Architects of a New Dawn

We’d like to show the side of the world you don’t normally see on television.

Having Discernment sounds a bit like having to eat "spinach " because its good for u. I
have ( on the home page of this group asked everyone to use discernment when following the guidance of all of us who are writing as each of us is responsible for occurs in our lives. This bears out even if we accept advise that is out of alignment with our direction.We are still responsible for how our lives unfold.

We cannot assign blame for a choice we make. We are responsible for listening to our heart's knowing and moving forward on it.

So still what is discernment? A definition passed on to me is: viewing a situation without judgement.

So fo r me , that's means , I let go of psychics, I let go of just joing any group to feel a sense of belonging, following someones's advise because they are charismatic, powerful , high energy,handsome ... whatever.

Once I "got it" that everything I do and say leaves an energetic imprint that will return to me, it became a prority to feel,do and say what supports me to BE in a resonance of unconditional love.

I love that scads of teachers a couple of steps ahead of us are here to share. I love that many groups are here to lend support,. I have let go of the psychics. ...not needed when tuning into
inner knowing.

I am a work in progress, being in greater and greater discernment of what I take in from and send out to the environment. I choose those situations which support my abilty to radiate and attract unconditional love.

Is it working?.Yes, some moments more than others.It depends on how attached I am to what is ready to be let go of in self.

Its awesome that we have each other to remind each other of the basics.

I wonder what references and experiences you all might have for this word . I wonder what is your
take on what it has to do with returning to love.

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Trust Unconditional Love

Posted by Harold W. Becker on July 16, 2009
View Harold W. Becker's blog

Dear Friends,

We are at a wonderful crossroads of potential right now on our precious planet. For the first time in our collective history, we are capable and prepared to dream a different possibility for earth and all her many life forms. We have within us the balance of love, wisdom and power to bring forth a new reality filled with peace, health, harmony, abundance and genuine joy. Such is the influence we wield in our personal and shared lives.

The challenge we face is the inertia to the path of least resistance, otherwise known as giving in to fear. For millennia, we have chosen this easier route of succumbing to our fearful thoughts and feelings rather than embracing our ability to love unconditionally. Fear, being the mask we wear to cover our self-doubt as creative beings, has led us through innumerable difficulties, traumas and dramas. This seemingly simpler choice has also brought us to the apex of our adventure which is illustrated by our current outward global crisis and individual destructive chaos.

The present circumstances may appear to be dire and at times, almost impossible to overcome. That is what fear creates – the illusion that nothing is possible and that our ability to imagine a different outcome is of no consequence. Each time we embrace our doubt and step into fear, we strengthen its hold upon us and allow it to become our perspective of reality.

There is another choice that beckons to us in each moment too, and it is filled with infinite potential. It is a quieter and more subtle opportunity that is most often ignored because it necessitates being present in the moment with an acceptance of our true nature as self responsible creative beings. It requires courage, strength and determination to delve into our heart, know the divine bond that connects us to all sentient life, and allow our expression to be one of compassion and understanding.

In the beginning, it takes more effort to choose love over fear since we must first overcome our initial reaction to whatever is before us and release the doubt and fear we previously engaged and encouraged. With a deep breath and a sincere willingness, we then allow love to be our guiding intention through our thoughts and feelings. As we learn to trust unconditional love, we experience how this tangible, immutable power steadily brings all things into balance and harmony.

Ultimately, unconditional love becomes the natural path.

Love, light and peace,
Harold Becker, President and Founder The Love Foundation
Thanks, Ron,

Your quote helps us to further understand why it is a useful skill to be discerning in life. We have choices to make that determine how our lives will go. And we have free will . We can choose whatever direction we like.

"In the beginning, it takes more effort to choose love over fear since we must first overcome our initial reaction to whatever is before us and release the doubt and fear we previously engaged and encouraged. With a deep breath and a sincere willingness, we then allow love to be our guiding intention through our thoughts and feelings. As we learn to trust unconditional love, we experience how this tangible, immutable power steadily brings all things into balance and harmony."

Ultimately, unconditional love becomes the natural path.

When we decide to choose love over fear we view the situation objectively .. ...discernment.This is easier said than done as we have all our little or big bag of wounds saying "No , I can't be objective...this hurts. And I am holding on to it forever, so I don't forget how much it hurts .And.. that u hurt me. "

It is this very scenario that then sets up a similar hurtful experience.For what we focus on , we get to experience again and again.

So yeah, I did finally listen to the guidance that was provided me and I am letting the wounded stuff go as it is ready. How do I know when it is ready to go? I interact someone who irritates me, or makes me nervous.,
and I find myself judging him/her.

Thats the wounded me I am judging. That's me wanting to come home to myself. And I do... applying the tools I have learned..

And I feel the energy I used to judge self and others return to me and become part of the wholeness of who I Am.... more loving than the day before, or moment before.



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