Architects of a New Dawn

We’d like to show the side of the world you don’t normally see on television.

What a speech!!

I congratulate all Americans on this historic day. At times like these I wish I could be part of the American dream, to be motivated and inspired in this way. May America play a leading role in the awakening of a new dawn. I have no doubt that nothing is impossible for an inspired and committed nation.

To your success!

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"To those wonderful men writing here who have such a desire and have worked hard to protect us, Thank You. We need you. You have love in your hearts, not war on the brain. We need to end this pointless conquest in Iraq and get back to keeping all the world safe in our arms. Peace isn't just a pretty saying. It is the end to war. It is my name.
Love, Erin (Peace)"

I'm sorry, but obviously you have not seen some of the crap those people have to go through on a daily basis. We need to stop trying to help the world and help ourselves. We have spent more money on helping out other countries than we have needed to. Our country is full of our own problems. It's time to become self sustaining again.

Now what I don't understand, is why is it all of a sudden a big deal that we have been in this great national deficite since the 1930s. That's right folks. Obama is supposed to save us from something that began before he was born. Why, if Obama is the great leader people are claiming claim him do be, hasn't he done anything in any office he's held before, besides get involved in Chicago politics? Why is he still not answering any of his "campaign supporters"? What gets me is that no one ever discusses any of these things on here. Everyone's blind with Obamanitis. Everyone had Bushitis before, and look where that led to. Why is it that no one wants to look at the sitiuation with an objective point opf view? By the way I'm not a conservave, republican, I'm just James, for all of those that would claim me to be otherwise. Bipartisanism is right up there to me with fascism.
OK James,
why don't you start a topic, that addresses a specific concern of yours. Either related to Obama or not. then we can chat about the specific thing you want to focus on.

Now what I don't understand, is why is it all of a sudden a big deal that we have been in this great national deficite since the 1930s. That's right folks. Obama is supposed to save us from something that began before he was born. Why, if Obama is the great leader people are claiming claim him do be, hasn't he done anything in any office he's held before, besides get involved in Chicago politics? Why is he still not answering any of his "campaign supporters"? What gets me is that no one ever discusses any of these things on here. Everyone's blind with Obamanitis. Everyone had Bushitis before, and look where that led to. Why is it that no one wants to look at the sitiuation with an objective point opf view? By the way I'm not a conservave, republican, I'm just James, for all of those that would claim me to be otherwise. Bipartisanism is right up there to me with fascism.
It was a brilliant move by the neo-cons and the war mongers to hand pick Obama to stop the anti-war movement and continue the war. You Obamaites are dumber than a box of rocks.

While the great debate over the "stimulus" spending bill was the focus of President Obama's Monday sermon, some of the questions asked at a subsequent press conference dealt with foreign policy, including a pointed one by CNN's Ed Henry, and it was a double zinger:

"Thank you, Mr. President. You've promised to send more troops to Afghanistan. And since you've been very clear about a timetable to withdraw combat troops from Iraq within 16 months, I wonder, what's your timetable to withdraw troops eventually from Afghanistan?

"And related to that, there's a Pentagon policy that bans media coverage of the flag-draped coffins from coming in to Dover Air Force Base. And back in 2004, then-Senator Joe Biden said that it was shameful for dead soldiers to be, quote, 'snuck back into the country under the cover of night.'

"You've promised unprecedented transparency, openness in your government. Will you overturn that policy so the American people can see the full human cost of war?"

Hey, who let that guy in here, anyway?

Obama's answer is a study in obfuscation and chilling sanctimony eerily reminiscent of his predecessor: "Your question is timely," the president averred. "We got reports that four American service members have been killed in Iraq today. And, you know, obviously, our thoughts and prayers go out to the families."

Correct me if I'm wrong, but hasn't the question been timely for quite some time? After all, U.S. soldiers have been fighting and dying for eight years now in a war with no clear goal – except, perhaps, perpetual conflict for its own sake – and no visible end. Obama's fabled calmness is really an uncanny ability to utter nonsense with absolute equanimity.

His entire answer is a peroration consisting of clichés strung together like plastic baubles on a dime-store bracelet. There's a riff about how you know you're president when you have to console the families of fallen soldiers. Ye gods, how many times have we heard presidents say this? It sounds like a line cut from a West Wing script. Richard Nixon might have said it. This is the moment when he feels truly presidential – when he realizes what a heavy burden it is having absolute power over the conduct of American foreign policy. Or, as Obama puts it: "It reminds you of the responsibilities that you carry in this office and – and the consequences of the decisions that you make."

