Architects of a New Dawn

We’d like to show the side of the world you don’t normally see on television.

Crones were old bitties, and old hags, and toothless ladies who wear granny panties.

Anyone have:
Any other rumors to add?
Just wondering...


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Well, they say that "crack kills," hardy, har, har, har.
Which reminds me of a day a couple of weeks ago. My friend was dropping me off at work and as I was about to close the car door, he said simply, "Crack kills." I looked at him and said: "What?" He repeated, "Crack kills. You'll see."

With that, I closed the door, wondering what the heck he was getting at.
I walked up the stairs, turned a bit to the right and then began to walk towards the entrance to the building, passing the tables set outside for the employees to eat their meals I start to get to the first table, what greets me?

About 6 inches of crack, with the top of a thong as a crown---I'm telling you---it was not a sight I expected to see!
Couldn't miss the sight, it was visible to all who passed that way into the building.....And...well.... nevermind....

So, I turned to look back towards where my friend was still parked and could see the huge grin on his face.
It was THAT crack that he had seen from his angle, that I couldn't see until I made my way up the stairs!
I was laughing as I made my way to my desk...
That image is burned now forever in my mind---the stuff nightmares are made of!

Violette Ruffley said:
Well I don't know about granny panties, but I still can't bring myself to wear a thong.LOL Violette
...bitties, hags and toothless ladies?
...with faces only their grandchildren would love. I say, hell yeah... but with teeth.

What was so great about being young and physically attractive?
Sure it has its good side... but the down side is the stuff of crime and oppression.

Young women are stalked, raped, possessed by jealous lovers, murdered by the men who impregnate them, hit on by bosses and married neighbors, and the object of numerous unhealthy fixations. Our culture continues to objectify young women, both as sex objects and consumers. ...all while they deal with challenging biological processes, children and zillions of other details laid on them by a society gone mad. Objectification hurts everyone.

We bitties and hags have triumphed and survived those horrendous years.
Would I want to return to my earlier years? No way!
Everything is better now.

Have you ever seen the movie, "The Princess Bride"? Remember the horrendous looking old lady in the crowd who is the only one to speak truth... in no uncertain terms. I love her. She has no ulterior motive, no fear of retaliation... she just tells it like it is. She is freaking scary. She has a power that is both admirable and repulsive to others. Others want to be like her, but fear becoming like her. ...and her blatant truth-telling caused the young woman who was getting married off to the king, to revisit her own heart... and be bold.

I chose the pic I'm using as my profile pic because I think she's beautiful. My son thinks she's a man and when my grandson saw her, he jumped back and said, "Eww-w-w, who's that?" I said she's beautiful... the grandson looked at me as if I had lost it.
Guess what? I have lost it. I have lost whatever insecurities and inauthenticities that prevented me from being who I really am and coerced me to try to be something that fitted someone elses mold.

I have long held freedom as my ultimate expression. I am now freer than I have ever been... I am happier than I have ever been... I have a better marriage than ever before... I don't expect those who have never been here yet or those who never will, to understand or relate. Sorry, its not for everyone... only the strong survive.

When I began to wear low rise jeans a few years ago, I had to give up on thongs...I still have a few pairs that I keep for old times sake...
I always found thongs to be very comfortable, once I got used to them. Now I wear, what do they call them---boy short type of panties.
LOL---lordy, lordy, Violette---I'm giving away all my secrets here!

Violette Ruffley said:
I gotta know though. Who among you old broads are wearing thongs? Only advantage I can see is it sure makes laundering undies a snap! Oh lordy, bless us all. Violette
Jeanne, I read and re-read your post. Lots of food for thought. There is a lot that is great about youth, and in being young and attractive---yet, it is a season of life, as is this one. It can also be a time of learning about our power and our strengths---the energy of many things. It's all a pattern of stepping stones, that we all put down on our paths---without youth, how would we get here? Yes, we have survived and yes, we are a testament to thriving as well.
I will say here what I just sent you in email.
You contribute warmth, compassion,love, wisdom and humor. You are gracious and I love the fiesty you! Especially in Crone-hood, we should not have curb our feistiness (I don't think I spelled that correctly).
Blessings, love, light and a (dash of) feistiness,

Violette Ruffley said:
Dear ladies and the occasional gentleman that stops, by I extend my profound apologies. I do not know what has gotten into me lately. What ever the reason, there is no excuse for rude behavior. I've gotton really feisty and it's not gracious. I like gracious and hope I soon recover some vestige of my of my former self. Think I'm going to become an observer for awhile and retire from the ring until I learn some rules of behavior. I love you dear ones and thank you for your patience. Violette
AkashicWreckage said:
I will say here what I just sent you in email.
You contribute warmth, compassion,love, wisdom and humor. You are gracious and I love the fiesty you! Especially in Crone-hood, we should not have curb our feistiness (I don't think I spelled that correctly).
Blessings, love, light and a (dash of) feistiness,

I'll second that! I adore your feistiness. In fact I need it... from each of us. Long live authenticity and transparency!
Food for thought... I recieved this appropriate article this morning from AARP.

