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Teachers, how do you connect to your students?

I am a middle school math teacher. I am interested in ways to reach my students, many of which are economically and emotionally challenged. Any suggestions? Thanks!

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Great topic!
I am not a teacher, however, throughout my boys' years in school, I had both the opportunity to observe many teachers, and how students interacted with them. My boys attended a Magnet middle school in an economically challenged area of our county. The foundation of many of these children were compromised---they came from families with no parents present, being raised often by aunts or grandmothers. My boys resented the choice we, their parents, made to send them there. I was my belief, and the belief of their father, that they needed to be part of the diversity---they needed to do more than brush shoulders with others who did not have the same background. They needed to be with those who were different from them, so that they could see the commonalities and grow into forging paths of connections.

Middle school, I came to understand, is almost a "proving ground," for many children. They are challenged to fit in, to express themselves in socially accepted ways, to be part of a group, etc. In my opinion, the middle school years are among the most important years for our children.

I believe that children during those years, finely tune their truth meters. They do sense truth, genuineness---from the adults (and their peers) and if I had to pick out one quality that some of their best teachers embodied----it would be that those teachers were absolutely real with them. Those good teachers were able to connect with the students, in truth--by acknowledging the truth of who their students are---and holding that truth for the students to see for themselves.

I probably haven't given you the suggestions you asked for---but I wanted to share the qualities in the teachers I observed and appreciated, as they contributed mightily to the young men my middle school boys became!
The students were not seen by the teachers as economically or emotionally challenged (although that, of course, was part of the outer information about the students)----they viewed the students as fertile ground to be tended, tilled and carefully nurtured----all in truth.
Hello Lee,
I'm not a teacher,but as I have a daughter and, of course , she had to went to many schools during her life with me( she is a grown up now).
I've learned something really important during those years,and I hope my experience can be useful to you,my friend!
One of the most important things is to know the Astrological Chart of your students,because then you can understand each one deeply and as an unique person,an individual who has very particular ways to react and to relate with the world and will respond according to the aspects found on this chart. I really believe that Astrology should be taught in schools,for both teachers and students).
This will make your relationship with your students much easier, as you will be aware of their talents and limitations . Also how you can deal with every one properly,knowing their personal characteristics...
The other suggestion that comes to my mind is the one David Lynch Foundation is developing in many schools,providing resourses and ways to bring Transcendental Meditation to the students,including children.
There's small text I've extracted from David Lynch's Foundation that might help you understand the entire project:

"The David Lynch Foundation For Consciousness-Based Education And World Peace is a 501(c)3 non-profit that provides funds for in-school “Quiet Time” programs utilizing the stress-reducing Transcendental Meditation. The TM Program has been scientifically proven to help improve creativity, intelligence, brain functioning, academic performance; as well as reduce ADHD, anxiety, depression, and substance abuse. Check out the videos & interviews in OUR BLOG."

I hope my comment can help you! happy Easter to you! Blessings and Peace
Heloiza Averbuck
Heloiza, I was going to post something about how knowing where the North Nodes are (and they may be identical for many of the students), could prove to be very helpful. I was reluctant to post that! Thank you for putting the astrological aspect out there, I believe it's highly important as well.
AkashicWreckage said:
Heloiza, I was going to post something about how knowing where the North Nodes are (and they may be identical for many of the students), could prove to be very helpful. I was reluctant to post that! Thank you for putting the astrological aspect out there, I believe it's highly important as well.

Hello AkashicWrecage,

Yes,the Nodes are importants as well...
You really sholud post them ,then!!!
Glad you liked the text...
I believe that those are very effective solutions for the problem ...

Happy Easter to you! :)
Many blessings,
Heloiza Averbuck

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