In our so called ''Daily City Lives'' walking in the company of Machine-Cars their noise beating out our ears in every corner of any possible place,we are in such rush...In morning to start the work in afternoon go back to home,and at night watch TV.
The pictures of past-arts & violence of present copied through media and pasted into our brains.
People who are still in touch with their heart ,who refuse to disconnect to ''The Spirit Of Nature '' which is everything,the reason of our being and anything & everything that surrounds us;who are inspired by love & looking for peace,
People like me who still believe in good will we have to share our lights and reflect it to Mother-Earth.
We have to remember it is not just me,my home,my country,my people...It is our world,our home,our happiness.
We must never forget even for a second that at this very moment the Earth is turning round and round dancing endlessly around the Sun in such harmony...And we too never stop,we are always on the move turning around The Sun all the time.We are a part of this Cosmic Dance.Wherever there is a dying star or a borning star we are showered with Star-Dust.Universe talks to us in silence,its voice is always in our mind.We are inside of it not outside.We are surrounded by this peaceful harmony.
It is our true nature that exist inside Cosmos.
Never forget & do not let anybody forget ...Please remind everybody we are only one part of endless living beings in these Universes...We have to respect it.We have to understand it better.We have to connect it.
For how long more can we ignore trying to create an artificial world for our own selfish egos?
Nothing works alone in Cosmos,nothing can exist alone.Everything interacts & recycles with each other.
Please tell to as many people as you can,
That we have a responsibility to keep universes in balance & harmony.
Our responsibility is not to create as many pieces of paper as possible with some numbers on it.Which is called ''Money''...
If Money was The God,The Sun would never shine unconditionally...Moon would never show its face.
Lets pray & hope this ridiculous misery Human-Kind created and prisoned himself into comes to an end.
Lets remember & remind there is more above & beyond this Earth & Us....!
''God is the cause of all things which are in him''
Benedict Spinoza