour in PM leads to a clear way of living in the moment much of the time. in joy, ron

Have you been able to bring that balance back with you?

Thanks and Peace,




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