Think Positively About Old Age
Young people's stereotypes about their elders may contribute to health problems years later
By: Barbara Basler

"Younger adults who think of old people as helpless, feeble or forgetful are more likely to experience strokes, heart attacks and other health problems when they grow old themselves, researchers at Yale University report.
Their study, published in this month’s issue of Psychological Science, is the first to show that negative stereotypes of older people—developed early in life—have health consequences years later.
Using a standardized test for stereotypes, the researchers measured the attitudes held by 386 men and women ages 18 to 49 who were participating in the Baltimore Longitudinal Study of Aging.
Their health records were assessed by researchers 38 years later, and even after controlling for a number of factors—from family medical history to income and education—25 percent of those who agreed with the negative stereotypes of old age had suffered a heart problem or stroke, compared with only 13 percent of those who had positive views of aging.
Age stereotypes, which tend to be adopted in childhood and young adulthood, “carry over into old age and seem to have far-reaching effects,” says lead study author Becca R. Levy, associate professor of psychology at the Yale School of Public Health in New Haven, Conn.
The big question is, why? Researchers don’t know for sure, but Levy speculates that people who have negative attitudes about aging may give up on healthy behaviors, resigned to an old age plagued with mental and physical problems.
“This is a good, complex analysis that demonstrates negative stereotypes can affect our beliefs and behaviors and our health, even if we haven’t fully untangled the mechanisms of how they do so,” says Mary Lee Hummert, a professor of communications studies at the University of Kansas, Lawrence, who has done extensive research on age stereotypes but did not take part in this study.
The study, she says, “shows that negative stereotypes seem to have a significant, independent role in predicting the incidence of cardiac events. But we don’t know why.”
Still, she says, if the science shows that negative stereotypes play a role in health problems, “you might want to ask yourself if you have those views. The study might help sensitize us to the ways our unexamined beliefs might be influencing what we do or don’t do to keep healthy. It may be that by focusing on the positive aspects of aging we can help maintain our health.”
In my best New Yawk voice I say to you, Violette, Yippppeeeeeeee!

Violette Ruffley said:
OK, thanks to your loving support I'm back in the saddle. Violette rides again!
Victoria's Secret? I haven't been in there in years and years!
Road trip?! ;-D

Violette Ruffley said:
Do you suppose I should make a visit to Victorias Secret and look at some thongs?
I LOVE MY GRANNY PANTIES! I wear them proudly and oh so comfortably! I even have some in sexy lacy Black!!

Gotta love em!

And as far as old bitties - bring er on! I love the commercial for Kaiser Healthcare shown here in California - "When I grow up I wanna be an old woman" My Favorite commercial!!!

I love myself more & more as I age - I was a gramma at 36 - am 53 now and my grandkids love that I'm such a free spirit!

Mama Crow
I will never wear granny panties! No offense to the granny panties lovers!

Mothercrow said:
I LOVE MY GRANNY PANTIES! I wear them proudly and oh so comfortably! I even have some in sexy lacy Black!!

Gotta love em!

And as far as old bitties - bring er on! I love the commercial for Kaiser Healthcare shown here in California - "When I grow up I wanna be an old woman" My Favorite commercial!!!

I love myself more & more as I age - I was a gramma at 36 - am 53 now and my grandkids love that I'm such a free spirit!

Mama Crow
Since we're in tell-all mode about underwear... I'll admit I started wearing granny panties years before I became a granny. I was an avid runner for a couple decades and found nothing else to be comfortable over the long distances. I never had the bountiful booty, so bikini panties slipped off my boy hips and I was continually tugging at bunched up panties under my spandex shorts or sweats. Sure, at other times I went for the sexy, lacy, hardly there, little strands of fabric... but I don't know why. If it was he I was wearing them for... well, you know... they didn't stay on long.
And now... I buy granny panties in bulk. I am so over loving to shop.

AkashicWreckage said:
I will never wear granny panties! No offense to the granny panties lovers!

Mothercrow said:
I LOVE MY GRANNY PANTIES! I wear them proudly and oh so comfortably! I even have some in sexy lacy Black!!

Gotta love em!

And as far as old bitties - bring er on! I love the commercial for Kaiser Healthcare shown here in California - "When I grow up I wanna be an old woman" My Favorite commercial!!!

I love myself more & more as I age - I was a gramma at 36 - am 53 now and my grandkids love that I'm such a free spirit!

Mama Crow



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