Architects of a New Dawn

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Please share the experiences that you have about the meditation. It's the place to share this information. You are very welcomed, thank you!

Members: 146
Latest Activity: Dec 24, 2021

Thank you for all your ideas and sharing the benefits that you've gained with it.
Feel free to explain whatever you feel about it. I'm truly grateful for even just finding you here.
*****Start a discussion about the subject you'd be interested in. There are so many ways for practicing and I'd really love you to share them with all of us.
*****Love and harmony for you. Feel blessed by your life and embraced with the love.

Discussion Forum

Do Nothing for Two Minutes 1 Reply

Started by LubovArt. Last reply by Steve H Mar 6, 2012.

Hard lesson - combining Ho'oponopono with Meditation 8 Replies

Started by Ron Alexander. Last reply by Ron Alexander Feb 8, 2010.

Winter feast for the Soul invitation

Started by William L. Kimmel Jr. Jan 14, 2010.

Encouragement to practice meditation daily 9 Replies

Started by William L. Kimmel Jr.. Last reply by William L. Kimmel Jr. Jan 3, 2010.

Morning Meditation "Just for Today" 9 Replies

Started by LubovArt. Last reply by Silja Saareoks-Kaldre Oct 21, 2009.

Mantra meditation 3 Replies

Started by Jesse Andrews. Last reply by William L. Kimmel Jr. Oct 16, 2009.


Started by Jesse Andrews Oct 9, 2009.

Ten Days of Silence for Peace of Mind 9 Replies

Started by Ron Alexander. Last reply by Ron Alexander Sep 23, 2009.

Planetary Healing Meditation 6 Replies

Started by Linda Lawson. Last reply by Linda Lawson Sep 20, 2009.

Deep breathing~mechanism~pavlov method 2 Replies

Started by Jesse Andrews. Last reply by Jesse Andrews Sep 17, 2009.

Comment Wall


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Comment by narciso favores escala on July 13, 2009 at 10:43am
Hi friend Silja...
How are you now.. Hope you are fine.. God bless you. I am doing good in Meditation.. it clears up my inner soul and removed my negative thinking. Am I doing right? Best regards to you friend and take care always.
Comment by Silja Saareoks-Kaldre on July 7, 2009 at 2:24pm
There is one good exercise I wanted to share. Actually it is not exactly the meditation, but it's really powerful. I learned it from one Da Cheng Chuan book and I've found it really helpful.
First to take a stance, legs as wide as the shouders and arms just down. Then to stay in this position for about five minutes ( it can be less or more also), until the energy starts moving so strong that you feel it. After some time the arms may raise just because of the energy flow through the body. It is great to imagine and feel sending the energy to the Earth as the roots and upon the head as the energy channel. This exercise is very useful when having the headache, too much tension or pain in the muscles and many other problems. Fresh air and deep breathing does also help to get more benefit out of it.
Good thing is that it is so easy and it really works!
Comment by Silja Saareoks-Kaldre on July 4, 2009 at 9:08am
This day, one day...? Today *** The way, that's what we say
We're more than just the day+--+*'*+-,_.+*``´´*Eternal in today
Comment by Silja Saareoks-Kaldre on June 29, 2009 at 2:42pm
Comment by Silja Saareoks-Kaldre on June 25, 2009 at 12:45pm
Thank you Candice, these words are warming the heart!
Comment by Candice Wilmore on June 25, 2009 at 10:23am
I really liked this reminder from my teacher, Prem Rawat at recent event near L.A.:

“One billion beliefs don’t hold a candle to one ‘know. What I want for all of you in your life is to know.”

Never straying far from his original and time-tested theme, he urged attendees to “take care of the essential in your existence. Build your tower on reality, and it will never fall down. What is your basic building block? In your worst moments do you remember the coming and going of your breath? If not, your house will fall.

“When you experience peace, that is the triumph of a human being,” he said, adding, with a big grin, “Pretty deep, hm?"
Comment by Silja Saareoks-Kaldre on June 20, 2009 at 9:08am
She is just more than the example of true dedication and humanity - she did show with the whole life the true unconditional love. Thank you.
Comment by Elisabetta Errani Emaldi on June 20, 2009 at 6:38am

Comment by Silja Saareoks-Kaldre on June 20, 2009 at 5:04am
In my opinion it is great to see the whole life and see the meditation as the normal part of it. By the practice the inner feeling gets so much stronger anyway and it tells the when or what needs to be done. But yes, the longer period has the awesome effect. Quite often it takes the whole day as I just feel the need for it. But the benefit is for all the aspects of the life, so for me this time is used for the best.
Comment by Ron Alexander on June 19, 2009 at 9:21pm
Ok, lets see if this will clear up logjam. My meditation practice includes pranayama, chanting, moving up the chakras and even mudras. Seeing Goenka video about Vipassana,he does not say anything negative about any method, he does say using the senses gets us closer to the submerged (subconscious) habitual thoughts that determine our physical and mental reactions. Evidently, getting closer, helps us to get beyond them quicker. I am looking forward to my ten dayer of silence with Vipassana, but most likely I will be also using the tools I already have in addition to watching my senses. what do you think?

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