Architects of a New Dawn

We’d like to show the side of the world you don’t normally see on television.

Yea I know,, The Irony of it all,, the price of the barrel is climbing as the free oil ,, fills the "Golf",, who's Golf is it any way,, I beilieve its called the Golf of Mexico,,, Damn, that aint so american,, unless you see the Whole,, um deux(2)  continents!!, It really is kinda American,,,,,,,,So as the oil spills for free,, I re had the same thought,, I had 30 years ago, in marin,,,connect all the people that really want world peace,, and that realise its the free est  "thing " on the plannet,,The Race is on,, TIME TO WIN!

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The idea as a whole is great as far as I'm concerned. As for the Gulf of Mexico thing, it's a tragedy beyond compare. The potential is there to change things very drastically for all of us when you consider and weigh all the variables. Not to put a damper on "FREE PEACE" (I like the way that sounds) but there is a line in a song titled "Work for Peace" by Gil Scott-heron. It goes like this: "If everyone believed in peace the way they say they do; we'd have peace. The only thing wrong with peace is you can't make no money from it." I've left the video and song for to listen to below. That being said, the only thing (in my opinion for what it's worth) that we can do is strive for individual peace. Peace starts with the individual and can spread like a virus to the whole one thing that is; us all. I believe that the REAL people of this world (not that even the diabolical ones aren't part of our oneness) want peace and are sick and tired of hating for what really comes down to no valid reason. Hate is a fear based behavior and what better way to be self contained and comfortable than to hate what you don't know; or what you think you know and really don't. We all have preconceived notions about different cultures and people and assume it's strange or weird just because it's different from what we do or know. We are ( I include myself in this) are so short sighted when it comes to acceptance of others that are different than what we're use to. The main reason for this is that we can't even accept ourselves and look to lay blame on everything external instead of starting with ourselves. I think the collective consciousness thing can work. If we collectively realize the beauty of the diversity of all there is in this vast world of ours; we couldn't want anything but peace. Ah yes, but then there is that money thing. How do we convince the world leaders and all their counterparts that this is viable. I don't know that is possible only because of the greed for money, power, and control. So, not to blow a hole in your idea because ideally, I think it could happen and will happen; once we all find true peace within ourselves. The word peace means so much more to me than when I use to say it when I was younger. I would use it like a cool buzz word and didn't really know how powerful it was. BP, Halliburton, our government, and many others should be ashamed of themselves. This whole thing could have been averted. I feel in my heart that something else is at work here. We'll have to see how this plays out but it's more about the oil then even the experts think. Oil is not a fossil fuel and their is an agenda to make people believe (via main stream) otherwise. Well my friend, peace is free and all we have to do is look within to become the thing that we want so badly. Peace, KTP

My heat cry's as our golf is poisoned. Peace unfortunately never comes for free because people just don't know who to love unconditionally. Today it seems we have separated by race and some are implementing Darwin's theory survival of the fittest even if means crushing those on their knees. "it is better to die on ones feet then continue begging on ones knees."
Your ray of hope just got 10 times Brighter,, Joan ,Thank you! Peace IN

Joan Gregori said:
Hello, KeepinthePeace and everyone. Cool video! IMO, capitalism is unsustainable over the long haul. Lots of people forget that the U.S. is a very young country. IMO, we are "falling" as the Roman Empire did centuries ago. Greed was the fundamental reason for this downfall, I believe.
Many do not see the big picture because all they care about is their own "little world" with their closed little minds and greedy hands. It is my firm belief that our Creator did not put us here to make money. He put us here to enjoy the bounty and beauty of a pristine planet. Most change, historically, was accomplished by revolution/war/violence, etc. However, I see a ray of hope in this fairly young Information Age. Consequently, we should be able to resolve and evolve in a peaceful manner in a large mass. I doubt it will happen in my lifetime, though. Regrettably, this "ray of hope" of mine is not very bright. You guys better read this, 'cause it took me 20 min. to write it. lol



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