"The doctor of the future will give no medicine, but will interest his patients in the care of the human frame, in diet, and in the cause and prevention of disease" Thomas Edison
Added by Dawn Solomon on September 11, 2009 at 11:19am —
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There is a dirty little secret in Vietnam, and it's called Korean Bear Tourism.
ENV, a wildlife watchdog group in Vietnam, has documented busloads of Korean tourists visiting bear farms where they witness a bear bile extraction, taste bear bile wine, and buy products made from bear body parts. The tourists take the illegal products home to Korea at the end of their visit, violating international law.
It occurred to me recently that this year, 2009, has been all about unravelling the death urge our body has had built into its cellular memory banks having long been on the treadmill of reincarnation.
As we are all aware we are leaving behind the illusion of duality and separation and claiming once again the truth of who we each are ~ SelfSourced Beings of Original Soul/Spirit which in purest form exists within each of…Continue
Added by Elizabeth Feisst on September 10, 2009 at 6:30am —
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To understand your soul more fully, look to your tendencies and inclincations. These can speak volumnes about the nature of your soul as it came into incarnation here. At any time we are free to act on temptation or to resist.We are each destined to face corrections and trials that are pre-determined before coming here. However,here fate ends and our will to succeed takes over.
Added by Lynn Fishman R.N. on September 10, 2009 at 4:00am —
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I'm having a grateful day. A grateful day is when you appreciate what you have, even if it is less than you had yesterday. I had that lesson brought home to me this week when my washing machine expired and I called about an ad in the paper for one for sale. The woman I spoke to said yes, she had a machine for sale, but it was not available for a week and a half and everybody "wanted it today". So we both laughed and got to talking and she told me her story. She is still using her washing… Continue
Added by Charly Hill on September 9, 2009 at 5:36pm —
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9/9/09 is a day of significance in spirituality and numerology this month, with the numbers 9, 11, and 2 at work energetically. This is the last single digit date sequence we will have for quite some time. While for many people this will be a day just like any other day, for some this date will have numerological and spiritual significance.
9 is the number of balance and order, as well as the number of endings and conclusions. Historically in both Egypt and Greece nine was a sacred… Continue
Added by Dawn Solomon on September 9, 2009 at 12:52pm —
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09/09/09 Get to work, lightworker! The world needs your Divine life purpose right now. Fully embark upon your sacred mission without a delay or hesitation.
Cleanse the Currency on 09-09-09
I would like to encourage you in joining with myself and a Call to Action by Peggy Black to take a few moments today to set you intention to energetically clean your currency and money. The goal is that by many of us together cleansing our individual monetary systems we will…Continue
Added by Dawn Solomon on September 9, 2009 at 10:02am —
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With each new transition there is a "rewiring" occuring on a physical and emotional level. You will usually meet up with old beliefs because now you are capable of releasing them.. This is because they are not as embedded as they used to be.Therefore do not be put off when old patterns come your way. This is your opportunity to let them go.
Added by Lynn Fishman R.N. on September 9, 2009 at 5:24am —
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Ray Grasse
Signs of the Times : Unlocking the Symbolic Language of World Events
(Chartottesville, VA: Hampton Roads Publishing, 2002, 297pp.)
Each major writer who analyses the transition from the Piscean period to the Age of Aquarius does so by looking at what he feels are the key signs of transition but also in terms of the ideas and discipline with which he is most at home. C.G. Jung’s important analysis Aion stresses psychological archetypes and the role of… Continue
Added by Rene Wadlow on September 8, 2009 at 12:43pm —
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SOLAR WAVE of 2009 - This film was created to inspire participation in a GLOBAL EVENT that has the potential to change the world. This event is the SOLAR WAVE of 2009. This event takes place at Equinox Sunrise ~ September 22nd, 2009. WHY, You ask? Because the fate of our planet, and the quality of life for all living things is in our hands. PARADISE is in OUR HANDS!
This is key to the time period that we are in. This will help you to successfully focus on your "ascension" while undergoing the transmutation process that is presently occuring worldwide. In fact this is key to any transition that you are going through.
Added by Lynn Fishman R.N. on September 8, 2009 at 9:30am —
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On 9 September 2009 at 9:09 PM (wherever you are), we are being asked to spare nine minutes of our time to embed in the fabric of the Cosmic Consciousness an intent to heal and love the planet Earth. We are, as aware humans, being requested to unite in sending waves of "awakening and ascension" intent throughout the globe. Wherever you are and whoever you think you may be, it is no matter. Your intent and nine minutes of your time is all we need.
I wrote this poem in April 2006 and as we are coming up to the 999 stargate of completion it seems appropriate to post it here
Love Elizabethxx
A death is occurring
the end of the past
reflecting and learning
to move on at last
Mankind desires
a new way of life
a rebirth's occurring
to end all the strife
Growth into spiritual mastery comes through a series of lessons and initiations that are at once personal and universal in nature. You are not alone in your growth and will never be so.
Therefore have tolerance and patience for yourself and the lessons that you are going through.
Added by Lynn Fishman R.N. on September 7, 2009 at 1:38pm —
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Now is the Time for All Lightworkers to Come to the Aid of Their Planet! Meditate Nightly on Love & Light for our Planet! We are in the 100th Monkey stage now, where everyone of us is exchanging energy & infusing Our Planet Earth with ancient wisdom & enlightenment! It is time for us to return to ONE TRIBAL FAMILY! Blessings
Added by Nicki Lynn on September 7, 2009 at 1:14pm —
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Peacemaking - How can you "make" peace? How can you make people have peace? Lord, I have tried and tried. I have posted on blogs, sent many emails, letters to editors, made sarcastic remarks, argued, prayed, attended peace vigils, and marched in anti-war parades.
My dear Brother was killed in Viet Nam, quite an impetus to be a “peacemaker”. I was in the Army, and…Continue