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Have you heard of "Filthy Water" 5 Replies

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Carlos' Perugia concert review 2 Replies

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Comment by Jesus on June 24, 2010 at 12:11am
Mother earth is crying out as we leave nothing for our children. We pray for the gulf coast residence but more import we pray for Mother Earth...

BP should be put out of business here in this country and really any to operate. All for $$ and the hell with the world is their attitude.
Comment by Lynn Augstein on June 23, 2010 at 11:30pm
The Gulf oil Spill is beyond profound, in our face view of our inability to plan and grow into the future with care and awareness.
It is heart-wrenching to all.
When dealing with such a critical issue like.. DEEP sea drilling, sloppy is inevitable, it's human made... clearly, it is beyond our ability to handle, it needs to cease..
We are now faced with our own folly while sharing this nightmare..
We are witnessing death and destruction of our most precious Earth & astoundingly beautiful living creatures in numbers unspeakable.

It is vital that we come together to figure this out.

What is the best action to take? The patient is dying, it's just more obvious to us now because of the Gulf.
Our own energy requirements are strangling us.
AND.. they don't have to.
The cost of our care~less production, construction, lack of work ethic, lack of future planning along with systemic corruption of our systems and Government.. must make drastic steps to change our corse.... and it can change. It's not up to "them"..... (mirror mirror)

It is raining oil in Louisiana! Just the beginning... Now what.

BP is handling it's own clean up. Why is there no other participation or oversight from anyone or any other countries.. because of legal & liability issues?? what other complex issues have we created in our strangling limited mind "net".

BP is a guest in our country. BP is dumping Corexit into our waters: no "chaperones". The press is Banned from our public beaches. Boats & good people ordered out of our public waters as they round up & save endangered baby turtles from intentional fire. what about that toxic smoke in the air that we breathe?
What!!.... How is this happening here. Is anyone home?

We are stuck in stasis.. and overwhelm.

Some respond with major anger, we all share that part... but, undirected into right action is completely useless and harmful to one's being.

We can see through the glass ceiling that we are holding up, yet it is impossible to penetrate. We are holding the systems up and being crushed by them. There is no way to reach anyone in our hired government that really hear or listen... a few still have their hearts and ethics in tact.

Lawsuits are won with conflict of interest buried deep in the pocket.
Our rights and legal protection has seriously eroded.

As negative as the picture is,...... and sounds..
We need to come up with solutions immediately ... together... This moment, we all know it is vital.
It is also a time of grace. To be in touch with our hearts and souls, our natural animal being, to remember who we are on this Earth.
We have also been fully touched by grace.
We are magnificent.
we are visionary
We can and need to handle this.

We can grow into places we have yet to even imagine..
We are all capable of enormous creativity and innovation.. so lets go there together... we must ... somehow go there .. together... now..

One simple idea: just one of many we all have..
BP could be required to open solar panel manufacturing plants all over the south to employ the people so damaged by carelessness. This could be their ethical apology and fine for reeking havoc. Their huge budget for drilling could go RIGHT into manufacturing plants.
Our energy requirements would partially be addressed. It will bring manufacturing and new industry back to the USA instead of shipping overseas. Lots of solar roofs could ease needs for oil that could go to industry as they transition away from fossil fuels.

How to cut down words?
Pictures speak 10,000 knowings -the Pelican photo below.
Where to start..
With deepest concern,

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Comment by Digital Publishing Entertainment on June 22, 2010 at 11:18pm

The Gulf Oil Disaster, The Biggest Economic, Environmental & Health Disasters In Human History... Please Read & Please Help...