Not that there's a chance he'd be willing to cede some of that decision-making back to the people's representatives, where the Constitution says it belongs. You may dimly recall that, under the strictures set down by the Founders, only Congress may declare war. Yet that power, once usurped by a pint-sized haberdasher, was permanently surrendered by Congress.
Certainly the majority Obamacrats would never dream of reclaiming it.

Obama refused to say that he'd reject the Bushian policy of keeping cameras away from those coffins, claiming he doesn't yet "understand all the implications involved." A truly oily evasion, that one, to which the only possible rejoinder is: What are the implications of continuing the policy?

Such a decision would underscore the essential continuity of American foreign policy and chip away at the myth of Obama the great change-maker. This is made all to clear in the rest of his answer, in which he touts the recent Iraqi elections as if they weren't fraught with fraud and carried out in an atmosphere of intimidation, with the whole country practically put into lockdown. At any rate, elections are now the metric of military success and a sign that we can move on to fresh battlefields, where the battle for Democracy, Goodness, and the American Way is not yet won:

"You do not see that yet in Afghanistan. They've got elections coming up, but effectively the national government seems very detached from what's going on in the surrounding community."

How this is different from any other central government in Afghan history the president does not venture to say. Does he think he's dealing with, say, France? Afghanistan's very geography makes it ungovernable, despite what you may hear from those geniuses over at the Center for a New American Security or whatever neoconnish name they've dreamed up for the latest incarnation of American supremacism.

It's amazing how quickly Obama started sounding just like Bush, because, when cornered by this question on the Afghan endgame, he reverted to waving the bloody flag of 9/11, just as his predecessor did in the run-up to war with Iraq, and long after the alleged links between Saddam and 9/11 had been thoroughly debunked. The president claims "you've got the Taliban and al-Qaeda operating in the FATA and these border regions between Afghanistan and Pakistan," and he promises a "concerted effort to root out these safe havens."

The Taliban in Pakistan are not the problem when the Taliban control a great hunk of Afghanistan proper and the domain of the central government is largely confined to Kabul. Furthermore, we have heard much about the alleged presence of al-Qaeda's shadowy remnants in Pakistan, yet we have seen no evidence. Nor have we been offered any specifics. It seems to me that the president came pretty close to saying, definitively, that Osama bin Laden is in the tribal areas, without, of course, actually coming out and saying it. If he doesn't know this to be true, then Obama is doing precisely what Bush and his gang did to gin up a war with Iraq – lying.

It always comes back to 9/11:

"The bottom line though – and I just want to remember the American people, because this is going to be difficult – is this is a situation in which a region served as the base to launch an attack that killed 3,000 Americans."

A whole region? By this same token, then, so did Germany serve as a base for al-Qaeda, since the plotters lived in Hamburg for quite some time, where, presumably, they did their share of plotting. And the original conception of the 9/11 terrorist attacks can be traced back to a meeting held in the year 2000 in Malaysia. Therefore, according to Obama's logic, these two countries are prime candidates for revenge attacks by the U.S. But this makes about as much sense as invading Italy in order to deprive the Mafia of its "safe haven."

Terrorists don't need "safe havens" to plan attacks on the U.S. They can do it anywhere. That's their great advantage: "al-Qaeda" is more of an idea than a real organization. By running with this "safe haven" malarkey, Obama – far from being "tough" – underestimates the real source and deadly power of the terrorist threat.

"I do not yet have a timetable" for getting out, Obama declared – aside from which, you know how these "safe havens" tend to proliferate. Why, no sooner will Afghanistan be pronounced relatively clean of al-Qaeda than those scoundrels will somehow wriggle their way into Tajikistan, Kazakhstan, Azerbaijan, and in all likelihood Uzbekistan – giving the U.S. a pretext to intervene in a region of the world our oil companies and other economic interests have long coveted.

One hopeful sign, however, is that he said he doesn't yet have a timetable. Perhaps a vocal and visible protest against his neo-Bushian foreign policy will help concentrate his mind and speed up the process of timetable-creation.
We shall see by when the war actually ends. If I am a dumb rock then feel free to tell me so if this dang war never ends I will agree with you.
Victor, I may not agree with everything the Obamanites are saying, but man, do you really have to result to calling people names? That is a real way to get your point across, let me tell you. Now having said that, where do you get your info from? Are you just reading someone else's propaganda, or do you actually have written documentation of all this. Not internet websites. The internet is about as reliable as pissing in the wind.
Im not insulting people James. Im sorry that so many people are so conditioned. Now Obama has placed One Billion of your "stimulus" dollars to go for Prisons. I think if people feel insulted, they should quit wearing their "Obama is the Second Coming" T-shirts and get themselves aligned with another more progressive party. I guess I must admit I was somewhat pessimistic about Obama and that he was just doing what he had to to get elected. But he has far surpassed my worst nightmare about a Demoncratic President. Please forgive my sincerity.

