Architects of a New Dawn

We’d like to show the side of the world you don’t normally see on television.

For 15 years Jasper was locked in a crush cage too small for his large body. Today this is Jasper at the Animals Asia sanctuary. The intention of the Ursa Freedom Project is to liberate 9,000 bears who are still living in crush cages.

The Ursa Freedom Project has set the intention to liberate 9,000 bears from crush cages on bile farms in China and Vietnam. Work is underway to organize Benefit for the Bears concerts in Los Angeles, San Francisco, London and other cities worldwide to raise awareness and money to liberate the bears. We are also organizing Art for the Bears art auctions with original art designed for the Ursa Freedom Project. And we are organizing community celebrations set for June 21, global action day to celebrate the manifestation of our intention -- the liberation of 9,000 bears from crush cages! Come join us and be part of the new dawn for moon bears ... a new dawn of freedom and health.

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very cool, thanks!

I'm With Ya!

My friend did a house party for Moon Bears and we raised over $2,000. by donating things for a silent auction at the party. We watched a sad movie about the Moon Bears too - I had no idea how badly they are treated until I viewed the movie.
The Ursa Freedom Project holds a vision to bring change and healing of the broken connection between humanity and Nature, and of the industrial abuse of animals. The success of the vision depends on all offerings of energy given, every contribution great and small- ideas, art, community gathering, performance, participation on any scale from meditation to media– to spread the word around the globe.

Jeanette McDermott, who created this posting is my sister in EcoHealing. The Project is an endeavor to capture the power of the Love that we all possess, for all the things we dedicate our lives to. To focus that Love on a global scale, in a celebration to circle the globe on Solstice, is a healing act with immense potential. To connect people from every part of the globe with one another, to awaken awareness to an unconscionable torture of an endangered species, to create a positive, uplifting experience to be in community and to bring change by the power of unified intent. All of this is possible and the experience becomes richer with the joining in of each and every heart.

Please visit the Ursa Freedom Project to learn more about how you can bring your light to make this vision grow to its greatest success. Thank you for your offering.
Would you please come to the Ursa Freedom Project Action Network and share your ideas with us about the house party and silent auction? We could use your help and ongoing inspiration.
SpiritView, I love these posters. This is how all moon bears should look ... happy and free!
We Just lost a Bear...I have the story posted
on my profile over at ursafreedomproject.ning

...tears channeled into making Art for Bears...

Earth Day is the best reminder that We Are One with All Earth Beings!

I'm calling on my nature-loving, animal-loving friends to help me spread the word about the Earth Day Bear Sponsorship drive at Ursa Freedom Project. Will you help by sending out Twitter messages to your followers? Here are some Tweet examples that others have sent to help save the Moon Bear:

UFP Earth Day Bear Sponsorship
goal: raise $9K to sponsor rescued bear that needs TLC. Thanks!

Sponsorship means a bear goes from a bile farm crush cage to freedom!
Go to UFP to get involved

PLEASE HELP UFP Earth Day Bear Sponsorship
goal: sponsor a rescued bear that needs TLC. Thanks!

Free the bears! Take action!

Make Earth Day bear day and join a good cause.

Send love to a once-tortured, but now rescued, Moon Bear. Make a cash donation.

Give! Help the Earth Day Bear Sponsorship drive.
A big cyber bear hug to you!

I love Moon Bears and want to set them free. Please help!

Thank YOU!!!!
Hi I have finally come to a concllulsion that the only way we are going to help all creatures great and small is to start with the beginning and that is humans for if we humans, or some of us, were not so greedy and demonstrative these wonderful creatures would have their habitat. Humans have such a greedy streak within them and they want to pillage the earth for their own greed, leaving acres and acres of desolate land wherever they go. Earth is a pretty big planet and there is plenty of room for all to enjoy. The longer I live the more distrust I seem to have for people who trash the planet and don't even care who or what is in their way. Too have compassion for others, and that definitely includes all creatures and we are definitely one of them. There is very little compassion left, oh there are a few of us who really care and it seems as if our hands are tied by the greedy, how to break free from this is what we have to do and so for me is to truly trust that there is a Higher Power that just maybe is watching all this and knows how, so thru prayer and meditation is at the moment the best way. Too revolt against the greedy and put them down.
About the Moon Bears that is unconsciousable, but it is do mainly to GREED, which is our downfall. I am truly sad but now know why I am still hanging around. Blessings in love and light to all. Jackie



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