Architects of a New Dawn

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Transformative Media & Entertainment


Transformative Media & Entertainment

Music, visuals and storytelling can not only entertain, but uplift, heal and transform! Join with other content creators in sharing your past, present and future transformative media projects and ideas including films, videos, networks and events.

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Anyone here go to GATE convention on Saturday?

Started by Carlo Ami Feb 7, 2013.

Transformational Media using Digital Domes 2 Replies

Started by Ed Lantz. Last reply by Ed Lantz Jul 7, 2012.

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Comment by Ed Lantz on November 25, 2010 at 1:12pm
Oh, by the way, I'm speaking in Los Angeles next week at the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences. Hope you can make it if you are in town!

"Where Do We Go from Here?"

Beverly Hills, CA – The Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences will explore what could be in the future for motion pictures in "Where Do We Go from Here?" on Thursday, December 2, at 8 p.m. at the Academy's Samuel Goldwyn Theater in Beverly Hills. The program will be presented by the Academy's Science and Technology Council and hosted by writer-director-producer Jerry Zucker.

"Where Do We Go from Here?" will examine topics ranging from artificial intelligence to performance capture, 3D and non-traditional theatrical venues. Joining Zucker will be Council member and production designer Alex McDowell ("Watchmen," "Minority Report"), immersive art and entertainment expert Ed Lantz, neuroscientist Eric Haseltine and transmedia storytelling expert Jordan Weisman.

Zucker's interest in the future of cinema is evident in his role as a co-founder of the Science & Entertainment Exchange, a program of the National Academy of Sciences that provides entertainment industry professionals with access to scientists and engineers. His feature film credits include "Airplane!," "Ghost," "My Best Friend's Wedding," "Rat Race" and "Fair Game."

Tickets for "Where Do We Go from Here" are $5 for the general public and $3 for Academy members and students with a valid ID. Tickets are available for purchase by mail, at the Academy box office (8949 Wilshire Boulevard, Monday through Friday, 9 a.m. to 5 p.m.), or online at Doors open at 7 p.m. All seating is unreserved.

The Samuel Goldwyn Theater is located at the 8949 Wilshire Boulevard in Beverly Hills. For more information call (310) 247-3600 or visit
Comment by Ed Lantz on November 25, 2010 at 1:09pm
I deeply appreciate everyone's contributions to this group over the past year. Thank you for your wisdom, your vision, your passion and yes, even your provocations! All of us want to make a better world, and the arts, media and entertainment are powerful transformational modalities. Onwards and upwards!
Comment by Larry Lowe on November 23, 2010 at 2:05pm
A belief system that brings clarity, focus and inspiration to your life.
A philosophy that expands Your ability to bless and influence.
A spirituality that can insulate you from repeating failure.
A mission that can bring limitless abundance
A key to breaking free of Scarcity
A process for Transformation
A gift to all Humanity

Gaining Independence Forever Together

The World wide giving network!
Comment by Garry Jackson on November 23, 2010 at 12:31pm
Hello Folks;
Thanks for allowing me to be here.

As a singer songwriter and recording artist, I would love to offer what
I can. Tis true I am a dreamer and have many a story to tell through the power of song.

Hope to hook up with some of you soon.

