Architects of a New Dawn

We’d like to show the side of the world you don’t normally see on television.

Jeanette McDermott
  • Female
  • Osa Peninsula
  • Costa Rica
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Jeanette McDermott's Friends

  • Connie Ruth Wilson
  • Harish Rajpal
  • Stephen of Peace Day
  • Christopher Stewart
  • Alixandra Sun
  • Kathy Sittloh
  • Christina Seibold
  • Tom Merilahti
  • sushil yadav
  • margo buccini
  • Jade'an "Blue Jay" Jourden
  • Delene Normann
  • Mr. Mike
  • Ajay Thaker
  • T N Mohan

Jeanette McDermott's Groups

Jeanette McDermott's Discussions

Needed: A Miracle

Started Aug 25, 2009



Dreaming and Doing to Create Change

Jeanette McDermott's Blog

Compassion for the world's bears

The world's eight species of bears are in desperate need of psychic support and healing energy. Six of the eight species are perched on the brink of extinction due to human activities related to habitat loss and illegal trafficking and trade of bears and their body parts.

We burn and clear forests for personal gain. When bears search for food because they can no longer find it in destroyed habitat, we call them nuisances and… Continue

Posted on January 10, 2010 at 10:33am

Bear Bile Tourism in Vietnam

There is a dirty little secret in Vietnam, and it's called Korean Bear Tourism.

ENV, a wildlife watchdog group in Vietnam, has documented busloads of Korean tourists visiting bear farms where they witness a bear bile extraction, taste bear bile wine, and buy products made from bear body parts. The tourists take the illegal products home to Korea at the end of their visit, violating international law.

ENV is working… Continue

Posted on September 10, 2009 at 7:42pm

New Law Protects Animals in Bolivia

Uncork the champagne and celebrate a major victory for animals! Bolivia has enacted the world's first law that prohibits the use of animals in circuses. If activists can shut down animal circus acts in Bolivia, a global action network on Ning can shut down bile farming in China and Korea!There's great hope from the precedence this law sets.

A small handful of… Continue

Posted on August 13, 2009 at 7:05pm

Tiny Bear Cubs in Loving Care

I love a happy wildlife rescue story! Not all rescues end happily ever after, and even this rescue story that I'm about to post has a tragic note, because the mama bear was killed to poach the baby cubs. The poachers took the twins to an illegal bile farm in Vietman. But the Environmental Police raided the bile farm and rescued the itty bitty cubs. They are now in the custody and care of loving people at Animals Asia. I thought everybody here would like to read this story of… Continue

Posted on April 24, 2009 at 11:32am

Twitter to Save a Life

Earth Day is the best reminder that We Are One with All Earth Beings!

I'm calling on my nature-loving, animal-loving friends to help me spread the word about the Earth Day Bear Sponsorship drive at Ursa Freedom Project. Will you help by sending out Twitter messages to your followers? Here are some Tweet examples that others have sent to help save the Moon Bear:

UFP Earth Day Bear Sponsorship… Continue

Posted on April 22, 2009 at 11:00am

A Little About Me

Resist complacency and ambivalence. Get involved and Take Action!

My conservation filmmaking Work in Costa Rica

My youth media project with children living in the La Chureca dump in Nicaragua

My work in environmental education for social change

My work fostering Earth healing

My keyboard clicks to make life a little better for all Earth Beings. Click to Give is a great way to tack action. It’s quick, easy and necessary!


Visit ecopaparazzi

The road we have long been traveling is deceptively easy, a smooth superhighway on which we progress with great speed, but at its end lies disaster. The other fork of the road -- the one "less traveled by" - offers our last, our only chance to reach a destination that assures the preservation of the earth. The choice, after all, is ours to make. ~ Rachel Carson

I love the wondrous, magical Earth we all call Home, and I resolve in 2009 to continue dedicating my life to honoring and respecting Gaia deeply, and participating in the greatest spiritual work of our time -- Earth Healing. I will do this through acts of photojournalism and conservation filmmaking, direct action, global networking and educational outreach. I invite everyone on planet Earth to join me, where we can work together as media makers, activists, educators and strong Earth Beings to help heal our blessed planet and create a New Earth. Be the Change!

Visit Ursa Freedom Project

Comment Wall (28 comments)

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At 7:36pm on January 19, 2010, shamanello said…
Evolution Information Humanity Consciousness
One year later... What was the question? It appears I have something of a Uranian orbit.
Into web television platforms as the new webpage/site. Media Management . Modular Media Solutions . Media Coops
At 3:37pm on April 29, 2009, Rickbischoff said…
namaste Jeanette
pleasure to see you at this portal !!
LOVE your work,
At 2:49pm on April 29, 2009, Christopher Rudder said…
Kickapoo juice??? LOL That's funny. I am happy with life and I hope I can make others happy too. How are you???
At 11:12am on April 22, 2009, Jeanette McDermott said…
Happy Birthday to you, Anton! Happy Earth Day, Anton and Heli! What a blessing to celebrate Earth Day as a Birth Day! Beautiful!!
At 6:51am on April 16, 2009, Heli Aarniranta said…

Thaks for all the wonderful work you do.
Anton is born on Earth day 22 april (turns 11 yrs this year)
dubble celebration for us.!!!

he loves this site and clicks (nearly every day he says to me)

when I was a wile ago on facebook we used to have the application and click true there too...blessings.

can't the moonbears be somehow linded to this and people coudl go and click every day to help and link stores to it and so you could get funds taht way too..

Blessings to all.
HSA and Anton


celebrate earth day 22.April
At 6:58pm on April 10, 2009, Nancy said…
Hi Jeanette,
Thank you so much for your work. I've lived in CR on and off for the last 30+ years, and have seen it go from a paradise to what it is today. I'm humbled by, and I dare say somewhat envious of, all that you're doing, on the Osa Penninsula and elsewhere. Thank you again!

Take care,
At 5:08pm on March 24, 2009, Meta said…
Just wanted to say bless You for all that You do!
At 10:04am on March 23, 2009, The Ancient One said…
"A Friendship blessing"
(John Donohue from “Anam Cara“)

May you be blessed with good friends
May you learn to be a good friend to yourself.
May you be able to journey to that place in your soul
Where there is great love, warmth .feeling and forgiveness
May this change you
May it transfigure that which is negative, distant or cold in you
May you be brought into, the real passion, kinship and affinity of belonging.
May you treasure your friends.
May you be good to them
And may you be there for them
May they bring you all the blessings, challenges, truth and light
That you need for your journey
May you never be isolated
But may you always be in the gentle nest of belonging with your “soul friend”
At 5:57am on March 13, 2009, Farouk Mukhallalati said…
Dear Jeanette McDermott
Thanks for adding me to your contacts
Best wishes
At 3:29am on March 10, 2009, Korani said…
Thanks for the invite as a friend! I got the email but couldn't find where to 'Accept'!! .........




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