Architects of a New Dawn

We’d like to show the side of the world you don’t normally see on television.

As Architects of this new world please share your vision. What will be happening, what can you do as an individual, what will you do.

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I think one of the most important things anybody can do is to stay away from fear based reactions. I believe in the what you put uot to the universe you get back from the universe mentality. So if all you do is put out fear then that's all you are going to get back. And its amazingly simple to slip into that fear based place but it's also incredibly easy to stay out of it. As an individual I can stay out of that place but I can also help to pull others out of that place. Concentrate on the good in life and what you have to be grateful for and soon enough that's what you focus on. About to lose your house...haven't lost it yet have you so right here and right now you have a safe warm haven. Don't know where the money is coming from to pay the bills...well right now right here in this moment are you alright? It's the living in the moment that truly counts. you can't spend all your time worrying about what may or may not happen a year, month, week, or even day or minute down the road. This philosophy is something I learned while trying to overcome an anxiety disorder and I applied to everything in my life. It has helped more than you could imagine. And not only has it helped me but also my family and friends. Because at the end of the day isn't it nicer to go to bed enjoying your comfy bed than worrying that somewhere down the line you might not be in it?
I see myself helping families. The best way I can determine to help children, is to respect and strengthen their family lives. I have a need to feed people. I'm trying to start a "dinner club" so families can sit down to dinner together more often. I have a lot of grandmother-type skills and I'd like to help children feel that satisfaction and self confidence that my grandmother and great aunt gave me by teaching me to sew, garden, cook, et al. If I can help here, in my own little corner, then I can follow my heart to the border and help feed the children without families.
Love, Erin
Thank you for sharing Lil, I do endorse your comments. Blessings to you

Lil said:
I think one of the most important things anybody can do is to stay away from fear based reactions. I believe in the what you put uot to the universe you get back from the universe mentality. So if all you do is put out fear then that's all you are going to get back. And its amazingly simple to slip into that fear based place but it's also incredibly easy to stay out of it. As an individual I can stay out of that place but I can also help to pull others out of that place. Concentrate on the good in life and what you have to be grateful for and soon enough that's what you focus on. About to lose your house...haven't lost it yet have you so right here and right now you have a safe warm haven. Don't know where the money is coming from to pay the bills...well right now right here in this moment are you alright? It's the living in the moment that truly counts. you can't spend all your time worrying about what may or may not happen a year, month, week, or even day or minute down the road. This philosophy is something I learned while trying to overcome an anxiety disorder and I applied to everything in my life. It has helped more than you could imagine. And not only has it helped me but also my family and friends. Because at the end of the day isn't it nicer to go to bed enjoying your comfy bed than worrying that somewhere down the line you might not be in it?
How lovely Erin, I wish you every success in spreading your love through your gifts and compassion. Blessings Robyn

Erin Michelle said:
I see myself helping families. The best way I can determine to help children, is to respect and strengthen their family lives. I have a need to feed people. I'm trying to start a "dinner club" so families can sit down to dinner together more often. I have a lot of grandmother-type skills and I'd like to help children feel that satisfaction and self confidence that my grandmother and great aunt gave me by teaching me to sew, garden, cook, et al. If I can help here, in my own little corner, then I can follow my heart to the border and help feed the children without families.
Love, Erin
There is no us and them, only me and we... easily said, but not easily assimilated. The fabric that entwines us is expansive and diverse, including the brightest and darkest amongst us. Each of is but an insignificant stitch in the fabric, yet integrally as important as every other stitch.

We are so interdependent and connected, yet often, so distant and disconnected. The mending of this condition is in the small things done often by many, rather than the large done by the seldom few. Each of has a responsibility to our stitch and to the whole. We can't wait for anything or anyone.

Doing what we are doing here and now with sustainable intention is defining our stitch and the nature of the fabric. Sharing community reinforces our stitch and others around us, ever rippling outward. Peace, love, unity... the big notions, live in the little things, the stitches. Mindfulness of our humble stitch is an honor to the whole.
Love will touch all and even though this will be a new experience for many who have not had the opportunity to be recpetive to Love to this point, we will all have the opportunity to look upon Love and choose. This will happen because of an overwhelming influx of Love. I am not sure of this. I am not sure why I feel this way, but I have decided that the only measure I will use to judge my life is how well I love. In using this measure I hope I might be an example to those I am fortunate enough to spend time with, and Love will spread. In asking myself "how well do I love" throughout a given day, I am certain my path will present itself.
My Vision: My vision for the future is of locally sustainable communities, and a vibrant Global Village accessible to all via cyber-space. A future where each community creates it's own local currency system with rules that reflect their unique culture; a local currency that can be inter-changed with other communities through a universal solvent, such as the Point System.

A future where the Bio-Spiritual aspects of a persons life are recognized and honored; where all have equal human rights to freedom, education, life services, and self-expression.

What will happen? the industrial socio-economic model based on debt, competition, and use of natural resources as the basis of value will end is gasps over the next 5 years; industrial jobs in manufacturing will decline due to mechanization, even service jobs like calling people on the phone for solicitation will decrease (most solicitor calls now come from computer recordings), and knowledge service jobs will continue to move off-shore to emerging markets like India - if you do get a call from a "live" person about a bill or solicitation these days they are probably based in India and communicating over a VOIP (Voice Over IP) system. This transition period between the industrial socio-economic model and the information (or Spiritual) new age will create a new set of conditions under which we live and which we must respond too - it will not be a easy time I'm afraid.

What Can I Do? begin acting more sustainable on your local level, start a local currency & recycling exchange, turn your lawn into a perma-cultured food producing garden, and get involved in gloabl communities such as AOAND.

What will I Do?

1) GaiaTech Eco-Village: community based on sustainable living systems and wealth created mainly by creative offerings such as music, video, art, literature, consulting (things not-physical, which use to little to no natural resources in the "value creation" process) and are exportable to the entire world using Information Age technologies.

2) Project Peace Portal: an association of charities, faith groups, corporations, and trusts working for a sustainable future.

3) a Free Digital Universe where humanity may meet as equal Souls rather than competing citizens.

4) The Paulownia Reforestation Project: the achievement of global reforestation through Project Partnering in the application and development of environmentally sustainable agro-forestry and silviculture practices.

5) Creating a company ( that allows emerging markets to enter the Internet marketplace even if they have no credit card, no address, nor a bank account by giving them a social and business networking Cyber Mall. See the file attached hereto entitled "ShareMyBiz Intro."

That's what we are doing. Namaste!
Jeanne said:
There is no us and them, only me and we... We are so interdependent and connected, yet often, so distant and disconnected. ....

What separates humanity on a practical level is "Law Forums." As citizens of nation states, each of which is in inherent competition with one another over deficits/surpluses, natural resources, and even fiduciary oaths (I pledge allegiance to a flag - not humanity) we are foreclosed from meeting in unity, equality, and cooperation; the industrial socio-economic model needs to be replaced with a new universal Information Age model.

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