The Gulf Oil Disaster, The Biggest Economic, Environmental & Health Disasters In Human History... Please Read & Please Help...
We The People Of The United States Of America and The World Must Come Together On Our Common Grounds... We Can Not... No We MUST Not allow the Corporations do the harm to our world and to all living things... They do not care about us, our lively hoods, our health, the Ecosystems or anything else but MONEY! BP, Trans Ocean, Halliburton, The Government and The MEDIA are all in this together. They are not telling us, "We The People Of The U.S. & Planet Earth"
The Devastating Effect Of The Deadly Toxin COREXIT 9500 Oil Dispersant... It is a solvent which is 5 times more deadly then the raw crude with it's Benzene, Hydrogen Sulfide, Methane and other toxic chemicals derived from Raw Crude Oil. They have not acted fast enough, They have turned away assistance from many countries, groups and organizations which have better ways and more experience with similar situations... While the Prez Plays Golf and has Date Night with Mrs. Prez... Our Gulf Of Mexico and from reports, The Atlantic Ocean and soon...Europe... Are being TOXIFYED! Killing all living things... Our Ecosystem, Food Source, Our Oxygen... And So Much More! Seize BP!, Put the Negligent Criminals In Jail... And lets Get To Really Fixing The Problem...
PLEASE NOTE...They are not telling us all about the Health Hazards from their mess... We are all in Danger... Corexit is 5 times more carcinogenic then raw crude... Benzene &  Hydrogen Sulfide are also highly carcinogenic... 5 to 7 years from now, all who come in contact or even just breath in the air born particulates of these and the many other toxins will be developing Lymphoma, Respirtory Issues  and many other major health issues...
Want to know the TRUTH! The Florida Webcasting Network has dedicated our Florida Network completely to informing Florida, the Gulf Coast States and the America's Eastern Seaboard of the Health Issues and News which you will not see on the bought and paid for Mainstream Media... Go To: and join the FYI Gulf Oil Disaster News and Communication Network... It's FREE and a place where the Gulf Coast States and the World can come together to communicate... Take Action... And Learn The Truths... Please Join as They Are The Few... And We Are The Many! Divided, We Do Not Stand A Chance... Together, They Do Not Stand A Chance...
We at the Florida Webcasting Network are reaching out to the world during THE BIGGEST GLOBAL ENVIRONMENTAL DISASTER IN HUMAN HISTORY... Help Us Help You... Become a FYI Reporter and Blog, Forum, Share Videos, Pictures, Audios, News Reports and So Much More... We Are The New Media For, By and About The People and Businesses Of Florida and Planet Earth... Please Go To and join... Thank You All... It Is OUR Earth... And They Are Destroying It and Us! We Must Take Action, Reel In Our Public Servants (Government) and Demand That They Handle This Situation Now... There are many alternatives which are environmentally Friendly and More Effective... TAKE ACTION!
   We at the Florida Webcasting Network have seen and heard by the Many People and Businesses of Florida, Alabama, Mississippi and Louisiana that there is not enough true information regarding How We Can Help, The Health Hazards, The Environmental Impact Now and in the Long Term, The Effects Of Corexit 9500-Hydrogen Sulfide, Benzene, Methane and more , How The Submerged (Hidden) Oil has already made it around the tip of Florida (Its In The Gulf Stream Conveyor) and that there are Legitimate Sightings By The Politicians and Local Affiliate Media of Palm Beach County as well as Georgia and South Carolina...  They are underplaying the extreme life threatening Situation... Our Lives, The Lives of The Sea Life, Land Animals and Mother Earth... They Have Hit The Juggler Of Mother Earth with their GREED, CARELESSNESS, NEGLENCE, LAW BREAKING AND OVER ALL DISREGARD FOR LIFE AS A WHOLE... 
   We are in the process of creating the FREE Gulf Oil  Disaster Safety and Information Guide called, "Be Safe, Smart and Prepared". The Books will be distributed by the Florida Kiwanis, Key Clubs, the Jaycees and by the Advertiser/Sponsors throughout Florida and each of the other states which they all have agreed upon. The E-Book will be available online on the FYI Network's Gulf Oil Disaster Network as a FREE PDF Download....
The 1st Book will be the Florida Edition and then we will be starting up Louisiana, Mississippi and Alabama... AND... Due to the fact that the Corexit Oil is heading up the Gulf Conveyor... We will be creating area specific books for each state... We have communicated to hundreds upon hundreds of people, businesses, groups and organizations in Florida and this Terrible Event has cause an Economic Disaster... Tourism is OVER... Local Businesses are hurting... We at the Florida Webcasting Network are calling out to all of our Brothers and Sisters Worldwide to help us to help the People of the Gulf Coast States and the U.S. Eastern Seaboard  with the so very important lifesaving information... Please Join The Gulf Oil Disaster News and Communication Network... Please Donate To The Social/News Network To Keep It Up And Running... Please contact us and Purchase/Donate an Ad Spot In The Florida Book So We... Together... can Inform, Educate and Save Lives...
We at the Florida webcasting Networks have been offering Free Content to the World for Years with the help of the Florida Businesses Advertising... and we have never asked for anything in return accept for you all to enjoy the Live Events, Live Radio Shows, The Global Music and so much more.... Please Excuse me for this plea... But We Need Your Help and we need it now.... Time Is Of The Essence... Lives Depend On Your Desire To Help... Please Help Us To Help Florida and the Gulf Coast and Atlantic States... If you all are like most people and are asking yourself What Can I Do To Help?" ... Here Is your Answer...
Please Go To and Join and donate to the oil network.... Please contact Christopher Uhland, Ceo, Owner and Visionary... The Florida Webcasting Network at : or Call: 305-451-2473... Purchase a Sponsor Ad In The Book or just Flat out give from your heart to help us help all being effected by One of the Biggest Economic, Environmental & Health Disasters In Human History.... Thank You and Many Blessings...
Christopher "Starman, The FYI Guy, The DigiDude" Uhland
Comment by Mark J. Herrick on April 28, 2010 at 5:36pm
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Comment by GARY "BIG G" GILLARD on April 16, 2010 at 6:46pm
Comment by Mike Balitao on April 8, 2010 at 12:24pm
Maybe its the environment that cause the kid to bully and maybe the parents are involved that why they kids are bully because their parents were once a bully them selves
Comment by Carin Garcia on April 7, 2010 at 10:09am
Please visit and let this writer know what you feel about his writings. Namaste Carin
Comment by Carin Garcia on April 7, 2010 at 10:07am
Moving words, Beautiful showing of your heart Manny. Thank you
Comment by Carin Garcia on April 7, 2010 at 7:37am
I believe that a bully is formed mostly from their surroundings, ie parents, caregivers,ministers,older siblings. Sometimes from their peers or for some reason they are mean spirited on their own.
Comment by jb on April 7, 2010 at 5:19am

Carlos Santana com Sarah McLachlan numa apresentação ímpar da canção Angel. Retirado do Álbum Supernatural Live de 2000, vencedor de 9 Grammys incluindo álbum do ano e atingiu o status de Diamante com mais de 21 milhões de cópias vendidas no mundo.

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