Architects of a New Dawn

We’d like to show the side of the world you don’t normally see on television.


Carlos & Friends

For AOAND members all over the world who experience his amazing music and live concerts...

Members: 471
Latest Activity: Nov 12, 2023

Discussion Forum

Have you heard of "Filthy Water" 5 Replies

Started by Erin MacGeraghty. Last reply by Rob Hale Nov 3, 2013.

Carlos' Perugia concert review 2 Replies

Started by Lorenzo Abbiati. Last reply by Thomas Sep 17, 2013.

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Comment by Mike Balitao on July 31, 2010 at 3:16pm
HI to all Carlos and friends members how ya'll doing hope everything is well with ya guys and who ever is having a birthday today happy Birthday thank you to everybody who joined this group i really appreciated it im sorry if i respond so late i been really busy too its nice to see ya guys
Comment by Kevin Cirincione on July 19, 2010 at 10:16am
Thanks again for another moving concert (Jones Beach) last night! Your spiritual message is heard by so many people, through your music and words. This website is another great way to get people involved. Thanks for sharing your vision!
Peace & Love,
Kevin Cirincione
Comment by shane hitchens on July 18, 2010 at 9:55pm
to carlos its your birthday on the 20th of july hey 63 hey keep doing what your doing have a happy birtday all the best from shane hitchens australia take care my friend
Comment by Carlo Ami on June 28, 2010 at 10:53am
Powerfully expressed, Steve. Thank you. Brings to mind something I saw last night on the "Life" TV nature series. In parts of Africa, the monkeys and deer are allies. The monkeys make a special call when a hungry tiger enters their shared neighborhood, warning the deer. This website is a tool for creating allies. And we can all be allies for the cause of Love and collective empowerment.
What we are experiencing as a world culture are a series of ever-escalating wake-up calls. Some will see these as signs that we are about to be obliterated, that the apocalypse is coming. Others will see them as a punishment for our unconscious behavior. What they really are: opportunities to wake up to our power, our loving power. For more on this:
Comment by Lynn Augstein on June 28, 2010 at 9:53am
Beautiful~~~~ yes

Thank you for this light... it touches my heart
Comment by The Ancient One on June 28, 2010 at 8:42am
By Steve Goodier

"Sprinkle joy," said Ralph Waldo Emerson. And at least one little creature seems to do just that.

There is a small bird in the northwest part of the United States called the ouzel, or the American Dipper. This unusual bird lives around fast rushing water, sometimes nesting behind water falls. It has been seen flying in and out of white water rapids of mountain rivers that crash and splash through steep and rocky canyons. It loves the violent, noisy, chaotic life of the rugged river environment.

And through it all, it sings! When rain falls in sheets, when wind blows in a violent fury, when other birds huddle in sheltered nooks against the rage of the storm, the dipper frolics in the tempest and blissfully sings.

Don't you love to be around people like that? People who don't wait for circumstances to change or for happy times to come before they laugh and sing? People who can be happy in the confusion and chaos of life?

These people do not expect life to make them happy. Nor do they spend time looking for joy - instead, they decide to give it away. Like that remarkable little bird, they can be found in the midst of life's turbulence, enthusiastic and hopeful.

These resilient people teach us an important lesson about survival. They show us that people who "sprinkle joy" grow stronger. Sprinkled joy immunizes them against despair during difficult and tumultuous times. They actually weather storms better because of a lifetime habit of approaching difficulties with a glad heart.

JOY - it's not just for the birds.
Comment by Richard Marquez on June 27, 2010 at 3:49pm
But if we are true architects of a New Dawn,we must not give up,nor leave a world like Emilio says exists to our children's,children's children...if you truly believe in a higher power and ultimate destiny of mankind,surely you can create positive,loving alternatives to obliteration and annihilation...
Comment by Emilio J on June 27, 2010 at 10:54am
Let's face it folks !! no amount of money can repair the gulf. Man, has unsuccessfully tried to strong arm nature, only to his own demise. We are like in all things destroying OUR planet. This damaging oil spill, is only one of the long line of blunders, we've created. Man has already chosen his path, to obliteration.
Comment by Richard Marquez on June 26, 2010 at 10:40am
Carlos and friends should be getting a concert together to aid the spill and bring humanitarians together to come up with a solution to the pain,struggle and suffering caused by this tragedy...
Comment by Carlo Ami on June 25, 2010 at 10:52pm
The abuses such as the oil mess in the Gulf, of our planet by corporations and the abuses we allow our governments to impose upon us are but metaphors for what we have allowed our imaginary egos do to run our lives. All we are seeing is opportunity to make the more loving choice, more and more often. The revolution we are in the middle of is one of consciousness. Just as corrupt forces feed us with propaganda to spread fear and powerlessness, the time is now for us to allow the power of our own propaganda--the propaganda of the heart. For more on this, see

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