Architects of a New Dawn

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Carlos & Friends

For AOAND members all over the world who experience his amazing music and live concerts...

Members: 471
Latest Activity: Nov 12, 2023

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Have you heard of "Filthy Water" 5 Replies

Started by Erin MacGeraghty. Last reply by Rob Hale Nov 3, 2013.

Carlos' Perugia concert review 2 Replies

Started by Lorenzo Abbiati. Last reply by Thomas Sep 17, 2013.

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Comment by Richard Marquez on November 11, 2010 at 1:53pm
Thanks for trying Vicente...
Comment by Richard Marquez on November 11, 2010 at 1:53pm
Yellow pages for artistic people?ouch...
Comment by Richard Marquez on November 11, 2010 at 1:52pm
I think that many people want to rally around a cause,or a musician like Carlos,and they just lack the tools for finding ways to accomplish it,so in essence they talk loudly,but don't walk their talk,and I think it defeats the purpose if you attack or demean,but I understand the frustration and yes,we must manifest,act and introduce ourselves to the common facts and truths that will free our spirits and soothe our souls...change will come,and we must unite,not fight...
Comment by Vicente N. Carranza on November 11, 2010 at 10:39am
That is why I made the first two post. I hope and pray that this site would be more than what it has been up to now. With Carlos Santana as a Spiritual leader and with the desires of the rest of the 422 members we can plant a big seed. Awareness is the key to transformation and reinventing the body. Lots of things can be done by going to the deepest level possible by everyone. If you know your consciousness you will know everything you need to know. Each level of consciousness creates its own reality. So all of us together manifest the world we have. So the world we are living today is created by everyone. So if you don't like the world then change yourself. Tlamatini-vicente
Comment by Vicente N. Carranza on November 11, 2010 at 9:36am
Joe Fleury I except what you say but I just don't understand you point. What do you suggest that we with Architects of a New Dawn can do.
Comment by Vicente N. Carranza on November 11, 2010 at 7:07am
One day ago I posted two messages. Beside Richard Marquez no one else responded. Does anyone of the 422 members care what is happening in today reality. Just in the last 24 hours has anyone seen what is happening and what that means to our society, to you. I know metaphysical and christians like to hide their heads in the sand and hope that what ever is happening will go away or not affect them. It only effects the sinner. And everyone has the sinner syndrome. The prize of food is going up. Gasoline is going up .15 cents a gallon. Freeze noncombat military pay. Reduce social security increases. Are taxes are going up higher. Millions of people out of work. Millions of people are losing their homes. Tax income is taking a big hit - do you know what that means. If you don't you better find out because it is your tail.. The only one that don't care is the rich. They are getting richer. Their is so much more, lots, tons of things that is destroying people and our society and no one gives a shit. Sorry for the word shit but that what it is. And do you know who is at fault for all of this, YOU, ME US, EVERYBODY. For the last 60 years everyone has believe in the American Dream propaganda and because of that we know that someday I am going to be rich so I do not want to rock the boat because I will mess up my changes that I have work so hard. Let the other guy suffer, I don't really care. Besides it is his fault. All he has to do is pick himself by the boot straps. Look at me, I am going to make it. And you are still waiting and hoping and because of that it get worse because you and no one else wants to do anything. you are still waiting for your milk and honey. Now has does anyone feel on what I said??????????????????????
Comment by Richard Marquez on November 9, 2010 at 4:38pm
Good emotion and explanation of how sometimes differences on various sites goes haywire...We need to come together true,and to see the truth of things,making us become closer and unified against those who would make this earth a bad place to live because of greed,insensitivity and ignorance...I would say we all need support and validation,and to start a common discussion and topic,the sky would be the limit,but I wonder how many would stay within this framework,even though you so eloquently put it out for us? I would like to know more about the man,and his Milagro foundation,and then have members comment,or tell me what they propose to do in light of this...thanks for sharing...
Comment by Vicente N. Carranza on November 9, 2010 at 4:32pm
My dear friends and future fellow Light Travelers I have many ideas. I have lots and lots of things to share but first and foremost I want to set the stage. This site belongs to Mr. Carlos Santana and no one else. So everyone else (421 members) are equal. No one is more important then the rest. I have several reason why I am sharing this. First, No one, not any one is more important than the rest. Second, what anyone member shares that person believe it and should not be asking any one else to agree with what is said. Everybody has the right to agree or disagree. If you agree good, then add what you feel on the subject. If you disagree that is great also. But don't say that person is wrong because they did not agree with you. If you disagree tell us what you believe in on the subject being discuss. If you do this then the other members who are reading this will then have to points of view on the subject. The reason I am sharing this is because I have belong to at least 3 or 4 dozen wonderful sites in the last 4 or 6 years that when someone does not disagree they take it personal because they feel they are right and the person that disagree is wrong. Especially if for what ever reason they feel more important than the rest of us. This has destroyed many a good site. Lastly, in today's reality individualism has become Godly and freedom is the sacred cow. Today everyone feels like an individual with the freedom to say what they want when they want and how ever they wanted and if you don't like it it tough do-do. Because of this it would be more productive to stay in the subject being discuss. If you feel like you want to say your own thing that is you right but go do it by starting you discussion. We all have to learn from each other. We are all a field of endless possibilities. We all should in brace uncertainty because we are not fix. We are not a drop in the ocean. We are the whole ocean in the drop. We are all the energy of the universe. Please does anyone else have something to share on what I said. Que su sol brille brillante. Namaste -Tlamatini-vicente
Comment by Richard Marquez on November 9, 2010 at 3:02pm
Well said Vicente,and I hold your ideals close to my heart,and in my mind I can only imagine how some people miss the point of being architects of a new dawn or world,and it is understandable that there is some ego boosting going on,and we should get our tales together and make something happen...Do YOU or Carlos have any ideas?
Comment by Vicente N. Carranza on November 9, 2010 at 2:28pm
I became a member of Architects of a New Dawn when their were 45 members. When Carlos Santana my friend started this site I was so happy. I have read much of what's been said about him and his believes. Thus I believed that this site was to help save the world and everything in it including us. We all love Carlos and his music, that is understood-a given. This wonderful site with its 421 members could be a very big step in helping find our way. But no, so much space and time is wasted in telling Carlos how much we love him and/or his music. I guess when you first become a member of Architects of a News Dawn it ok to give Carlos some strokes but after that lets get down to business and help save our part of the world. And thanks to Carlos for given us this site to use so all of us together can bring us together as one consciousness. Besides to much praise will give Carlos some problems with his ego. And I don't think he wants that. May the Great Spirit or 'Grandfather' bless you all. And may they help us get our tails together for the common cause.
Tlamatini-vicente carranza

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