Sincerely; Garry Jackson
Comment by Joe on November 7, 2010 at 7:59pm
SHEEOOOOT Cowboy!! All I can say is, Right On.
Comment by bob banner on November 7, 2010 at 7:24pm
.... We have been dealing with a disconnect from nature and each other for quite a while, haven't we?...
yes big time.. I recall at a Bioneers conference about ten years ago, someone on stage said that "we are living like we dont need a planet." that hit home, it hit home so much that I felt it throughout my entire body and being. My activism moved from my head to my heart... So all this unraveling that we are experiencing are death pangs and an incubation phase.. how I see it.... things are collapsing and things are being birthed. the discussions so far are in that category, like the many faceted conversations about energy, housing, money, gardening, soul transportation... To say its just greed is way too simplistic. we need to go deeper. Greed comes from an ego.. ego comes from a place of feeling separate.. yet we are not.. so the separation is an illusion. the healing needs to go deeper, thats all I can say. we need to feel this collapse as part of a death... perhaps the Sufis had it right that we need to die before we die.... but whats that first death all about.. these are the stories Im interested in, is HOW people die before they die... what transformation is truly all about.. and the acceptance and trust of the universe as it is and as it unfolds.. thats part of the new story, the new story that goes to our core as to who we are and what we are here about.. and allowing that to spread to people, to communities. it aint gonna come from the people at top... these are fascinating times and thanks for that biological computer video. wow... my new mantra is: its all unfolding juicily.
and with a little help from a still legal sacred plant:
Salvia is speaking through me... there is such a depth of significance of why we are here at this time... not as a scintillating or titillating realm but one of pure incubation, one of sheer focus and honesty to see where our strengths are and face the various weaknesses of ourselves to start the process of true interdependence... letting that love come through. letting that love be the foundation from which we move into this "world" to grasp and see the importance of how fragile we are. watch our thoughts, our words, our actions. and to let our gifts shine and truly help each other, truly assist and support each other.. and it comes to going deep into our own lives and to see and feel what gives us the most supreme aliveness.. is it fear? is it being miserable? is it in our nature to be high and empathic and contagious of aliveness and laughter and smiling and being the ecstatic one that we truly are? we talk about coming out of this dark age.. but we can ONLY come out of it if there are people strong enough to look within and pull forth the NEW from those depths to the NOW.. yes there will always be the ones who fight against.. yes and lets support them but they also need to support US for wanting to BE the changes, be the light that they are fighting for.. we need ALL of ourselves to DO and to BE what and why we came here... we did not come here to keep ravishing the planet for our own ego satisfaction.. THAT is whats killing the earth.. and it is going to that CORE, that core of LOVE that will move us, direct us, be listened to so that we can gain strength... not in numbers but in feelings, of expressions, of our natural fruits and inclinations and aspirations and dreams.. and the strength to move our "dreams" to a reality that can be TASTED and breathed and seen in our own eyes..

this is the moment to be touched, to touch ourselves, to touch each other with that brilliant smile, with that exquisite soft piercing glow from our eyes to touch each other so that the light that is shining underneath all of this mirage will come forth and ignite a revolution so vast, so immense that we wont even know what hit us.. but it will be a love that will move beyond tears and bliss and become an actuality of why we came here in the first place. And finding our people to play with right now is quintessential.

signing off... with a hahahahahhahahhaa

-- inspired by salvia plus reading Robes by Penny Kelly.
Comment by Joe on November 7, 2010 at 6:53pm
Hi Kellia, well said. I think, the fundamental problem for all of us, whether we be farmers, artists, or whatever, is that of greed. There is no such thing as shortage. This earth provides an abundance for all, we simply have to rearrange our priorities and financial dealings. When everyone shares a concern for their friends and neighbors commensurate with their own interest, there will be plenty to go around.
alas, some are more evolved than others. peace, Joe
Comment by Joe on November 7, 2010 at 4:00pm
Hi Kelllia,
The woman is a gifted artist, however, like many, she is not supported financially much for her endevors. I always liked this piece of art. she had a price on it for a long time, but no one offered to buy it. I offered to buy it, then she said I could have it, but I paid her anyway, as a gift and as a way to encourage her to create more work.
Comment by Joe on November 7, 2010 at 9:45am
Bob, I agree completely with the concept of Gifting. Kellia, as an example, I recently "bought" a beautiful sculpture from a friend, it depicts a little girl lying down with her dog. It embodies; trust, innocence, gentleness and love to me. The money was not required as I paid twice the original price, but it was a gift to her in return to the gift of insight she gave me. It was not based on a "need", or fee for service concept. We shared something important between us, and I knew she could use the $. I think that is the right use of currency, at least it was for me.
Comment by Elisabetta Errani Emaldi on November 7, 2010 at 9:06am

Your Biological Computer

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