Architects of a New Dawn

We’d like to show the side of the world you don’t normally see on television.


Sitting peacefully in my home, I am startled by a loud noise on the station that leads me into the room where a television had been left on.  Once there, an advertisement takes over the screen. In the next few moments, the commercial captures my intrique, as the corporation advertising was one of a Tax Preparation Service, one that I knew well.  My curiosity was captured as it set my mind into motion as to how fast this last year has past, and consciously made note to myself that October is coming....thinking on my way out of the room, "Why are they advertising so very early, we, as a country, haven't even earned this year's income yet?"  As I turned the television off, I chalked it up to marketing in tough times, saying to myself "...that is so very strange."


In the next moment, my telephone rings and my daughter answers. I hush off the call, asking her to take a message.  As she hangs up the line, she tells me "Mom, it was that Tax Company 'xxx'.", calling to offer some deal.  I carry on with my work, not thinking too much about either of these interruptions.


Later in the same day, I get back to my desk, log in and begin to read my email.  The second email I noticed was from that exact same corporation. 


"Why am I sharing this story?"  you are thinking by this point, "Right?"


Well, at this point, I just had to read the email.  As I began, it only lead to other links.  With my curiosity peaked and my impatience setting in, I decided to call back that call mentioned above that my daughter had deferred for me.


In conclusion, the point of this discussion arrives with information that all of the above, all happening within a couple of hours on the same day, was the same Tax Preparation Company offering to prepare our 2010 Tax Return in October; offering 'Early Cash Back". 


I thanked the man on the phone and hung up...feeling sad.  This sadness stemmed from the fact that so many people today are working so vigilantly to 'live in the moment', all the while fighting their way backwards to 'the moment'; as our Society is pushing the masses to 'survive off the future'.


In the last 10 years, our banking systems and governments have legalized these services ie. payday loans, cash advances, and now tax refund 6 months early.  The missing link to all these ads, calls and joyous messages is the fact that this lifestyle has a huge pricetag that nobody addresses. I have always joked that they were legal loan sharks...and many agree.


If you have an experience or an opinion on this part of our North American system, then please share. 


*  Do You have any other alternatives in mind for families and/or individuals that need cash today?  *  Do You not think that payment deferrals in living costs would not work better than borrowing from a 'future' that has not even happened, yet?

*  WHO was the genius that created this solution? 

*  Should these places be shut down?


This style of 'helping people' truly concerns me, and all I can think about is all those Single Parents, Seniors et al,  that are falling into this 'opportunity'; ending up more in debt than when they began. How many times will 'they' be able to 'get up again'.?


Is this (Western) Humanity in Action?


* What happened to the days, when the employer would offer an Advance on pay...?

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This is a subject we could all use to have more dialogue about. The moment, the now, the here and now! It's all there really is and yet we are so daunted with the virtual blizzard of things to concern ourselves with. Let's face it, in order to survive and flourish in this construct of a society we've created for ourselves, we've got to be concerned with most everything except the NOW. Conventionally speaking, when we look at someone who has totally let go of everything and is living (in peace) his or her life, we say, "Look at that guy or look at that girl, he or she is nowhere. Ironically, isn't that where we want to be?! Now and here, here and now. If there is any REAL control to be had, ( I think the control thing is an illusion) would it be in the future or the past? Or would it be in the present. We are so busy trying to be somewhere else primarily because of the almighty chase for the dollar. We're so busy trying to get there in time; as if we can really control time. When we finally get there, where ever THERE is; there becomes here. The geniuses that created all of this came long before the cash loan places. It's just another exploitation of a segment of society, on a smaller scale I might add, just as the the rich elite have done with the Federal Reserve Bank. The central banking concept that uses a fractional reserve system to loan and sell money. Money that is created from nothing. I'm not saying that the smaller loans are good or bad. Although, I do see the both sides of this proverbial coin. However, I don't think this can be relegated to simply black and white. The gray area is that many families that are able to stay afloat with these small loans until they can get back and dig out of their financial hole. Are there misuses of these loans? Exploitation? Extremely high rates of interest? Ease for misuse to the point of becoming trapped financially to the point of bankruptcy. Yes, all of the above. It is a vicious cycle and I certainly don't know the answer. Though, I do know this. If you enter into agreement with one of these payday loans, one has to be VERY methodical (It can be done) in how to use the loan so it is a benefit, not a detriment. I've seen it done and have done it myself. It takes desire, discipline, and identification of what your needs and wants are. The wants have got to go and the needs have to be prioritized in order to successfully utilize a loan of this nature. I've also been on the other end of the stick where the loans overwhelmed me after becoming ill and losing my job. There were 6 months with no income in my household and we were desperate. I'm sure that's what these loan places count on frequently. If you live in a capitalistic society (I'm not saying I like it) then getting a share of the market for your business (i.e. payday loan store) can't be wrong. Though I personally feel they probably shouldn't ever have come out with these loans (Again, many are glad they did i.e. those losing their cars, houses, boats, lives as then knew them etc...) because of the drastically high rates, what would I do if I was losing everything (I did lose it all i.e. my car, my job, my wife, my life; but life does go on). Would I make a last dig effort to save my property, my loved one, and my life? I think so and I did. Some people would have done as I and others would not have. Some make it and some won't. Ya see the dilemma? It's not all black and white; there is always a gray area. I'd like to say that I truly appreciate everything you said in your piece above. I for one have few kind words for the elite banking cartels that have created this mess of an economy we're in. The same economy that spawned the exploitative payday loans that plague many now. Ironically, these men who wield the power and exploit the people with the need for money are also part of the oneness of us all. I was a revenue officer for the IRS and once you know how the money works; the realization that we're all economic slaves sets in. The truth hurts but we are free in our minds. Something no government can give or take away.How can a government give us something that we were born with by nature. Oh, and do not confuse liberty with freedom. One is not the other and the same vice versa. It's a sad state of affairs but alas, what can we really do. We are forced into conforming to this warped system where profit is the only goal. There is much to consider when trying to figure out what to do with aspects of the monetary system and capitalism. I can't say yes or no about shutting the payday loan stores down. Maybe it could work with more stringent parameters, guidelines, and more reasonable interest rates. It's really abusing the poor folks of the country and at the same time many will tell that these places were a God send them. Thanks for this discussion. Peace, KTP
Hey, KTP,

Thanks for taking the time and thought, in this reply.

I comprehend your point, and it leads me to this thought: "We sit between a ROCK and a HARD PLACE at the moment on this 'solution'."

Hopefully, someday, there will come along a mastermind in banking legislation, that will take the genius he/she was contracted for and use that genius to have the fundamentals of banking benefit more than 3% of the population. Well, at least let some of the working folk have a peak! LOL. :)



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