James Murff said:
Victor, I may not agree with everything the Obamanites are saying, but man, do you really have to result to calling people names? That is a real way to get your point across, let me tell you. Now having said that, where do you get your info from? Are you just reading someone else's propaganda, or do you actually have written documentation of all this. Not internet websites. The internet is about as reliable as pissing in the wind.
A recent emailfrom a friend in Vilcabamba, Ecuador

The film below is the most direct expose of Obama's true agenda I've ever seen. If you did not like any of the previous administrations of Bush or Clinton, I think you will be shocked how those administrations will look like saints compared to the path Obama currently has us on.

Let me give you a few topics covered in the video:

Obama has blatantly broken almost all of his campaign promises.
A listing of several of Obama's key appointees and the secret societies each is a part of gives you a clear idea of his motives.
Laws are being drafted now for mandatory inscription of all U.S. citizens ages 18-65. Ages 18-25 will have to do 3 months of military or homeland security service. 25 to 65 year olds will have to do the same, but will be allowed to do something more service oriented. Why are they passing these laws........they are preparing for great civil unrest.
Gun laws are being formulated to increase qualifications for gun purchases great limiting those who can purchase............... moving toward the banning of all weapons.
Think you are taxed high now......wait until you see all the new taxes Obama has planned for us.

The video below is 1 hour and 50 minutes but STRONGLY RECOMMENDED if interested in gaining insight to the BIG PICTURE AGENDA OF OBAMA AND THE GLOBAL ELITE.


Blessings, Daren
I was raised as Seventh Day Adventist; they willingly serve their country, though as conscientious objectors. I prefer peace, pray for peace, work for peace, am pro-Kucinich and have been educated in conflict resolution... however, I don't wear blinders.

I have long been a proponent of mandatory military service of all citizens... like Sweden and other nations more peaceful than the USA.

The advantages of a system that requires everyone to be an involved citizen are several...
-a leveling of the political playing field - rich, poor, all races, both sexes
-riddance of the drafting/sacrifice of the few - usually the poor,
-less arm chair experts,
-more political awareness rather than emotion driven drivel,
-preparedness of all citizens for time of conflict and disaster,
-less out-of-shape, physically unfit citizens
-a broader worldview for those who would otherwise never leave their home state
-steps toward the dissolution of a hypocritical double standard lifestyle, undeniably financed by an economy of war

In all times, in all places... we must work within the construct of the existing system and work to make that system better. An example that is almost to harsh to say aloud, is when African American slave and post-slavery mothers had to squelch their children's spirit, especially their male children... because that jubilant childish spirit would get them killed or badly hurt.

So... were the mothers evil? ...because they wanted their children to survive - even in a corrupt system?
Is Obama evil because he hasn't done the impossible already... because he must work within the confines of a deeply corrupt system?

Joel said:
A recent emailfrom a friend in Vilcabamba, Ecuador

The film below is the most direct expose of Obama's true agenda I've ever seen. If you did not like any of the previous administrations of Bush or Clinton, I think you will be shocked how those administrations will look like saints compared to the path Obama currently has us on.

Let me give you a few topics covered in the video:

Obama has blatantly broken almost all of his campaign promises.
A listing of several of Obama's key appointees and the secret societies each is a part of gives you a clear idea of his motives.
Laws are being drafted now for mandatory inscription of all U.S. citizens ages 18-65. Ages 18-25 will have to do 3 months of military or homeland security service. 25 to 65 year olds will have to do the same, but will be allowed to do something more service oriented. Why are they passing these laws........they are preparing for great civil unrest.
Gun laws are being formulated to increase qualifications for gun purchases great limiting those who can purchase............... moving toward the banning of all weapons.
Think you are taxed high now......wait until you see all the new taxes Obama has planned for us.

The video below is 1 hour and 50 minutes but STRONGLY RECOMMENDED if interested in gaining insight to the BIG PICTURE AGENDA OF OBAMA AND THE GLOBAL ELITE.


Blessings, Daren
Joel posted:The film below is the most direct expose of Obama's true agenda I've ever seen. If you did not like any of the previous administrations of Bush or Clinton, I think you will be shocked how those administrations will look like saints compared to the path Obama currently has us on.

Let me give you a few topics covered in the video:

Obama has blatantly broken almost all of his campaign promises.
A listing of several of Obama's key appointees and the secret societies each is a part of gives you a clear idea of his motives.

