Architects of a New Dawn

We’d like to show the side of the world you don’t normally see on television.

How did you find out about Architects of a New Dawn?

How did you find out about Architects of a New Dawn? I'm just wondering about how the news about this website is being shared. I found out on a Santana forum:

Brilliant website and soulful community.


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I think that the people really need something positive to believe in and the feeling that they can be the creators of making some positive change for the all. And while sharing positive message to others, it makes easier to understand that in each and every person there is a source where the energy comes from. One of the most important things the someone can do is to stay connected to it and to show the others that they can do the same. In a result the person does not need to look for the positivity from outside, but instead of it can show the reasons to be positive. (Although there's no such thing as inside and out, when going deeper) :-) (-:
Thank you so much!
I found this site by destiny! it 's just meant to be! I was wondering if the Santana Band would be playing in Europe this year,,and found this beautiful lake,,had to just dive right in,, thanks,, and I totally agree with Silja,the magic of "a love supreme " comes from our hearts !it's light just gets brighter and brighter!the more we share that LOVELIGHT the happier this world will be! Peace Love and Happiness Thomas G
I found out through a facebook announcement.

I too agree with what Silja is saying. Be the light and believe!!!!
my friend Stefan G. told me about it via telephone.
I can't remember how I heard. Maybe on Facebook? I am so glad I did. Great site, great energy.
I saw a news spot on FB ... on the Santana fan page.
I was just surfing the net and looked at the Santana website. This is truely a unique possibility for all of us to take part in the change that is happening around us. I am excited about the potential and I loved the Architech video. I am sending it to everyone I know who are kindred sprits. Thank you all for support in this great endeavor especially Carlos Santana!!
I heard from friends on another social network site. It had become...toxic...during the primary and election (most of us were involved in political forums - and music and environmental issues) and word of this site passed from one friend to the next.
well, I found out about it because I frequently check the official santana web page. And when I saw the video Carlos posted to introduce his idea, I freaked out and thought this is what you always wanted to do. Immediately I became a member. Now I think it's wonderful to have the opportunity to exchange material, thoughts and ideas with people who know about the inner secret and profound message of song like:
Novus,Aquamarine, Europa,Song of the Wind, Brotherhood, Samba Pati, Naima and a Love Supreme ...
From the heart to the heart
I found out from my niece who is a member.
I was just checking out the Santana web sight and saw the icon. It seems natural to use this new tool to build community. once, everyone in the village depended on one another. Now we have the opportunity to connect as the village of earthlings. Unfortunately, our egos get in the way. Our fears get in the way. Yet the potential is there. It can snowball. What seems remote can come closer. Thanks to Carlos and everyone else for continuing to believe!

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