An attitude of gratitude brings opportunity.
Added by Lynn Fishman R.N. on April 25, 2009 at 2:07pm —
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Moving to Matavenero, eco-village Spain. Excited!
Added by Jesse Becerra Jr on April 25, 2009 at 2:06am —
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Preparation Is Key.
If you prepare yourself at every point as well as you can.... you will be able to grasp opportunity for broader experience when it appears.
Eleanor Roosevelt
Added by Lynn Fishman R.N. on April 24, 2009 at 1:00pm —
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I love a happy wildlife rescue story! Not all rescues end happily ever after, and even this rescue story that I'm about to post has a tragic note, because the mama bear was killed to poach the baby cubs. The poachers took the twins to an illegal bile farm in Vietman. But the Environmental Police raided the bile farm and rescued the itty bitty cubs. They are now in the custody and care of loving people at Animals Asia. I thought everybody here would like to read this story of…
Added by Jeanette McDermott on April 24, 2009 at 11:32am —
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Silence Is Key:
Silence is the first thing that is taught to us at our initiation into the sacred mysteries of life.
Added by Lynn Fishman R.N. on April 23, 2009 at 12:30pm —
1 Comment
Day After Earth Day
The day after earth day and I can tell
That the earth indeed feels blest.
As many focused on how much she gives,
And how grateful to her we are,
And how blest we feel to have this opportunity
To live on this beautiful place.
I know that she knows there are those who care
Enough to express our thanks.
Thank you, Mother Earth, for all you do
As you play your part in this game.
© Joy Hart
Added by Joy Hart on April 23, 2009 at 12:14pm —
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God’s Miracle Workers
We're all supposed to be God's miracle workers.
That's what Jesus said that we should be.
He wasn't just talking about everyone else;
He meant you and me.
You see, we're all supposed to be God's miracle workers.
It isn't very hard to do.
Just look around and see what's there;
All you really have to do is care.
God will show you just what you should do
If you just let His love shine through.
We're all…
Added by Joy Hart on April 23, 2009 at 11:59am —
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When you were a child, did you ever wonder
how it was we humans decided
that whatever land we lived on was ours?
or wasn't ours,
and was owned by someone else
who should be paid for the use of that land?
Does that sound like a silly question?
OK, then consider this:
I bought land… Continue
Added by Dianne on April 23, 2009 at 11:00am —
nothing is more
than a decision away
it will be
perfectly made
in the present moment
decide to be
so strong
as to be completely
for only then
will you ever know
the divinity
of being absolutely
(c) jim cole 04112009
Added by Dianne on April 23, 2009 at 10:52am —
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on the wings of shadow
You swoop down from utopia whence you hail
Scattering all at once timely blessings
Bestowing wholesomeness and purpose
You're the much-needed vessel
On which I ride to soar to heights unimaginable
to dreams I've never been to
through time that ceases to value
to see wonders no one has seen
to touch, hear and… Continue
Added by Dianne on April 23, 2009 at 10:30am —
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Spring is a time of new growth and of new beginnings. It’s also typically viewed as a time of renewed hope. After surviving the harsh, cold of winter, the arrival of spring, with its gentler climate, pale green buds and tender blossoms, is thought to be a herald of better times to come. This year it seems, however, that some people can’t shake the winter chill.
In my healing practice, I see people who deeply desire change and wish
Added by Cynthia Revesz on April 22, 2009 at 7:35pm —
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According to Forrest Carter in his controversial book
The Education of LIttle Tree, love and understanding are pretty much the same thing. He describes his Cherokee grandparents' language of affection "I kin ye" as meaning "I love you". His grandma told him that you "couldn't love something you didn't understand" and his grandfather said that back in the day "kinfolks" meant any folks you had an understanding with, that it meant "loved folks", not simply the connection by blood that it…
Added by Charly Hill on April 22, 2009 at 7:30pm —
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In Honor Of Earth Day
Let us send our blessings to the Earth and to all of its inhabitants
"I love to think of nature as an unlimited broadcasting station, through which God speaks to us every hour, if we will only tune in."
George Washington Carver
Added by Lynn Fishman R.N. on April 22, 2009 at 5:47pm —
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Earth Day is the best reminder that
We Are One with All Earth Beings!
I'm calling on my nature-loving, animal-loving friends to help me spread the word about the Earth Day Bear Sponsorship drive at Ursa Freedom Project. Will you help by sending out Twitter messages to your followers? Here are some Tweet examples that others have sent to help save the Moon Bear:
UFP Earth Day Bear Sponsorship…
Added by Jeanette McDermott on April 22, 2009 at 11:00am —
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I received an email recently, asking me how I healed myself of cancer.
Hunh? Who me? Healed of cancer?
At first, I began to write something along the lines of:
"I don't know if I healed myself of cancer. It could come back.
I didn't do anything except some surgery, a little more surgery, chemo and then radiation.
And, I could still get more of the Big C, who knows?"
Then, another part of me was going to launch into all of the inner…
Added by AkashicWreckage on April 22, 2009 at 11:00am —
We can all be Earth Angels if we take care to be aware.
We must take care of Earth and all beings here.
Happy Earth Day Angels!
Added by AkashicWreckage on April 22, 2009 at 10:30am —
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The “Teen Ages” are such an intense and powerful phase of our lives.
It’s definitely a period of profound metamorphosis - not only on the physical level but in every aspects of our humanity. Teen Years are the passage between childhood and adulthood. It can be quite traumatic and dramatic at times. It can also be ecstatic, great fun or deeply boring...All of the above in a same day!
Things that happen while in that "cauldron of bubbling hormones" have a definite and basic… Continue
Added by Louis Grenier on April 22, 2009 at 8:00am —
Take a moment each day,
one minute or an hour,
step outside and inhale the fresh air,
wiggle your feet in the earth, grass, or sand,
stand erect and bring yourself into the moment of now,
move like a flower in the breeze, slowly and gently,
create a new dance in honor of living another day,
smile and blow a kiss to the first living being you see,
it could even be a bee.
now humm a song you just made up,
and whisper into the wind...
Added by Arne Jin An Wong on April 22, 2009 at 1:03am —
Act, don't react.
Added by Lynn Fishman R.N. on April 21, 2009 at 5:17pm —
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I think I just really got what Jesus meant when he said “it’s not me that doeth the work,” because I realize that’s how I feel about letting the songs come through. I think that’s what it means to be a channel. We’re like the go-between between our Godself and this physical plane. We bring God-stuff into manifestation. We have to keep reminding ourselves by answering the questions “What am I radiating into this world? What am I contributing by whatever I am doing?”
If I don’t like…
Added by Joy Hart on April 21, 2009 at 3:50pm —