I'm not so sure about the campaign promises, but dare I say it? Can anyone name a President whose key appointees weren't linked somehow to the various secret societies? This goes back to the time of George Washington.

Joel said:
Laws are being drafted now for mandatory inscription of all U.S. citizens ages 18-65. Ages 18-25 will have to do 3 months of military or homeland security service. 25 to 65 year olds will have to do the same, but will be allowed to do something more service oriented. Why are they passing these laws........they are preparing for great civil unrest.
Gun laws are being formulated to increase qualifications for gun purchases great limiting those who can purchase...............

I don't see too much wrong with the above~~~~however, this shouldn't be limited to the military. There are a huge number of areas where our citizens can have an impact, when it comes to service. Our youth, with exceptions of course, could benefit from the experiences they could learn from. I also picture a peaceful way in which this could all come about...

And yes, "they" have been planning for civil unrest for many years. I actually know very few people who haven't known that something big was coming down the pike. These aren't what most would term "open" or "aware" people, either, that was the part that made me begin to take notice that a good many people have felt and will continue to feel that something is brewing.

I think I also read, waaaaaaaay back about a year ago this time, that gun sales had already begun to climb.

And, in August I read that there was a stockpile of 500,000 coffins, bought by FEMA,being store near the Atlanta airport, and we all know that the CDC is headquarted in Atlanta...

Fearful stuff, indeed.

Joel>>>moving toward the banning of all weapons.
Think you are taxed high now......wait until you see all the new taxes Obama has planned for us.

Okay, first of all, I draw the line when I read "finalized into a scientific prison planet," above. The plans that absolutely HAD to be put into play for all of this to come down, began decades ago. We've had nothing but air to back our dollar for decades---the breakdown of the connection to gold backed currency----decades ago. Banks were deregulated a long time ago, Right around that time, consumer debt began to be the rule, rather than the exception. Mortgages required less and less down on a home. Back in the 60's, it was normal to have to ante up 40% for a down payment on a home. And who can forget the incredible climb in home prices recently,within the past decade?

We could also tie the drug companies to all of this....
Outsourcing---think about it, outsourcing jobs everywhere.

Yes, I believe this financial whatshomacallit that we're all in the middle of, has been contrived and brought into play by "them."

But~~~~~it's very clear to me that there is a response to all of that fearful stuff that could happen.

Is that the way we want to be...IN fear?

Do we want to believe that we are nothing but puppets?

Do we choose to accept that someone else will be controlling so many of us?
Is this community, its participants, coupled with the global interconnections that we know we are part of~~~~without power? Those who have such a mighty, peaceful global vision, no power? At all?

What can the THEM, the so called Global Elite, really do---but continue to try to keep as many people as possible, IN fear?
IN fear, they control, they've "won."

Marc.....I think Jame's comments are absolutely valid in this context. Obama is a media creation, cult leader, game show host, that has done nothing substantial prior to his presidency. Before the election, and after, he has vowed to increase the size of government, and increase government restrictions in our daily lives, thus reducing the liberty of every American. His socialist agenda is dragging us even deeper into debt. Does anyone ask where all the money is actually coming from? His tax the rich philosophy will run aground one day when he finally destroys the entrepreneurial spirit that made this the greatest country in the world, and people simply stop investing in it. Then your pocket is next!! because, once the camel gets it's nose under he tent, it aint long before the whole camel's in there. Look at the big picture.

Marc said:
OK James,
why don't you start a topic, that addresses a specific concern of yours. Either related to Obama or not. then we can chat about the specific thing you want to focus on.

Now what I don't understand, is why is it all of a sudden a big deal that we have been in this great national deficite since the 1930s. That's right folks. Obama is supposed to save us from something that began before he was born. Why, if Obama is the great leader people are claiming claim him do be, hasn't he done anything in any office he's held before, besides get involved in Chicago politics? Why is he still not answering any of his "campaign supporters"? What gets me is that no one ever discusses any of these things on here. Everyone's blind with Obamanitis. Everyone had Bushitis before, and look where that led to. Why is it that no one wants to look at the sitiuation with an objective point opf view? By the way I'm not a conservave, republican, I'm just James, for all of those that would claim me to be otherwise. Bipartisanism is right up there to me with fascism.
Marc was right when he said, "start a topic, that addresses a specific concern. ...then we can chat about the specific thing you want to focus on." Comments that contain blanket statements are not conducive to a productive discussion, i.e.,
"Jame's comments are absolutely valid"... absolutely is questionable... Whenever a writer uses 'absolutely' or 'certainly', they are trying to punch up a weak argument...
"Does anyone ask where all the money is actually coming from?" Millions are asking...
"Everyone's blind with Obamanitis. Everyone had Bushitis before..." No, not everyone voted for or likes Obama or Bush... (everyone) 'we all' have never reached that kind of consensus.

The beauty of writing is we have opportunity to correct our expressions before publishing. If I were the moderator of this thread, I would have removed from this discussion whoever said "You Obamaites are dumber than a box of rocks." That sort of communication is intended to insult... and is disrespectful to the well intentioned folks who developed AOAND. Perhaps a re-read of the AOAND guidelines would remind...

Which leads me to the next point... what is so frightening about socialized medicine. ...or socialism in general.
As a woman, a native american and a social worker, I must ask about this "greatest country in the world" propaganda. Why hasn't my native family been privy to that? Why is it that I know I could get better medical care in my husbands tiny homeland, New Zealand, than I can here?

Try telling the millions of homeless and the millions of unjustly imprisoned that this is the "greatest country in the world". Tell them how the rich will take care of them in their darkest hour. Tell them that even though there are plenty of resources for everyone, they can't have their share because they didn't have the right stuff.
Don't get me wrong... this is my home and I love it. I'm not going to flee to another more pristine place so it too can be trampled under consumeristic comfort. I'm staying here in the chrysalis of chaos and change, until we emerge as a beautiful and winged culture.

bill galante said:
Marc.....I think Jame's comments are absolutely valid in this context. Obama is a media creation, cult leader, game show host, that has done nothing substantial prior to his presidency. Before the election, and after, he has vowed to increase the size of government, and increase government restrictions in our daily lives, thus reducing the liberty of every American. His socialist agenda is dragging us even deeper into debt. Does anyone ask where all the money is actually coming from? His tax the rich philosophy will run aground one day when he finally destroys the entrepreneurial spirit that made this the greatest country in the world, and people simply stop investing in it. Then your pocket is next!! because, once the camel gets it's nose under he tent, it aint long before the whole camel's in there. Look at the big picture.

Marc said:
OK James,
why don't you start a topic, that addresses a specific concern of yours. Either related to Obama or not. then we can chat about the specific thing you want to focus on.

Now what I don't understand, is why is it all of a sudden a big deal that we have been in this great national deficite since the 1930s. That's right folks. Obama is supposed to save us from something that began before he was born. Why, if Obama is the great leader people are claiming claim him do be, hasn't he done anything in any office he's held before, besides get involved in Chicago politics? Why is he still not answering any of his "campaign supporters"? What gets me is that no one ever discusses any of these things on here. Everyone's blind with Obamanitis. Everyone had Bushitis before, and look where that led to. Why is it that no one wants to look at the sitiuation with an objective point opf view? By the way I'm not a conservave, republican, I'm just James, for all of those that would claim me to be otherwise. Bipartisanism is right up there to me with fascism.
I offer a few ponderings for myself and everyone ...

Perhaps we have created the Obamas of the world in our need for someone to idoloze , to project upon , to give the responsibility to for our collective unconscious or conscious creations. I wonder if a nation of people who walked their talk ,who assumed responsiblity for their thoughts, feelings, and actions could ever conceive of expecting one man ( or group of leaders) to cause them to fail or to prosper .

All of us have our darker sides , our shadows, that do eventually surface, don't they? Have u been so fortunate as to meet yours? Are you surprised that a president may have shadows within to love and clear , as we do?

I feel a critical mass of the collective mind and heart of America has to choose to focus with unflinching resolve on restoring the earth and its peoples, It has to decide ...Enough! This is the direction I am going in. How else can we get there?

My experience is that when I decide to choose a more resourceful way of being, all the prior ways I did things really refuse to go. Doubt sets in. As I am holding doubt ,I attract some naysayers and before u know it , I am right back where I started or worse.

If we say we are for peace , love, harmony, ...all that is not peaceful , harmonious , or loving within us as indiviudals and as a collective confronts our resolve. It's a very quick process. I am quiet familiar with the undoing of a dream.
I watched one dissipate in front of my eyes.

I kept waiting for something magical to happen to turn things around while I was holding a flow of doubting thoughts , looking outside of self for direction., drawing on all the old ways I did things. And it wasn't enough. For the dream to manifest, it required me to drop the old ways, to hold steadfast to my vision.And to work hard for it.

It starts with one little thought. This one gathers like ones. As soon as we put feeling behind the thoughts, we manifest something either out of our fear or our love.

What will each of us choose as individuals and as a group? We can choose restoration,. We can choose personal and planetary health along with all the others across the planet who are doing the same. We can hold the hope for the highest potential result to manifest with our new president and administration, and the planet.

And we can work for that on the ground ,being the change we want to see.
Warm regards, Linda Lawson

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